Professor Beef
Maybe, but they're harmless. The Rangers delight in their misery an awful lot to be considered heroes.
Bullies gotta know their place.
Maybe, but they're harmless. The Rangers delight in their misery an awful lot to be considered heroes.
How many episodes until Season 2?
You'd think the world's governments would've done something about that castle in the moon that keeps waging war and terrorism on US soil.
This is what happens when you take out the zord at half power.
Lol, post a pic. I'm interested now.
quick sketch in Storyboard Pro. This is what happens when I procrastinate.
Does Bryan Cranston voice the pig too?
quick sketch in Storyboard Pro. This is what happens when I procrastinate.
I think his other villain is a lizard.
Billy and Trini need an episode sooner or later. Give em the spotlight!
Pshhh, who cares about them. Where the hell is Tommy?
How many episodes until Season 2?
Pshhh, who cares about them. Where the hell is Tommy?
Pshhh, who cares about them. Where the hell is Tommy?
brb bioPshhh, who cares about them. Where the hell is Tommy?
It's Scorpina again.
I think we've been seeing this particular Scorpina reaction shot for the past 10 hours haha.
It's the same fight scenes too lmao.
I think his other villain is a lizard.
Sabertoo Tiger! Never gets old lol
It's been 10 hours? Huh.
It's been 10 hours? Huh.
How long until we're out of Naruto filler arc? I don't remember season 1 being this long.
How long until we're out of Naruto filler arc? I don't remember season 1 being this long.
Season 1 is a total of 60 episodes.
i never noticed Rita's breast spikes before now.
Someone take Kimberly shopping, please.
You were too young to realize but your brain registered most of the episodes only once since they were the same cuts.Oh wow thats long.I feel like my memory skips from Tommy losing his powers to becoming the White Ranger and nothing else in between.
Oh wow thats long.I feel like my memory skips from Tommy losing his powers to becoming the White Ranger and nothing else in between.
Did I hear toxic goldfish? Please.
I thought it was "toxic goo fish."