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Ultra Bust A Move Impressions


GameFan Alumnus
This game has been delayed for two weeks now? The ship date has changed like 5x over that span, and after all that waiting, I finally have the game. I go online... and nobody has it. I check the leaderboard and only 9 people have any ranking at all.

I search for a game, and there is nobody hosting one, so I host one for a few minutes and nobody joins. OK, so let me check the game modes out offline, right? Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like there is no way to play classic Bust A Move. Instead, there's the Ultra-fied version of Bust a Move with the special bubbles, which blow up other bubbles, or change colors of other bubbles, or are indestructable... I figured Majesco would be smart enough to include a classic version of the game for the purists who want to play that online, but nope... not available. One of the game's screenshots shows only classic bubbles, but that was misleading. :(

To make matters worse, it feels like the pointer moves a little slower than the Bust A Move pointer in the arcade did. Annoying for the speed builders who want to flick a bubble to the other side of the screen for sure.

To its credit, there are a good number of game types for single player and versus computer, but the main draw for me in this game was VS Bust a Move (Classic) online. If you want that, it looks like you have to deal with wacky bubbles. Oh, there are also unlockable characters at the character select screen. Anyone have any idea how to unlock them?

On to the gametypes that are there, there's a single shot gametype where you have only one shot to drop all the bubbles, so you'd better not miss it. There's the classic single player arcade puzzle tree where you climb up the ladder and defeat stages of bubbles as you go (decent fun in single player). There's a seesaw mode which I haven't tried, but I read the screen tilts according to the weight of the bubbles on either side. There's a dumb mode where it's you vs the computer, and the only way to score points is when you pop 3 of a specific color. This mode seems completely lame to me, as you and the computer alternate taking turns, so basically whoever comes up with the right colored bubble first scores, unless the other makes a mistake. Completely random, and completely stupid.

I have yet to play this online in versus (will probably do that tomorrow when more people get the game), but my hopes are dashed for this being a game worth playing, even with the affordable $20 pricetag. The lack of classic Bust a Move, which many fans will want really hurts this title. Maybe the next online iteration will be worth purchasing, but I don't think this one is.


I had intentions of picking it up, but will probably pass. You can't go wrong for $20, but I just have to many games on my plate right now. It's a shame that fun little games like this get lost in the shuffle. I can't believe how spoiled we are as gamers.


just my 2 cents.

yes, the pointer moves a LOT slower and it's quite annoying
And yes, the game is very poor when it comes to game modes and options, looks like a very cheap production.


GameFan Alumnus
Well, I just finished playing a bunch of games online now that more people have the game. There's about 90 people on the scoreboard, and I'm ranked #6. I would be #1 if I found enough people to play me who won't quit. I haven't lost a match yet, and to be honest all my competition has not been very good.

Online the game plays very well. There is NO lag at all. Of course, this game doesn't exactly push boundaries graphically... One thing that is kind of dumb is in quickmatch, it kept setting me up with the same guy, even after I crushed him and he kept trying to decline my game invites, but since we were the only two players, it kept pairing us up and he kept refusing. I think Quickmatch should not pair up the same players over and over if one declines the first challenge.

Oh yeah, the gameplay online, while very smooth, does have the messed up bubbles, the indestructable bubbles, and the slow pointer but it feels like Bust a Move to a degree. I had fun playing it, albeit it was a butchered version of the game I love.

Does anyone know how to unlock the 4 hidden characters yet?
A guy from Gamefaqs says "I beat the vs. cpu with one of the characters and gained the first hidden character".

Are you going to play this tomorrow night, Eggo ? Since there's not many people out there playing, I'd love a few matches against you! It probably won't be hard to find each other, we'll probably be the only ones there! :D


GameFan Alumnus
I'm going out Friday night. I may be on really late at night Pacific time, since I have to work Saturday morning. If not tomorrow, we can work something out either on the weekend or early next week I'm sure.


Eggo, I'm adding you to my friend list to play this. My gamertag is Hellraizah. If we play, you'll be able to hear my ultra-broken english.
I finally got the game. :D Unfortunately, my internet has been out all day, so no online for me yet! :(

My impressions:

-I like the new stuff. It's interesting, and doesn't change the classic formula too much or make the game too easy. It adds strategy to have to utilize the special bubbles in the best possible way.

-The See Saw mode is EVIL. I can only get to level 3.

-The music is AWFUL. The worst, most annoying music I've heard in a long time.

-The Joker/Pirate Cat is my kinda guy........er....thingie. :)

-The pointer IS slower than the arcade, but I've played several of the other console BAM's, and the speed is similar. (Bust a move 2 for N64 was almost identical in pointer speed). It takes getting used to, but I don't mind it.

If I actually get to play this online, and it's fun, I have no problem recommending this as a budget title. Just keep the mute button handy.......
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