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u know you'e durnk and tired when

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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
you accidentlaly try to to eat a cclearasil pad, adn keep on chewing wondreing whats wrong witht he taste. it took me five minuets to make thist post.


Shit, I been inviting any ATL gaffers or OAFS I run into on the INTRAWEB to a drinking session with ol' Triumph for a while now(other than LyteEdge, I know that dude). So far all I've gotten are nervous "huh huh, sorry I live in the burbs" responses.

I can't wait until I'm of legal age to drink. One of the main reasons I don't drink too often is that all the parties I go to, they try and save a few bucks and buy completely ASS tasting beer. Plus, they never have the foresight to buy it earlier so they can make it COLD.

Warm, ass tasting beer is where it's at!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I'm 26 years old. I can live. I've officially given up all beers except Guinness and Newcastle Brown Ale.


I just read the first post again and it made me laugh just as hard as it did the first time.

I agree that this is the best drunken thread ever.
while watching house of the dead tonight (see uwe bolle thread).. i drank

-captain morgan + pepsi one (double)
-seagram's smooth red
-seagram's smooth citrus

so basically 4 drinks, which actually got me buzzed..., though now its worn off.. my tolerance is so low because i rarely if ever drink these days...

i am 23 and i feel like such a bitch.. just over a year ago i was still in college, living in my frat, and pounding so much fucking cheap beer i was probably half composed of oldstyle/highlife/natural lite/old milwaukee..

those were the days :(


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
LuckyBrand said:
while watching house of the dead tonight (see uwe bolle thread).. i drank

-captain morgan + pepsi one (double)
-seagram's smooth red
-seagram's smooth citrus

so basically 4 drinks, which actually got me buzzed..., though now its worn off.. my tolerance is so low because i rarely if ever drink these days...

i am 23 and i feel like such a bitch.. just over a year ago i was still in college, living in my frat, and pounding so much fucking cheap beer i was probably half composed of oldstyle/highlife/natural lite/old milwaukee..

those were the days :(
that woujld probbly get me buzzed. i'm not what yo could call a epernieced, drinker. hell, i only had half a cna of bear!


At leat ya'll live in a populated city. Savannah people love their booze, but it doesn't say much for running into anyone you'd know.
Hmmm, I'm not much of a drinker. After two drinks I get a slight buzz, after three I've got a nice one going and after four I can consider myself drunk. I never really binge drink. Probably the most I've ever had was a bottle of whiskey between three people. That also gave me the worst case of the spins ever. Though the fact that we drank the bottle in less than half an hour, smoked strong pot, and smoked the pot after drinking (generally never a good idea) probably contributed to most of that.

Personally, I don't like much beer besides Guinness. They all taste the same to me, even including a bottle of Chimay Rouge I bought a few days back (don't kill me), which tasted a lot like Stella Artois, another beer I dislike. So I guess my taste is creamy, low carbonated beer.

Any suggestions as to these types of beer or any other type that's very different from the usual kind? I've heard Murphy's Irish Stout and Boréale Noire were good from the last thread, but I'm interested in hearing more.
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