I picked this up when it was cheap and I don't really do fighting games so I'm a complete amateur at this. I've been playing it on the easiest level to get used to and it doesn't matter what I do, I just can't beat Seth at the end.
I appreciate that it's probably nothing to do with the game at all and just down t me being useless.
I'm just wondering if people have any hints to beat him? Bearing in mind that I'm really bad at the game.I know that it's a good game and I don't like the idea just giving up on it and I don;t really have the time hours and hours practicing.
Been a while since I did an arcade run, but I beat hardest with a bunch of characters some time ago.
Seth does full focus when you're just sitting back in neutral often. Jump and hit him with a full combo at the right time. Or just ultra or dragon punch it. Or use multi-hit attacks to break the focus. Or backdash out of it. Just don't sit there.
Press throw when he teleports unless he threw a fireball beforehand, this almost always either throws him or he techs it from what I recall.
Jumping at the start of the match works most of the time I think, he likes to do the stretchy arms.
Don't try to throw him too often when he's not teleporting bc he will SPD you.
If he sucks you win his vortex attack, Dragon Punch and he will get hit very very often.
He will do a random Ultra sometimes, punish it if you can.
Don't throw fireballs when he has EX meter, he will do his EX kick thing through it every time.
Don't jump on him most of the time, he will usually uppercut. Jump *near* him and his uppercut will whiff usually.