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UK GAF'ers - Big Brother 5! :O

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Holy crap, it's all kicking off!

Marco was dancing around near Jason exclaiming how fantastic tonight was. Jason lost his rag and purposely pushed over a table, he then threatened Marco and Emma defended him, Victor then threw a glass of wine in Emma's face. The he pushed both Emma and Nadia in a physical fight!

Channel 4 have cut the live feeds and a crisis meeting is being held!



Victor has been called to the diary room. All other housemates have been ordered to report to the bedroom and lock all doors and windows with immediate effect. :O

Victor = gone?


Unconfirmed Member
Best f'ing BB ever :D

(Not that thats hard, but this show has been all drama :p)



Freeburn said:
Best f'ing BB ever :D

(Not that thats hard, but this show has been all drama :p)


I think there's been more in this Big Brother than the previous four put together!


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, this is what happens when you get psychologists to carefully match the contestants for max drama, stick 6 Alpha males together (and a few alpha females :p) and then watch the fur fly.

Tell me honestly you didn't see this coming.

You can't can you? :p



Haha, I didn't expect it to kick off like this! o_O

Apparently Live coverage will be back soon! No doubt they'll all be lying dead after some kind of Battle Royale!


Junior Member
I think Big Brother finally revealed himself, and started smacking those naughty children's behinds.

I still don't get how you apparently seem to have access to so much British T.V. when you don't even live in the UK Suerte. ;o


BB knew Emma was going to kick with Victor and get all in his grill.
BB better throw another twist because every knows (and its bait) that Victor and Jason are going to be nominated. :(


From a post on digitalspy's forum

"Jason lifting his hand to Nadia, threatening Emma and telling her he will carry out the threats, telling her he will take her f*cking head off, Victor throwing drinks around Emma, Victor screaming 'do you know who I am over and over' Victor throwing Nadia across the room, and threatening Marco! Wow."


And Huh Hamfan? I do live in the UK!


Calibur said:
BB knew Emma was going to kick with Victor and get all in his grill.
BB better throw another twist because every knows (and its bait) that Victor and Jason are going to be nominated.

They're both in the diary room now and you think they'll be allowed back in after threating to kill people and pushing girls about?!


Suerte said:
Haha, I didn't expect it to kick off like this! o_O

Apparently Live coverage will be back soon! No doubt they'll all be lying dead after some kind of Battle Royale!

What is with the hosepipe and security camera shots?
It’s fucking irritating Channel 4 needs to grow some balls and show us some live footage, instead of fobbing us off with this shit!

Oh look its now a pair of oven gloves…


Dekajelly said:
What is with the hosepipe and security camera shots?
It’s fucking irritating Channel 4 needs to grow some balls and show us some live footage, instead of fobbing us off with this shit!

Oh look its now a pair of oven gloves…

The feeds have been cut and apparently the producers have entered the house for some serious damage control.

Victor could be arrested.


I concur - BB5 is kicking 7 shades of a$$. I'm an addict - pretty much everyone has had a conflict with someone else... awesome.

Evil Big Brother rocks.



Freeburn said:
Cool, ever drank in 'Nice & Sleazy's'? (If it's still there that is)


Every Friday actually! :D Great place, I love how they sell kinder eggs too, nothing like taking 15 mins to do a kinder egg puzzle while wasted!


Extreme violence, racism, and Shell looking dangerously ill!

The BB producers are in the house right now, trying to calm everyone down and so they can more accurately assess Shell's condition.

Shell's goibng to be OK, but they've taken her out of the house for now, just to be on the safe side.

Victor's out.

The other contestants are staying, but they're all under supervision right now. Who knows if anyone else is going to be thrown out, or if anyone's going to walk. Both Vannessa and Jay are threatening it.

Producers still in there.


Unconfirmed Member
They ended the show 10 minutes early, they didn't even show credits, they just showed an Endemol logo and cut it. (Was still looped feed anyhow)

Drama... :)



I wonder who will still be there in the morning!

I didn't think it seemed that bad, some of them were laughing after it!


Suerte said:
They're both in the diary room now and you think they'll be allowed back in after threating to kill people and pushing girls about?!

Marco & Nadia Broke the dinner table Jason said that they should clean it up, Marco said to Jason "I'll clean it up when i'm good and ready" then it kicked off between Marco & Nadia v Jason.

Victor tried to calm Jason down then Emma started to get in Victor's grill as she said she will in the Bedsit.

Finally Shell started to get panic attacks and started crying.

If Victor goes Emma should go to.


Suerte said:
or if anyone's going to walk. Both Vannessa and Jay are threatening it.

So Victor has been given the push then? I think I'll go and set Sky Plus to record tonight's highlights so I don't forget. :D


Unconfirmed Member
Heh, photos of the action coming out at last :)




This fight wasn't enough to get the security guards rushing into the house, a later incident, not reported on however did.

Emma hasn't returned to the house, apparently she was put back into the bedsit (whether at her own request or not currently is unknown.

At some point when locked in the bedrooms there was a yet another fight (Fight 3?), Between Nadia & Vanessa o_O

Vanessa, Jason, Shell, Nadia and Marco have all claimed at some point this morning that "They'll walk".

And we haven't even had a single public eviction yet.




Unconfirmed Member
I don't think the papers would have all the facts at print time and are basing that on her non-reappearance when the others came back, it's now been confirmed on the official BB site that Emma is in the bedsit.

I wondered what was going on. I was half asleep watching tv turned it on and I heard people screaming at eachother. So i turned it off again


Calibur said:
BB's to blame with Victor gone the shows going to slide down hill and become a fairyland.:(

Nah, it would be dead boring if it was just Victor, Jason, Vanessa and Dan as well. They all take themselves too seriously.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like there might not be any evictions over this, although whether someone will walk out is another matter :D

From the BBC News:

A spokeswoman for Channel 4 denied reports that Emma had been expelled from the house following the fight, and confirmed that there were no plans to evict any of the other housemates involved.

"Each of the housemates will be called in to the Diary Room today to talk to Big Brother," she said.

"At the end of the day, it is the health and welfare of the housemates that we are concerned about - the game show element is secondary.

"We want to talk to them individually and see how they are all feeling today. Then we will take a view on what to do next."

Coolio, means better TV to come :)



Unconfirmed Member
Just got sent a video of the whole affair, BB5 might have some trouble over this.

At one point Victor says to Emma "I'll spit in yer face" (Visual is cut) then 3 seconds later you can actually hear him do it, Emma then goes ballistic (she was already hystrical, but this was the next level :p) shouting over & over "I'll fucking kill you" after this shes dragged by others to a bedroom, and not much later entered the bedsit, where she stayed the night due to being "too hysterical to re-enter the house"

Spitting in someones face is seen as a physical assault over here, If Emma walks and makes a complaint we could be seeing the old bill walk on set, now damn wouldn't THAT be Reality TV... :D

I'd like to say the 10pm show tonight will be interested, but it will likely be tame & edited (They already failed to show Victors warning to "returning housemates" from the Diary Room yesterday afternoon when he figured the bedsit out after viewing it from his rooftop protest.)



Why can't BB be this good in the US. :(

The most exciting thing that happens in our series is someone gets called a bitch. OH TEH NOz!

Tritroid said:
Why can't BB be this good in the US. :(

The most exciting thing that happens in our series is someone gets called a bitch. OH TEH NOz!


I watched Big Brother USA once and its fucking awful. Its too much like a gameshow


MrPing1000 said:
I watched Big Brother USA once and its fucking awful. Its too much like a gameshow
Yeah that's pretty much it. All they do is play like 3 games per episode, then fill in the rest of the time with revealing who has a sekrit crush on who.

I want fights! >: (
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