What happens then?
It doesn't feel great. I wish I hadn't looked up the backstory.I'm kinda fucking bummed out now.
"It gets better"
Save the best for last.kinda funny how popular the Tommy character was but he still gets last main billing
LOL"It's about time the girls ask the guys to the dance."
Fucking Rocky...
kinda funny how popular the Tommy character was but he still gets last main billing
How does Billy got more game than Adam? Billy's got a new girlfriend every few episodes lmao.
That blew my mind when I first found that out. Guess he tried to catch lightening in a bottle again and it really didn't work out. Haven't seen anything on Mystic Knights though, I'll have to look into it.
Me too.I feel angrier about it now than I ever did as a child lol
Fucking Adam kills the mood
That girl asking Billy out has to be half his age
Here's the theme to Mystic Knights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxCg26VZ0bQ
According to AJJ they made like 600 a week tops. Saban could've upped their salaries many times over without even putting a dent in the profit margins. It's almost unbelievable he dug his heels in here, given that this was well before they'd accepted revolving casts and aesthetics and they were clearly worried about public reception to the shake up.
Who would not ask Johnny Yong Bosch?
I'm pretty sure she's the same girl scout from a few episodes ago.
Who would not ask Johnny Yong Bosch?
First Adam stole his color, now he's stealing Zack's girl!Oh shit I know what happens. THE FORGOTTEN QUEEN RETURNS FOR THE LAST TIME!