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Two bad companies, two great games! Red Star/Area 51 NEW TRAILERS.


insert blank space here
Those look awesome! I guess I'll go in on these with an open mind. Kinda makes you wonder if these companies said, "Hey... this might be the last game we make. Let's throw everything we have into it".


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Hemmdog said:
So they are great games because why? They have good trailers?

red star has proven itself with the demo. area 51 has proven itself by not being an fmv light gun shooter.


Area-51 looks awsome loved both movies and i'm now more interested in Red Star (got a thing for Russia for some reason) both look great and i hope Area-51 delivers.

Funky Papa

Yeah, they are great. It was about time they realiced that they need good games to keep the boat afloat. They have hired a lot of talent for Area 51 and it shows (Chris Vrenna, Stan Winston Studios, Marilyn Manson, Duchovny... quite a celebrity show)

Looking forward for The Suffering 2.


What the fuck is up with Midway?

I picked up "Psi-Ops" and "The Suffering" and am actually enjoying the hell out of them.

It's good to see Midway kicking ass again Nintendo shouldn't have turned their backs on

them so quickly.


Cerebral Palsy said:
I'm still trying to figure out what looks so great about Red Star.

It's old-school beat 'em up combined with shooter-style bullet dodging in parts...Just so much stuff comes together to make a great product.
The Suffering was awesome. Wasn't into Psi-Ops once the psi stuff got old.

Area 51 honestly looks cool. I really like the setting and such. I just hope it's fun.
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