You Ban the double deckers, you ban hunting, whats next? Banning Fish and chips??? Damn wussies!
ONDON, Sept. 15 After a day of rowdy demonstrations that saw five protesters storm the chamber at the House of Commons, legislators voted today to outlaw the centuries-old sport of fox hunting with hounds.
The vote, 356 to 166, followed an emotional debate between supporters of the ban, who called fox hunting barbaric, elitist and hopelessly outmoded, and opponents, who accused the government of intruding on people's civil liberties and trampling on their rural way of life.
Supporters said they would force the bill through the House of Lords, which has fiercely opposed any attempt at curbing fox hunting, by invoking a rarely-used law called the 1949 Parliament Act. The act allows for bills to become law in the event of a deadlock.
"Fox hunting is unacceptable in 21st-century modern Britain," said a Labor Party Commons member, Claire Ward. "What they are doing is wrong, and we need to stand against it."