If today's media and telecommunications capabilities were around in the early 1940s, Normandy would have been considered the largest atrocity to occur during recorded time.
What happens when there's a war that just and noble, and beyond argument? Modern society has become so ridiculously against loss of life that it's obscene. These daily death counts are just feeding into it. I'm so sick of it. The worst part is that Americans will bitch and cry over one or two American deaths, but not bat an eye when 50 Iraqis die. Even the people who were supporting Bush and his actions in Afghanistan were going nuts over the small number of deaths occurring there. When does loss of life become justifiable? Today's society seems to think never, regardless of the situation.
I saw a blurb on CNN (I think) today talking about how the country was going to have to deal with a large number of disabled veterans after this Iraq business. Something like 7000. When the hell did 7000 people become a huge proportion of the American population? CNN was making it sound like they'd be some immense burden on society and everyone would have to deal with it.
If an army of millions was storming the west coast and was successfully defeated, Americans would bitch if only a handful of their soldiers died.
I don't even care if the war is right or wrong. I fear for when real action is absolutely necessary and half the country is too weak to consider any loss of life in exchange for a greater good to be justified.
The WWII generation was truly the greatest generation ever. They did what had to be done, and it was terrible and sad, but they accepted it and went on to continue doing what needed to be done. Now, regardless of the level of support, loss of life is some unacceptable mistake during times of war and violence. Christ, Americans have become so spoiled and selfish. Meanwhile they don't give a fuck about the atrocities committed in Africa on a daily basis. But if one young man from Anytown, USA dies, whoa there, that's going too fucking far.
Sorry for the rant. Some of the things this country does really piss me the fuck off.