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Two awesome articles about Iraq in the latest Rolling Stone

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This first one is a round table discussion with generals, diplomats and Senators, oh my! They're discussing how Iraq has turned into a nightmare, almost no win situation. Fightin' Joe Biden has one of my favorite quotes in the article:
Biden: About six months ago, the president said to me, "Well, at least I make strong decisions, I lead." I said, "Mr. President, look behind you. Leaders have followers. No one's following. Nobody."

More Biden excellence:
Biden: I was in the Oval Office the other day, and the president asked me what I would do about resignations. I said, "Look, Mr. President, would I keep Rumsfeld? Absolutely not." And I turned to Vice President Cheney, who was there, and I said, "Mr. Vice President, I wouldn't keep you if it weren't constitutionally required." I turned back to the president and said, "Mr. President, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld are bright guys, really patriotic, but they've been dead wrong on every major piece of advice they've given you. That's why I'd get rid of them, Mr. President -- not just Abu Ghraib." They said nothing. Just sat like big old bullfrogs on a log and looked at me.

This man is rapidly becoming my hero! The way he owned Ashcroft at that hearing before the Judiciary committee was incredible, but the man don't stop there. I'd be proud to be a citizen of Deleware, but unfortunately I'm stuck in the Deep South.

Anyway, the second article is this little gem:


It's about how there is no real way to "cover" the war in Iraq as a journalist. Why? Because everyone in Iraq pretty much wants to shoot Westerners on sight now. Wonder why?
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