Selected excerpts:
(Emphasis mine)
These figures fall in line with recent IRS estimates that the US alone loses $45-75B per year in tax revenue due to individual offshore banking; corporate offshoring was believed to cost us another $65-95B annually, for a total of ~$110-170B in lost revenue per annum.
Meanwhile, the majority of Americans can barely afford housing, educational costs, and soaring prices for everything from gas, to clothes, to health care. Before anyone sounds off about how the rich "already pay the majority of the taxes in this country", allow me to say two things:
1) Yes, they do-- but it is still not in proportion to the amount of wealth that they control, nor their percentage of the national income (speaking here of both earned and unearned income). That is, the top 2% may very well pay 40-50% of all taxes, but they control 60+% of the wealth; as seen above, they frequently shuttle these assets to offshore tax havens.
2) They should be made to pay what they owe by law, the same as everyone else does. It is not their place to decide, "hey, I don't agree with this law, so I'll try to bypass it by any means necessary." That said, it is the government's fault for not putting the screws to these individuals and companies, and I think we're all aware of why they haven't...
My point in posting this thread was simply to marvel at the sheer cupidity of our modern day robber barons. I sometimes wonder if they realize what effect their absurd accumulation of wealth, and their refusal to honor their social obligations, actually has on society, but then I realize that they most likely do know-- they just don't care. Immoderation in every other sphere-- be it drink, or sex, or food, or interpersonally (in terms of being a churl)-- is rightly seen as vice, yet in the economic sphere, gross intemperance masquerades as virtue; indeed, the pursuit of ludicrous sums of money as an end unto itself has been unduly apotheosized by our culture. I shudder to think of what the world will look like in 30-40 years, because the only thing I know for certain is that it'll look nothing like it does today. It simply can't, as the current trends are, in my opinion, unsustainable.
Selected excerpts:
The world's richest individuals have placed $11.5 trillion of assets in offshore havens, mainly as a tax avoidance measure. The shock new figure - 10 times Britain's GDP - is contained in the most authoritative study of the wealth held in offshore accounts ever conducted.
The study, by Tax Justice Network, a group of accountants and economists concerned at the escalating wealth held in offshore locations, shows that the world's high-net-worth individuals earn $860 billion each year from their assets.
But there is growing alarm among regulators and campaigners because exchequers worldwide are missing out on at least $255bn of tax each year. Governments appear unable, or unwilling, to prevent the rich employing aggressive strategies to minimise their tax liabilities.
The $11.5trn does not include the vast amount of money stashed in tax havens by multinational corporations, which are using increasingly sophisticated techniques to run rings round the authorities.
(Emphasis mine)
These figures fall in line with recent IRS estimates that the US alone loses $45-75B per year in tax revenue due to individual offshore banking; corporate offshoring was believed to cost us another $65-95B annually, for a total of ~$110-170B in lost revenue per annum.
Meanwhile, the majority of Americans can barely afford housing, educational costs, and soaring prices for everything from gas, to clothes, to health care. Before anyone sounds off about how the rich "already pay the majority of the taxes in this country", allow me to say two things:
1) Yes, they do-- but it is still not in proportion to the amount of wealth that they control, nor their percentage of the national income (speaking here of both earned and unearned income). That is, the top 2% may very well pay 40-50% of all taxes, but they control 60+% of the wealth; as seen above, they frequently shuttle these assets to offshore tax havens.
2) They should be made to pay what they owe by law, the same as everyone else does. It is not their place to decide, "hey, I don't agree with this law, so I'll try to bypass it by any means necessary." That said, it is the government's fault for not putting the screws to these individuals and companies, and I think we're all aware of why they haven't...
My point in posting this thread was simply to marvel at the sheer cupidity of our modern day robber barons. I sometimes wonder if they realize what effect their absurd accumulation of wealth, and their refusal to honor their social obligations, actually has on society, but then I realize that they most likely do know-- they just don't care. Immoderation in every other sphere-- be it drink, or sex, or food, or interpersonally (in terms of being a churl)-- is rightly seen as vice, yet in the economic sphere, gross intemperance masquerades as virtue; indeed, the pursuit of ludicrous sums of money as an end unto itself has been unduly apotheosized by our culture. I shudder to think of what the world will look like in 30-40 years, because the only thing I know for certain is that it'll look nothing like it does today. It simply can't, as the current trends are, in my opinion, unsustainable.