Tommy is terrible and people who like him are also terrible!

Tommy is terrible and people who like him are also terrible!
Why the hell is he the new leader? Jason got shafted big time.
Zordon and Alpha's descriptions here sound downright biblical.
It's not like Rocky deserved to take Jason's spot as leader.
#Exposing the bizAnd now to blatantly separate the White Ranger because he's from a different series.
Yo I don't remember that stop motion Puddy death being so FUCKING HORRIFYING
1 and a half seasons I think. So by mid Friday.How long until Mighty Morphin ends?
Tommy's never had a partner before?? He's had a team of 5 other fucking people fighting along side him
"I never had a partner before"
Tommy, you little shit
Tommy is terrible and people who like him are also terrible!
So that's, what, two new themes for Tommy in five minutes?