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UK GAF'ers - Big Brother 5! :O

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Borat said:
Nah, it would be dead boring if it was just Victor, Jason, Vanessa and Dan as well. They all take themselves too seriously.

I like drama more than mud wrestling (but seeing Michelle and Shell wrestle was a treat) and kiddy food fights.


being watched
SFA_AOK said:
Bah, I hate the way they're playing up as expected... Reality TV gets a new lease of life in the UK :(

Yeah I follwed the previous ones quite closely...but this one has gone over my head - felt contrived right from the start. 2 queers and a homophobic Islamic guy. Tension? What a surprise! :rolleyes

Although bonus points for putting Emma in a Police womans outfit. ;) At least Big Brother got one thing right even if she is a dirty chav slapper.

Victor is a tool - worst bigoted white writer couldn't come up with such a depressing stereotype of a black guy.


Yeah I follwed the previous ones quite closely...but this one has gone over my head - felt contrived right from the start. 2 queers and a homophobic Islamic guy. Tension? What a surprise! :rolleyes

Although bonus points for putting Emma in a Police womans outfit. ;) At least Big Brother got one thing right even if she is a dirty chav slapper.

I'll confess to each year saying "I'm not watching it!" and then for at least a few weeks getting sucked in but the whole evil gimmick this year just screamed desperation. "Contrived" is spot on. Saying all that, I'll probably watch tonight's episode... it's fucking hard work avoiding it all, the media's saturated with it all!

Oh and Emma? Where's the MSN sick smiley when you need it?! Michelle look like her face was drawn like one of the characters in Rainbow Islands:


She looks like the spider in the background...


being watched
SFA_AOK said:
She looks like the spider in the background...

Haha. Shame the two blondes are quite good looking and we've hardly seen anything of them. BB5 - Chav domination. Emma is quite funny, if you need an inditement of the woeful state of British education, she's it - scary thing I read in paper she's a secretary with a Law Firm - fuck me, would you want her dealing with your clients?

Rah! 10 days in a new sig! Thanks guys! :|


I watched BB3 here in the US, and I can't understand why I did. What a waste of time. :D As a result, I put off getting a job by like a couple months! Not like I needed one right away because it WAS summer afterall, but shit, it's better than watching Big Brother. My god, I should really be ashamed of myself. :|


:O at the video

Fucking hell, although you didn't see the fight (camera's cut to the garden) it sounded awful, plates smashing, people spiting and stuff :\

Good tv though! :D


After phone calls from worried viewers, the police have today confirmed that they will be investigating last nights brawl in the Big Brother house.

The near riot has led to Emma being moved to the bedsit area and BB producers have started to interview the housemates one-on-one before deciding what they will do next. The producers haven't ruled out expelling people from the house.

Hertfordshire Police said in a statement: "Following an number of calls from members of the public regarding an alleged incident in the Big Brother house last night Hertfordshire Constabulary can confirm it will be obtaining a video tape of the incident later today.

"Our officers are currently in liaison with members of the Big Brother production team to see whether further action needs to be taken."

Channel 4 said: "Obviously we will co-operate with the police and help with any inquiries."



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Suerte said:
:O at the video

Fucking hell, although you didn't see the fight (camera's cut to the garden) it sounded awful, plates smashing, people spiting and stuff :\

Good tv though! :D

Whats URL for video? Er...not that I'm really intrested in BB5 or anything. Cough.


Unconfirmed Member
Channel 4 have now made an official statement about last nights events:

"The welfare and safety of the housemates is always our overriding concern, and with that in mind, the production team decided to intervene last night at a point where they felt the confrontation between the housemates had reached an unacceptable level. Our on site security team diffused the confrontation and the housemates were calmed down and sent to bed.

"The Big Brother production team has been talking to all housemates individually over the course of today with a view to sorting out tensions in the house and are closely monitoring them. They will be encouraging the housemates to work through their issues as a group. If they do not feel this is feasible they will consider an alternative course of action to guarantee the welfare of the housemates. As always professional psychologists are monitoring the situation and are on hand if any of the housemates wish to speak to them.

"The local police have made enquiries about events in the house last night following a handful of calls from members of the public. At present they have given us no indication of any issues arising from last night's broadcast."


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You guys see it tonight? Fuck me! I don't side with anyone really, except those who are calm. The house was a fucking mess after the food fight, but as much as they want to pretend that was the cause of the fight, they were gearing up for it well before then.

I felt sorry for Emma, the little sweetheart, especially when she was crying to Dan. Vanessa did herself no favours with eviction tomorrow, Dan did himself a world of good.

It's amazing how much your opinions can change with people. I quite like Marco, Nadia, Emma and Michelle now, always have liked Shell and Stu, But I find the people I liked most initially: Jay, Vanessa, Victor and Dan (not so much), are really beginning to piss me off.

As for Ahmed...he's just such a non-entity. He'll probably stay ages simply because everyone else has someone they REALLY hate to get rid of.


Unconfirmed Member
Vanessa did herself no favours with eviction tomorrow, Dan did himself a world of good.

Spot on 100% with my view too.

Vanessa has either cracked (Wouldn't surprise me) or has decided that being louder/obnoxious is the way to gain public popularity (Given her views on the "kids") - Big mistake, shes sealing her doom.

Dan has realised that some gameplans were played out too early, too obvious, and is bridge-building like a troop of the Queens own Royal Engineers on amphetamines. - Spot on and probably going to seal his stay in the house AND keep him from nomination next week.


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Vanessa really lost me (as a supporter) when she uttered the single most annoying phrase in the English language:

"You can't understand, because you're MEN!"

This phrase is only allowed to be used to refer to pregnancy, and only if said woman has indeed been pregnant. Otherwise, expect the mega rolling of eyes that it deserves.


Man, I wanted to see more of that Vanessa/Nadia fight, looked awesome! You just heard Vanessa shout "NAAAAADIA" then the security guards running in! :D

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yeah, that annoyed me too. I hear she really snaps tomorrow too (well...it's already happened, in tomorrow's highlights though).

She really, really can't handle the idea that she's been nominated. And she's so certain it's because Michelle and Emma voted for her. I can't wait to see her reaction when she finds out neither of them did.


Yeah that annoyed me too, it was pretty funny when Michelle was slagging her from the bedsit after she kept saying it was because of her!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I like Michelle. It'd be nice to meet ONE GIRL who does though. Man, women are so jealous of each other.

No guys are going, "Fuck you Victor and your big shlong!"


I'm just going "Fuck you Victor you TWAT"

Especially when he was going "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" during the fight, haha, what a tit.
I've only been watching it very sporadically so far, but I definitely watched tonights.

I'm kinda mixed on how contrived it is.

I don't particularly rate many of the housemates. Shell, Stuart and Dan (when he loosens up, as he seems to be doing more) are about the only decent people. At this stage it would be a travesty if any but those three won.

I really don't like Marco. He's childish, refuses to take responsibility for himself and he's a fucking coward. Plus I hate estuary English, camp, dumb estuary English is even worse. When it was kicking off he was hiding behind Emma and Nadia. Letting them get in the dangerous situation, all the while taunting away.

Nadia annoyed me when there was the tobacco shortage. Every BB has had the smokers who think it's some godamn right that they should have cigs. It's pathetic that they get so upset, and then they always throw around threats that they'll be terrible to live with if they don't get them. If I was a housemate and someone tried to pull that crap, I'd be all 'fuck you, you're not using our limited food budget to feed your self-inflicted habit, and if you going to be a twat over it, then fine, enjoy being nominated'.

Another BB housemate habit that annoys me, is people getting there goat up about others talking behind their backs. THEY ARE ALL FUCKING DOING IT. I can understand maybe when they've just been evicted, emotions running high, maybe not entirely rational and just hearing stuff being said about them for the first time, but when you've had 5 days to sit and watch and analyse, trying to take some sort of moral high ground, is pathetic.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
On the cigarette thing, I think you're being kind of harsh. And it's not a threat that they'll be terrible to live with, it's a fact.

I've been around people who've only been a few hours since their last cig, but they're already getting a bit pissy. I take nothing to heart when that happens. As stupid as they may have been to start smoking, I just accept that they are now and when they snap at you, I know they don't mean it. So god knows how Nadia feels going so long without smoking.


Although I'm against smoking, I can understand how bad it must be without it, the body does strange things when it craves something :\
You are both too nice. Personally I go back to the root of it. A person makes the choice to try smoking or not. And nobody in that house was born at a time when the addictive and harmful nature of smoking was not general knowledge. So therefore anything that is a consequence of that choice is entirely on them. As I said before if it's a fact that they'd be difficult to live with, then I'd point out to them that it's also a fact that being difficult to live with will increase their chances of being nominated.

If anyone wants to snap at me because they haven't had their nicotine, then they bloody well get an earful back. I am a pretty understanding person, but not when people try to shirk on being responsible for themselves.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
They don't want to snap at you, it's withdrawal symtoms kicking in.

I agree that it's pretty stupid to have started smoking anytime since the health reperecussions have been widely known, but people make mistakes. It doesn't matter how smart they are now, when they were kids they were dumb and thought being popular and/or cool was the most important thing in the world. So they smoked and now they're addicted.
Perhaps I should have been more specific. If they snapped at me, and then didn't apologise, or tried to pass it off as being the withdrawal, as though they were unconnected to it, making no effort to at least try not let it affect them, in a sense using the withdrawal as license to be a twat, that would piss me off.


I'm largely in the same situation as DSD (i.e. not seen much) and I largely agree with what he said. I can't stand the ones that act like kids and that really only leaves those who make "boring" TV. I know it's not what the typical BB audience wants I know but I don't care, some of them need lives really badly.


You guys are so fucking wrong its unbelivable. Emma deserved everything she got, Jay should have knocked Marco the fuck out. Throughout the night Emma and Marco teased and taunted Jay and Vic. Non stop. The hose, the food fight, the continues interruptions, shes a fucking mess.

Then Marco, Nadia (man beast) and Emma trashing the house and getting an attitude towards Jay for asking them to clean it up. Fuck it makes me so mad to see people sympothise with Hareem. They started it! Marco jumping up and down provoking anf tuanting the hardest man in the house is not clever. What did he expect? And same with Emma, she cant do jack and she went up into Victors face and threw a tray at his head. I mean come one

Just get that trash Emma out and fuck up Marco. Fucking dicks. Same goes to UK public, bunch of sheeps.

Hope the black and asian community vote Vic and Jay to stay in, fuck Emma. Nasty bitch.


^--- good post.

Some highlights from mine and Cockles' chat while the show was going on:

- shut up you fucking chavver
- stupid fucking bints, theyre too mouthy to "play it cool"
- imagine meeting those two [Michelle and Emma] in a dark alley >_<
- i saw that flash of [Emma's] leg and shuddered
- stupid fucking bitch, cannot keep her mouth shut, "I know a secret! I cant wait to tell everyone!"
- halfwits - sums it up nicely
- nadia could probably deck a couple of the blokes when you think about it...that would be funny - if scots guy got knocked out by a tranny
- id get back right at them, if they dont want to clean up, i'd piss in the middle of the floor
- kill yourself girl, you're too stupid, jade goodyear? Jade goodie you fucking stupid fuck
- tough for victor...gonna be hard showing face on his turf....whatever way you look at it, he got owned, "Victor man..you had a tranny manhandling you"
- lindsay lohan!


Unconfirmed Member
Breaking News, Evictions Postponed.

(Oh god no, not another week of Vanessa, gah, she just got a weeks grace, Pretty yes, but so self-absorbed that she comes across as ugly inside.)

Vanessa and Daniel have been given one more week's grace inside the Big Brother house.

In a statement issued this morning, Channel 4 said that producers have postponed tonight's planned eviction until next Friday. A spokesman explained: "The housemates are continuing to work through their differences and producers wish to give them sufficient time to come to a resolution as a group."

This week's nominations still stand and votes will carry over to next week. There will be no nominations next week.

In other news, Emma and Victor will be given the opportunity to meet later today away from the rest of the group "to discuss their relationship." One can only assume that should the meeting be unsuccessful, one or both will be leaving the house later tonight.

Michelle's not going to be happy with Vanessa staying another week. I'm just annoyed I'm working tonight, I want to see how they react when the no eviction news is broken.

And I wasn't going to get into it this year. Oh well.


Seal boy (Marco) was man enough to dish out insults and dance in Jays face. When confronted by Jay the bitch backs down, and hides behind the girls. Fucking wimp.

How would you react? Seriously, your house is trashed, and teh ones resposible said they'll clean up when they feel like it, then continue to mock you.

And Emma, she's mentally unstable. get her out


Marco is such a mincer, I'm hoping the public aren't tards enough to realise not all gay people are like that.


Skeet Skeet. That's American that is. Find out what it means tonight. Look, I asked for egg and chips and I got egg and crisps. Bo Selecta.


Just saw on the channel 4 news that the show got 6.2 million viewers, peaking at 7.3 million when the fight broke out (I guess thats not 7.3 when it was live, 7.3 during the 10 o clock show last night). It got 1/3 of the audience share.
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