Twitch is run by incels. That's why women do whatever they want on there while guys get banned for the pettiest shit.
Well, if you consider Mary Kish an incel /shrug
Ugh! You're missing the point dude, its not "one" petty clown vs another petty clown... It's a company that many people rely on for revenue, privacy and trust vs an individual, and YES! by simply dismissing this as "Fuck Ninja that ass clown! He's a shit head anyway" you are by default standing up for the opposing party, that's how this works...
Here, let me try to put this in a way that may help you see the bigger picture:
If Ninja tweeted some shit about you tomorrow, regardless how popular he is, regardless even if his name is considered a "brand" , chances are Ninja's negative lies/fabrications etc about you, wouldn't effect your life in any significant way... They wouldn't even hold water Since you're not affiliated with him and there is no proof that he's affiliated with you in any way.
Say you are one of the thousands of Twitch Streamers, you've been streaming for couple of years now, you have a decent, modest fan base and subscribers, not even close to Ninja's number of subs and viewers etc. but albeit, you like streaming, you go on Twitch, do your thing, your small community likes your content, you put in a lot of time, effort and energy in your streams and heck, it even makes you a decent amount of pocket change at the end of the month. This scenario I just described, is lot more common among Twitch streamers than you'd think, it may not be you literally, but there are many out there that can relate...
So now, lets say for whatever reason you have a small or a big falling out with Twitch, Not only they have the power to ban you unjustly, they apparently also have the ability to humiliate you and tarnish your reputation on the internet. A company you put your precious time and energy and trust in, and also rely on for some income, can not only be unfair to you, they can turn on you apparently in the most petty, childish, shitty way! See that ain't cool. and this type of Behavior by Twitch can effect thousands of gamer/streamers out there, whilst Ninja screaming at some random, anonymous kid playing fortnite, doesn't have as much pull or effect on the masses as you may think, and I wont buy the "he's a role model to kids and his bad behavior can have negative affect on thousands of 12 year olds who watch him etc" argument.
There's some...odd...sort of thinking in your piece, IMO.
Saying "Fuck some ass clown," does not default you to a side; things are not that black and white. You can still hate someone AND the company they are/were working for, for a multitude of different reasons. Sticking people to a black and white sort of thinking projects your interpretation of the situation and limits possibilities for others, and brings it to an "Us versus Them," mentality. That's not great for discussion.
Your analogy is also skewed; the random person that Ninja would shitpost about isn't relying on Ninja for income, and it very well COULD affect their job. Recently had a friend get pulled in HR because she got into a high profile debate on Facebook and there was some words said by certain individuals that got her company Facebook slammed with negative posts (She still kept her job, she knew once people took that step she'd get called in; manager was cool with it).
When it comes to someone's private property, as Twitch is property, there's not much in the way of justice. They're a business, and as long as they act within the law, they're fine. It may be a poor look, but there's no laws against poor looks.
It's also their playground, if you don't play by their rules, they can and will ban you. Private property is not a forum for free speech.
Also, Ninja doesn't need Twitch to have made it big. In fact, anyone who uses a major content streaming platform doesn't. It's incredibly easy to set up a streaming server and drop in something like JWPlayer and have people watch you stream outside their platform. Ninja also does not solely make his money of the subscriber content from Twitch, and with that could have 100% started his own website
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While I do believe you have more empathy than I do towards streamers and content creators, I don't believe that anyone should really be given sympathy for making a bad choice in what they do in their free time, even if they do pour a ton of effort into it for little gain. To me, that would say you're putting your energy towards the wrong things.
Fuck Ninja, and fuck Twitch, both are incredibly stupid. Ninja at least is making a smart move and distancing himself from a platform that's growing more of a negative image these days and is positioning himself to be more fluid in his broadcasting and other contracts.
From a business to business stand point, Twitch didn't do shit wrong and having Ninja act solemn about it is stupid. If you're winding down a channel in a broadcasting network, you're probably going to run more adds for other channels that are in your broadcasting network and point customers there.
Ninja should have tried to make an exit plan with Twitch and pay them to run adds for his other platform, or just have him pay to redirect to his new content, or a multitude of other things. He's prolly got lawyers and brand managers and such, it sounds like he needs to change his staff or get staff for his brand if he's falling off the truck that hard then pointing a finger at Twitch.