Not gonna lie, Stephen A. Smith is the only real person out here asking Conor actual questions instead of pandering towards him.
Best interview so far, and the one where you can really see Conor being put in an uncomfortable place being asked hard questions that so many avoid asking him directly.
ooorrrrr........ not cocky enough...?McGregor is taking this fight very seriously and his training has obviously gone up a notch.
I think it will be a draw or McGregor win.
I believe McGregor has been too cocky with a superiority complex and that is the reason for his losses.
Ok watched the damn thing, conor talks EXACTLY like his 2018 version against khabib but a bit less aggressive and far more cringe, now i really want dustin to fuck up this dude...
For realAm I hearing things or did Conor play up his accent during the presser?
Its weak as hell. Its just not he same anymore. Its like he is trying to convince himself to be the old Conor but just can't do it. Like his heart isn't in it. I dont think it will matter at all in the end. But he's clearly not having fun doing that anymore like he used to.
It would be an incredible humbling if Dustin can do it again. Dustin is legit. But I do think Conor is overall a better more dangerous fighter. Especially for couple of rounds. It wont be as easy for Dustin if Conor is really mixing it up, rather than just pure boxing. Conor will obviously go back to the kicks.
Cowboy's so old his dick don't work anymore. How they expect him to throw them leg kicks aroundThen they felt justified when he beat Cowboy.
If Conor doesnt check those leg kicks, game over again.
I don't think that bilionaire conor want to risk a destroyed leg like weidman\silva, he has powerfull leg kick but one good check from dustin and the risk is there, even if it's pretty rare, the fact that it happened recently can instill fear in a guy that probably doens't have the fighter heart\dog in him anymore.Not necessarily. He can just kick the Dustins calf back. Make it a calf kick war, thus neutralising that advantage. He can also employ more conventional kicks to keep Dustin at range. The thing is Conor is a better kicker than Dustin. Stronger and better technique. So he could do the whole calf kick war, but that might not be what he wants to do.
Due to Conors extremely wide stance, and fighting another south paw, its very very difficult to check calf kicks properly. Even when you do check the kicks the other guy catches the flesh and not the bone, because you can't turn the leg outside enough to present the bone. So i dont think checking kicks is going to be the main way he goes about trying to stop that.
I don't think that bilionaire conor want to risk a destroyed leg like weidman\silva, he has powerfull leg kick but one good check from dustin and the risk is there, even if it's pretty rare, the fact that it happened recently can instill fear in a guy that probably doens't have the fighter heart\dog in him anymore.
I know it sound like reaching, but if i was a bilionaire, i would never risk a leg amputation, even in the fight game (weidman was very close to that).
I think that is the main reason why every fucking fighter in the roster doens't use calf\leg kicks even if you can literally win a fight with them, when they get checked it hurts like a motherfucker\risk of breaking a leg.
(but maybe i'm talking out of my ass and conor is gonna win by leg kicks, who knows)
Team affliction. Can't be mma without roided out rednecks wearing affliction shirts that talk like they have been screaming their entire livesAww shit boys get your smallest-fitting Tapout shirts on, it's almost time!
Also, whilst I appreciated the novelty of Hall’s approach, I can completely understand why many wouldn’t enjoy the repetitive and rather sloppy attempts to wrap up Topuria — he saw them from a mile away and was countering perfectly."the unschooled masses of mouthbreathers around us"
-Joe Rogan talking about fans booing
Like yeah they're assholes but they're some of the few people actually still paying for this shit product. Might not want to insult them on one of the biggest cards of the year. Especially considering the mouthbreathers that are on the "analyst" team (Bisping, DC, and Rogan). Very unprofessional as usual.
ooorrrrr........ not cocky enough...?
dam just a minute left maybe they should've let him finish
Props to him.lol this green hair guy is taking shots
I think they said the count was at 200(?)Nah that boy needs to go straight to the hospital. Took like 150+ punches to the face. What a fuckin clinic.
Fucking Herb Dean, why the hell did you stop Kris from fighting and finishing the match?!
How so?O Malley looked so exposed despite getting the win. Good
O Malley looked so exposed despite getting the win. Good