Simps for Amouranth
About fucking time
How these animals are allowed to be let out in public is beyond me, i've seen a few out and about and at all times the owners are nothing more than wee scrote bags or drug dealers, glad to see the Government finally doing something about a breed thats just plain dangerous to the general public, any dog that can kill an adult human being in a matter of moments needs banned, the fuck with your "but our wee fluffy wouldnt hurt a fly" too many kids have been visciously mauled by these things which i beleive are an import from the US... cheers America, ffs i dont know whats worse, XL Bully dogs or American Chocolate.

American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak says
Campaigners have welcomed the move to outlaw the breed they argue is "a clear and present threat to public health", but concerns have been raised it may not be practical and lead to other kinds of dogs being prohibited.
How these animals are allowed to be let out in public is beyond me, i've seen a few out and about and at all times the owners are nothing more than wee scrote bags or drug dealers, glad to see the Government finally doing something about a breed thats just plain dangerous to the general public, any dog that can kill an adult human being in a matter of moments needs banned, the fuck with your "but our wee fluffy wouldnt hurt a fly" too many kids have been visciously mauled by these things which i beleive are an import from the US... cheers America, ffs i dont know whats worse, XL Bully dogs or American Chocolate.