AeroGod said:
No im not joking. Its the truth, dont believe me then read some news once in awhile instead of just bitching because your precious animals are being hunted. Jesus H Christ., some of you people are just...
Open your eyes to reality. Over population of animals is FACT, honest to God, and regulated hunting is the one of the primary controlers of this. I honestly dont know how I could word it better to get it through your thick head.
Why don't you shut the fuck up before you start calling me thick headed. For one your arguing two different things here. You talking about killing deer while this is about foxes over in the UK. If you knew anything about deer you'd know the out of control population problem with deer has to do with the fact that all of the predators of the deer were killed off by humans. So now people LIKE ME (hey I hunt so you can shove you peace loving animal crap up your ass) have to go out and keep the population down because we fucked with nature and now we have to fix the problem.
And as a hunter that knows what people do here's a secret....PEOPLE DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES AND REGULATION TO A TEE. People just kill off shit that they aren't suppose to and they kill more than they are regulated to. And to top that off most people don't get the required licenses or whatever they need because if they are breaking the law they don't give a shit about buying that.
Your Bush and jobs bit was mainly what I was talking about so thanks for overacting to somebody who doesn't kiss your ass. Bush is doing a fucked up job with the economy in general and with everything else basically so don't try to defend his ass saying that he isn't the reason why people are losing jobs but rather nutcase animal rights people. So I'll repeat I really don't see why you brought that into this as it meant nothing and I really do doubt that the hunting industry brings in billions of dollars. If it does then I underestimated it as I don't think its that large. You basically just have it all falling under the gun industry with little else making up the hunting industry. And just because something makes money doesn't mean its something that we should keep around (which I guess you were implying since you said it). The child porn industry probably makes as much as or more than the hunting industry but we shouldn't keep that around just because it will pad Bush's "look at all the people who didn't lose their job" stats.
"Animlas arnt like humans. THey keep fucking and fucking untill their popualtion is overloaded"
This is wrong as well. Just look at places like China and India their populations are more overloaded than any animal. Hell they pay people NOT to have children in China.
And this argument about animals fucking until their population is overloaded is only true with prey (like deer) not with foxes that are predators. Predators have much smaller populations because they are dictated by the population of the animal/animals that they eat.
And I never once said that I was against hunting of animals (because I'm not) so you should stop going nuts over people that have a different opinion of yours. Just because somebody doesn't agree doesn't make them some animal loving freak. If anything this fox hunting in the UK is mostly done by a bunch of rich sissies that just do it to look big and tough. They don't hunt for food or for animal control so comparing them to hunters is a joke and an insult to anybody that really hunts.