DarienA said:Wow it's an iPod from HP... and it's the same price... well thanks alot for stepping out there HP....
God's Hand said:Climb up a tree and die, please. HP selling the iPod is huge news, and is something Apple sorely needed. HP can put the iPod in more stores than Apple could ever dream of. This is good for Apple, good for HP, and good for consumers.
Coen said:I always wondered why Apple products aren't available in normal PC shops.
StrikerObi said:Never been to CompUSA?
DaCocoBrova said:Anyone else find double (or in this case triple) branded products pointless?
God's Hand said:Climb up a tree and die, please. HP selling the iPod is huge news, and is something Apple sorely needed. HP can put the iPod in more stores than Apple could ever dream of. This is good for Apple, good for HP, and good for consumers.
DaCocoBrova said:Anyone else find double (or in this case triple) branded products pointless?
DarienA said:When it's good for a price drop you can get back to me... until then you can kiss my ass for that climb up a tree and die comment.
DarienA said:Faceless.. I'm confused about your PSX photo posting... what other company is on the PSX?
Ill Saint said:Those are just supported technologies.