Ugg, I get so tired of this shit.. I mean, I guess its sorta sad that two people broke up.. but GET A FUCKING LIFE PEOPLE.
1) You dont know them.
2) Just because they play charachters that you like doesnt mean you will like them.
3) They are probably egotistical pricks that think you are below them.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE movies, but Star worship has allwas baffled me. I dont understand people who live vicariously through people they have never even met or know anything about. I mean at least Pitt and Annistron are attractive... the one that really baffles me is that Star Jones got married and people care. Wow, a stupid fat woman who cant keep her mouth shut about things she is to stupid to understand is getting her brains banged out, lets all care.
1) You dont know them.
2) Just because they play charachters that you like doesnt mean you will like them.
3) They are probably egotistical pricks that think you are below them.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE movies, but Star worship has allwas baffled me. I dont understand people who live vicariously through people they have never even met or know anything about. I mean at least Pitt and Annistron are attractive... the one that really baffles me is that Star Jones got married and people care. Wow, a stupid fat woman who cant keep her mouth shut about things she is to stupid to understand is getting her brains banged out, lets all care.