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Ubisoft officially confirms Beyond Good and Evil Game in development

What about Wild? Is that on hold until BG&e2 releases?

Same guy, different studio. Ancel's indie studio, Wild Sheep, is developing it and Sony's publishing.

someone should REALLY ask what platforms will this appear on.

if they say "we can't disclose that" or ignore the question, it's guaranteed to be related to NX

if they say "oh sure, here's the info: PS4 and X1, did people think about anything else?" then that's that

Ubisoft are desperate for any good will they can get, I highly doubt they'll pull a Rise of the Tomb Raider.

That said, am I the only one who's pissed at Ubisoft over this? After all the years of teases and that fucking CG trailer, it took the threat of Vivendi buying them out to finally make them go "it's happening, guys!" Fuck that. It's been 13 years since the original came out, I'll care when it's in my hands, not while it's still in pre-production.


After so many years of waiting, watching Ubisoft's tedious E3 conferences every year hoping their "just one more thing" would be this game, I've actually gone numb.

I actually bought BG&E when it came out, so a full thirteen years ago. BGE&2's announcement was eight years ago. And since it disappeared without a trace, we've had countless tidbits, quotes and snippets come along saying the project is still alive, it's ongoing, there'll be more soon.

And now, after all the waiting and being led on, the Instagram image gets leaked. I got really hyped, man, I was buzzing. And now we get the concrete message that "it's really here! It's really coming" And then the words... In pre-production.


I can't do it, guys. All this time just to be told that it's only just getting started? Which means it was probably quietly cancelled years ago and all those quotes were probably lies told by people who couldn't or didn't want to admit it.

I want this to come out. I really, really do. But I can't quite bring myself to believe it.

I was fifteen when BG&E came out, thirteen years ago, which means should I ever get to play the sequel, my age will have more than doubled since that time.


But hey this is still an improvement over the status of the other sequel I've been waiting thirteen years for, to F-Zero GX :(


Did they just announce this via a Facebook-group?


This would be understandable if they game will have the budget of, I dunno, Grow Home/Up series. If that's not the case they may be starting (again) from scratch and it's gonna be a while before they have something solid to show.


Vivendi will surely cancel this when they take over the company

I wonder if the looming vivendi threat had anything to do with greenlighting this. Realizing that if that happens, unless the game is already far along it would never happen. Also, it would create very bad press for them if they cancel the game quickly after taking over. A final fuck you from ubisoft?


Basically what's left now is Valve confirming HL3 and Blizzard resurrecting Starcraft Ghost.
Why didn't they wait for PSX or NX reveal for a megaton announcement?

It's not like this is some remaster or low tier game like Senran Kagura or Danganronpa collection.

It'll be a megaton when they bring it to E3 in 2018 with in-game footage. For now they're just confirming that the game is in development. Hopefully moreso than it has been over the last 8 (?) years since they had that CGI trailer of Jade & Pey'j at E3.


As far as I'm concerned, that game will remain vaporware until Ubisoft announces 22 different Limited Editions and pre-order bonuses for it. THEN we will know that shit's real.
Ubisoft are desperate for any good will they can get, I highly doubt they'll pull a Rise of the Tomb Raider.

That said, am I the only one who's pissed at Ubisoft over this? After all the years of teases and that fucking CG trailer, it took the threat of Vivendi buying them out to finally make them go "it's happening, guys!" Fuck that. It's been 13 years since the original came out, I'll care when it's in my hands, not while it's still in pre-production.

Yeah, I'm annoyed that the 2008 teaser trailer was a lie and seemingly the game was never in any kind of serious development. Taking a few links from Wikipedia:

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6190987.html - "Report: Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on the way" 15/05/2008

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6191556.html - "Beyond Good & Evil returns" 28/05/2008

http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/877/877261p1.html - "Ubisoft announces Beyond Good & Evil follow-up" 28/05/2008

To go with these announcements there was this teaser trailer which was uploaded on 28/05/2008

http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=58434 - "'Beyond Good & Evil 2' already 1.5 years into development" 19/12/2008

Then there was this 'test footage' (I believe) which was uploaded on 09/05/2009 (almost a whole year later). Doesn't look much like BG&E, but certainly looks like a product in active development. I believe this was when Ancel said the game was too ambitious for current hardware (PS3/Xbox 360) so might have to wait for Gen 8 hardware.

https://www.gamezine.co.uk/beyond-good-evil-2-hold/ - "Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on hold" 24/08/2009

(Skipping ahead a bit) http://uk.ign.com/articles/2010/01/15/beyond-good-evil-2-still-in-development - "Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in development" 04/01/2010

http://www.polygon.com/2012/11/13/3...il-2-still-in-the-works-rayman-titles-slowing - "Ubisoft: Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in the works, Rayman titles slowing development" 13/11/2012

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...s-new-studio-but-remains-at-ubisoft-part-time - "Michael Ancel starts a new studio but remains at Ubisoft, who confirms that he's working on BG&E2" 31/07/2014

I won't write out everything, but you can see all the links here. There's 43 so far.

And a bonus one: Ubisoft saying we should buy Rayman Origins to help fund development of BG&E2

Honestly, the way they entire life of this game has been handled has been a complete clusterfuck and I won't believe it's real and happening until it's on store shelves.


Awesome. Never played the first game (have the HD version on PS+, though) but I know how much love people have for it, so I'm excited for this. I'm just going to assume and hope that it's going to be friendly to newcomers.


Seems unlikely at this point. Really doubt we'd be hearing about the game in the capacity we are if it was exclusive.

The only thing they basically said is "yes it's coming"; so I don't think that rules out anything.
We already have Dragon quests games and Just Dance announced for NX. So developers teasing us with their future products wouldn't be out of the question.


I'd consider Ancel saying it was in pre-production two days ago official, but whatever. Happy that it's finally happening.

The fact you have to reference the allusion as 'it' and not new Beyond Good and Evil game is enough of that distinction alone.


The only thing they basically said is "yes it's coming"; so I don't think that rules out anything.
We already have Dragon quests games and Just Dance announced for NX. So developers teasing us with their future products wouldn't be out of the question.

But not as exclusives. A exclusive is a big deal. Don't recall platinum announcing bayo 2 and then Nintendo announcing exclusivity. It's not very common in the industry to get a game announcement and then later on exclusivity.

Regardless I'll be able to play so doesn't matter where it ends up for me.


Gold Member
My cousin just got a job at Ubisoft and I asked her if there was anything they had coming up we didn't know and she laughed and told me she couldn't tell me anything which is what I figured, but I thought that was funny.
Another one?! I thought everyone hated the last sequel - Beyond 2: Souls

that wasn't the sequel, this is:

Been anticipating this for years but right now I don't give a shit until I see a substantial gameplay trailer and release date

They announced it in development last time too and that was 8 years ago


Yeah, I'm annoyed that the 2008 teaser trailer was a lie and seemingly the game was never in any kind of serious development. Taking a few links from Wikipedia:

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6190987.html - "Report: Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on the way" 15/05/2008

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6191556.html - "Beyond Good & Evil returns" 28/05/2008

http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/877/877261p1.html - "Ubisoft announces Beyond Good & Evil follow-up" 28/05/2008

To go with these announcements there was this teaser trailer which was uploaded on 28/05/2008

http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=58434 - "'Beyond Good & Evil 2' already 1.5 years into development" 19/12/2008

Then there was this 'test footage' (I believe) which was uploaded on 09/05/2009 (almost a whole year later). Doesn't look much like BG&E, but certainly looks like a product in active development. I believe this was when Ancel said the game was too ambitious for current hardware (PS3/Xbox 360) so might have to wait for Gen 8 hardware.

https://www.gamezine.co.uk/beyond-good-evil-2-hold/ - "Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on hold" 24/08/2009

(Skipping ahead a bit) http://uk.ign.com/articles/2010/01/15/beyond-good-evil-2-still-in-development - "Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in development" 04/01/2010

http://www.polygon.com/2012/11/13/3...il-2-still-in-the-works-rayman-titles-slowing - "Ubisoft: Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in the works, Rayman titles slowing development" 13/11/2012

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...s-new-studio-but-remains-at-ubisoft-part-time - "Michael Ancel starts a new studio but remains at Ubisoft, who confirms that he's working on BG&E2" 31/07/2014

I won't write out everything, but you can see all the links here. There's 43 so far.

And a bonus one: Ubisoft saying we should buy Rayman Origins to help fund development of BG&E2

Honestly, the way they entire life of this game has been handled has been a complete clusterfuck and I won't believe it's real and happening until it's on store shelves.

Perfect sumary, thanks.


Can't wait for the teaser trailer in 2020, a full trailer in 2021, and eventual delay for next gen consoles in 2024.


Yeah, I'm annoyed that the 2008 teaser trailer was a lie and seemingly the game was never in any kind of serious development. Taking a few links from Wikipedia:

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6190987.html - "Report: Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on the way" 15/05/2008

http://www.gamespot.com/news/6191556.html - "Beyond Good & Evil returns" 28/05/2008

http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/877/877261p1.html - "Ubisoft announces Beyond Good & Evil follow-up" 28/05/2008

To go with these announcements there was this teaser trailer which was uploaded on 28/05/2008

http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=58434 - "'Beyond Good & Evil 2' already 1.5 years into development" 19/12/2008

Then there was this 'test footage' (I believe) which was uploaded on 09/05/2009 (almost a whole year later). Doesn't look much like BG&E, but certainly looks like a product in active development. I believe this was when Ancel said the game was too ambitious for current hardware (PS3/Xbox 360) so might have to wait for Gen 8 hardware.

https://www.gamezine.co.uk/beyond-good-evil-2-hold/ - "Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on hold" 24/08/2009

(Skipping ahead a bit) http://uk.ign.com/articles/2010/01/15/beyond-good-evil-2-still-in-development - "Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in development" 04/01/2010

http://www.polygon.com/2012/11/13/3...il-2-still-in-the-works-rayman-titles-slowing - "Ubisoft: Beyond Good & Evil 2 still in the works, Rayman titles slowing development" 13/11/2012

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...s-new-studio-but-remains-at-ubisoft-part-time - "Michael Ancel starts a new studio but remains at Ubisoft, who confirms that he's working on BG&E2" 31/07/2014

I won't write out everything, but you can see all the links here. There's 43 so far.

And a bonus one: Ubisoft saying we should buy Rayman Origins to help fund development of BG&E2

Honestly, the way they entire life of this game has been handled has been a complete clusterfuck and I won't believe it's real and happening until it's on store shelves.
To be honest, I'm not convinced this is in serious development either.

Ubisoft invites games journalists over to their headquarters to talk about how they shouldn't be bought by Vivendi. GameSpot suggests that if they want to convince gamers they're actually a company about originality, they should show games like Beyong Good & Evil 2. Ubisoft's CEO makes a statement that sounds like he thinks it's a good idea, but that it would be a long time before anything like that could come out.

Seven days later, Ubisoft releases a piece of concept art, and then another a few days after that, and then a few more days later confirms the game as being in preproduction.

This all strikes me as a stunt to try and garner good will during the acquisition bid. I wouldn't be surprised if that concept art didn't exist 12 days ago, and would be surprised if we saw anything beyond meaningless teasers for years, assuming they even go through with the game.

Surely if it's been getting worked on for so long, they could have shown more than this.


Thar's some weird way to reveal the game, like Facebook post? Really?

Capcom revealed RE2 Remake the same way. It's a brave new world. On one hand games are revealed at E3 6 months before release. On the other, on social media before production has even begun.
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