I hate this comment so much.
I hate this comment so much.
Time to pour one out for Demetri and the homiesI hate this comment so much.
I thought more Mr. Hyde in his case when I saw him, but the ears are pointier than usual.Blanka's costume is a werewolf, lol
http://streetfighter.wikia.com/wiki/SkullomaniaEl Fuerte reminds me of the Cobra Kai boys.
"Cammy is a bee well it MUST be QBee."
You Darkstalkers fans are almost as bad as MegaMan fans, jesus fuck.
Combofiend said:Hey guys, its almost time for Halloween and you know what that means right? Its time to terrify the competition with something even scarier than landing all your one frame links without plinking; thats right, the all new Horror costumes for USFIV are set to launch this October 27th through Steam, PS4, PS3 and Xbox360.
For those looking to cause pandemonium online with these creepy costumes, youll be able to purchase all of them under the Complete Horror Pack at $19.99 (17.99/£14.99) or if you would like, just choose packs consisting of your favorite characters for $3.99 (3.99/£3.29).
Ctrl + F 'Free'
No it's still not free even if we are at the end of the SFIV life cycle.
Still not interested. I put enough money in IV with all its iterations. It was worth it though but I'll never pay for costumes.
Besides they just look like srk user made skins.
Yeah same here, kinda surprised they aren't free at this point
More shots of the new costumes:
I think that covers all of them.
I respect the Gas-o face, but everybody knows that Heat is the one...#Kappa
Uhh, why would you expect brand new content to be free?
I don't really get what this is saying. Anyone who logs in to the beta on the 20th get these or you can buy them on the same day.
So if you play the beta they are free? Seems not likely they would give out 20 dollars worth of costume dlc if you play a beta for another game.
Also still no confirmation on US even though it's three days away?
Everyone the horror pack is at a huge misprice on the PS4 UK store, it should be £14.99 but its available for only £0.20 lol I have just bought it and can confirm I got all costumes.
New thread worthy? I cant start one
I respect the Gas-o face, but everybody knows that Heat is the one...#Kappa
Nabbed the 20p complete pack, but the error is PS4 only and apparently Capcom too cheap to cross-buy the DLC with PS3.
I'm all for deals but complaining about lack of crossbuy after getting the costumes at a price lower than they'll ever be seems kind of silly.
Meanwhile, I'll be sitting here crying in the US waiting for a compilation of all the costumes' alt colors to see if I really want to drop another $20 on a game I won't touch again come February.
Technically I'm down 20p on something I cannot use. So yeah, I can be disappointed it's not for the version I own.
Sounds like you shouldn't have bought it then.
Thanks for the heads-up, at 0.25 there was no point waiting to see if I can nab it for free as a SFV beta player...