I think it's stress.The actor who plays Billy (David Yost) is seriously aging faster than the rest of them though. He looks late 20's at this point.
I think it's stress.The actor who plays Billy (David Yost) is seriously aging faster than the rest of them though. He looks late 20's at this point.
He's actually the oldest cast member.
Jason was the youngest.
I've watched a lot of PR and Sentai. Honestly never seen a Red savaged as hard as Rocky. Even TJ got to be a boss before they demoted him to Blue.
I've watched a lot of PR and Sentai. Honestly never seen a Red savaged as hard as Rocky. Even TJ got to be a boss before they demoted him to Blue.
Dude could never live up to Jason.
Probably why they made Tommy Red in Zeo.
Just like TJ never really could live up to Tommy. Which is why Andros became Red.
Bulk and Skull should have been given their own show.
But only by a couple of years. He did look like an older man.
I feel like 99% of these episodes couldve been resolved if zordon wasnt a dick and told them shit was hitting the fan before it happened. Like "hey rita shot some shit at your book dont go near it"
These puns though
Adam remembering they have weapons.
I don't think every line in season 1 was a pun was it?
Did they just give up
they had a baseball monster called babe ruthless in s1. i dont think anything is topping that, plus all those puns when they shit on bulk and skull
I'm stealing that
Dang, I wish I was able to see that episode.they had a baseball monster called babe ruthless in s1. i dont think anything is topping that, plus all those puns when they shit on bulk and skull
Dang, I wish I was able to see that episode.
Dang, I wish I was able to see that episode.
What happened? Was this one episode split into two?
Where did that magician guy come from? He looks like he was cut out of a different show.