Where are dicks?

Where are dicks?
It's not a SEXual assault without at least one dick.
Women who have their tongues out are not that attractive. Dogs do that.dayum, she fine and stupid.
Sounds like this took place on the Mal'Ganis server ("MG"). That isn't an RP server.
But go off on how this is just some "triggered" bullshit or whatever flavor of the week it is this time. It's almost like you intentionally didn't read through the chat in the images before rushing over here to post because a woman dared to feel threatened in a game.
You also missed the part where Blizzard CS totally botched their response, then doubled down on it in further replies:
And the "apology" 8 hours later:
Incidentally, any roleplayer worth the smallest grain of salt knows that *anything* potentially unpleasant needs to be discussed out of character and agreed to with the other roleplayer beforehand, be it combat, sexual, or whatever of similar consequence unless you're part of a dedicated roleplay event or environment in which the rules have been agreed to by all involved parties in order to participate (for instance a fighting tournament, it's assumed that by participating the players agree to combat).
The bottom line is that if the one you're trying to RP with expresses the slightest discomfort in the topic of your roleplay, regardless of who, where, why, or how, you *back the F. off instantly* apologize, and if you really are into that, you go look for someone with common interests.
Women who have their tongues out are not that attractive. Dogs do that.
So a girl who dresses like a cheap skank for obvious attention is crying she got sexually assaulted in a game.
There have been some ridiculous responses in this thread, but this one absolutely takes the cake. What does what the offended party look like have any bearing on perceived in-game harassments experienced?
You can make the argument that she didn't handle this in a way that would have lead to a reasonable resolution for both parties (very easily in fact), but shoving this all on the way the player looks outside of the game is just. . .something else.
Did not think my comment would trigger anyone, but, here we are, I guess.
OP. Show more or GTFO.
Not sure which is worse: The guy thinking he can get a pass for his rape fantasy because "teehee, roleplay!", those handwaving it away because it was typed out playing into the "it happened on the internet so it's not real!", or the implications she somehow deserved it because of her pics.
Guess it's a three way tie.
Judging by the photos she has no problem posting online, I don’t think she legit cares when some dude gets all flaunty weird and gives her attention, this just seems like she picks and chooses when to be “offended” by someone. Did not think my comment would trigger anyone, but, here we are, I guess.
Sounds like this took place on the Mal'Ganis server ("MG"). That isn't an RP server.
But go off on how this is just some "triggered" bullshit or whatever flavor of the week it is this time. It's almost like you intentionally didn't read through the chat in the images before rushing over here to post because a woman dared to feel threatened in a game.
You also missed the part where Blizzard CS totally botched their response, then doubled down on it in further replies:
And the "apology" 8 hours later:
As autonomous humans, yes, we get to decide what combination of action and person makes us uncomfortable or offended. The people arguing that she should have let it go or she took it too far have far greater ground to stand on then someone who is arguing she doesn't even get that option based on a photo (and the "implied" - largely in your head - looseness of her character).
. . .and your comment would have to be unexpected for it to be triggering (which has fast become one of the most overused "outs" on the interweb).
sorry whatIf I'm going to roleplay as an orc, it's going to be a 40k ork.
Wotz dis littel knoif-ered 'umie think she's gunna do 'bout me an my boyz when we rolls up in da snazz-wagon to give 'er a good krumpin?
sorry what
I don't think supporting that kind of shitty behavior is pretending to be anything...
Or you, pretending to be some righteous force.
I don't think supporting that kind of shitty behavior is pretending to be anything.
I'm sorry, but there is no way this delirious crap qualifies as RP. Not even by a long shot. If the dude thought he was "roleplaying" boy I have some bad news for him.
Incidentally, any roleplayer worth the smallest grain of salt knows that *anything* potentially unpleasant needs to be discussed out of character and agreed to with the other roleplayer beforehand, be it combat, sexual, or whatever of similar consequence unless you're part of a dedicated roleplay event or environment in which the rules have been agreed to by all involved parties in order to participate (for instance a fighting tournament, it's assumed that by participating the players agree to combat).
The bottom line is that if the one you're trying to RP with expresses the slightest discomfort in the topic of your roleplay, regardless of who, where, why, or how, you *back the F. off instantly* apologize, and if you really are into that, you go look for someone with common interests.
This is how roleplay works in any freeform RP environment and has worked like this since before MMORPGs had graphics and they were called MUDs, and even earlier. And I can guarantee without a shred of a doubt that this would have exactly the same consequences in any MMORPG today as it would have 20 years ago. Hell, Final Fantasy XIV's recent rules pretty much give the GM's discretionary power to suspend players that simply hurt other players' feelings, and I can guarantee the game's thriving. It shouldn't be hard not to be an ass.
sorry what
dayum, she fine and stupid
Literally not at all what the issue is about.How dare customer support have a queue?!! On Christmas day no less?!! The horror![]()
blizzard jump me ahead of the queue for my sake Pls.
Not sure what your problem is either. How is this person being harassed and threatened out of the blue in a video game showing that they are a "fucking idiot?"This is the MMO CS diplomatic way of saying:
“Too bad, so sad. We’re printing out your ticket and posting it on the wall so we can always laugh at you for being such a fucking idiot before we send you a canned response to shut you up.”
If I play Dungeons & Dragons I have to get another players consent before I betray them? This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
The dude went kind of nuts towards the end, but the chick got super triggered by an obvious role play comment, and she made everything 100 times worse.
Literally not at all what the issue is about.
The issue is that they could have said literally any other canned response and it'd have been miles better than how that person handled the situation. Something like "We're working as fast as possible and hope to get to your ticket as soon as we can" would have been miles better.
Not sure what your problem is either. How is this person being harassed and threatened out of the blue in a video game showing that they are a "fucking idiot?"
The difference between the two is that one is a hypothesis she's making (a guy jerking off to her pics) which she doesn't witness - so for all she knows it doesn't actually happen - and the latter is a direct interaction with a person who clearly disrespects her. An undisputed fact, if you will.I bet she doesn’t have a problem with guys dribbling their cocks over pictures she chooses to put up, but, she suddenly has a problem with a guy being stupid in a game, whether he knew what she looked like irl is irrelevant, I’m just saying that she posts pictures in which she obviously wants the attention of males, yet, gets her titties bent out of shape over a guy being a thirsty cunt in a game.
Yep, I both DM and play TTRPG games with my friends where we can get into some pretty dark shit, but that's between people who have been friends since highschool. If I'm playing with casual players I tone down the grim-dark since most people aren't into it.Betray them? No. But anything sexual or extremely violent could be another issue. This is why Session 0 should NEVER be skipped especially with new players so everyone knows what each person is comfortable with. Because yes, people are allowed to be uncomfortable with certain elements especially given it’s not like every player has shared their whole life story which might include an actual assault(s). And any DM worth a damn should make sure everyone is having a good time within reason and no one is being made miserable because people either didn’t check beforehand what everyone is cool with or someone isn’t respecting someone else’s boundaries.
I hear you! While I don't condone ANY type of violence/intimidation/bullying, I wonder why these stories are in the gaming section and not in the off-topic section. How is this gaming news?Why does anyone feel the need to make a story out of this and bring attention to attention seeking morons....
lolcows make the internet goWhy does anyone feel the need to make a story out of this and bring attention to attention seeking morons....
I can’t even follow the damn thing.Delete this thread. Reading that chat made me as dumb as a door for the rest of the afternoon. Lets save our remaining GAF users.
Betray them? No. But anything sexual or extremely violent could be another issue. This is why Session 0 should NEVER be skipped especially with new players so everyone knows what each person is comfortable with. Because yes, people are allowed to be uncomfortable with certain elements especially given it’s not like every player has shared their whole life story which might include an actual assault(s). And any DM worth a damn should make sure everyone is having a good time within reason and no one is being made miserable because people either didn’t check beforehand what everyone is cool with or someone isn’t respecting someone else’s boundaries.
So if I want my character to be extremely twisted I have to get permission from other players before telling the GM, "I flay my teammate and wear his face like a mask." That's stupid. I'm a grown man, and if someone can't handle that obvious in-game rhetoric then they need to stop playing the game.