Twitch launches Power Rangers Marathon starting Tuesday

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What is going on??

Haim Saban is still in charge so no, not really.

Maybe slightly better, but then you look at the shenanigans they pulled for
the Legendary War cameos in the Super MegaForce finale.

"We ran out of money" aight sure, suuuuure.


I guess it might be best to leave it to dreams then

Twitch chat is calling TJ Usain Bolt now.

He is world class

Yup. Potential SAG strike + Turbo movie bombing killed those plans.

I don't know how they expected Turbo movie to not bomb. The first movie's promotion + story wasn't focused to be integral to the show, but kept the necessary quest for any fan to pick up on.

A movie on Time Force would have been waaaaaay better, if marketed properly, and done as a stand alone. Maybe had Disney made it on one of their shows it might have had a better shot too.


that TJ car segment has to be one of my favorite moments from power rangers. Just so silly and hilarious. The US footage is even zanier than the japanese stuff


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I genuinely enjoy Wild Force and I can't tell you a single thing about anything that happens in it beyond "the fights are good".

I cant recall a single one of them.

I swear I remember watching wild force and the only thing I remember from it was forever red.

one of the worse reds, marik and his pool cue weapon(which was dope as shit) and cole beating the formerly invincible serpentera with a damn bike
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