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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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Better than U2 ? How ?

Lol people act as if UC2 is some impossible game to overpass. It's been six years people. I love UC2 to death, I beat it at least 5 times on PS3 and once on PS4 and I think UC4 looks like it can easily surpass it.


Here is something I posted over on reddit since I have access there from work. Not really gameplay spoilers or anything but how this game is really resonating with me on a personal level.

Please note: There is no spoilers in this post for the game aside from the general theme that is already known from trailers (Nate going back to adventure). Just discussion on how the game has made me feel playing it so far in a more personal light.

So I was able to get my copy of Uncharted 4 yesterday and began my adventure with my wife in what is possible the last Uncharted game. I will say, it's a tad sad just even thinking about that as I've grown to love these characters as I have grown up in life.

Let me say, so far this Uncharted is hitting me in all the right ways, but not just from a gameplay perspective, but from a story and theme. We all know that Nate is living a normal life now after his years of adventure and he gets dragged back into the adventure life. I lived my 20's playing Uncharted games, growing with Nate along the way. It's been about 4 years since I played Uncharted 3, back when I was contracting and overseas. I was traveling, single, seeing the world. Dubai, Thailand, Kuwait, Afghanistan. During that time, I completed Uncharted 3 and it felt like the end to a great saga... but little did we know at the time that Uncharted would eventually come back. As it does, I'm now in my 30's, married, and with a beautiful 2 year old girl. Life has taken a different style and approach and I love it (it's an amazing journey all on it's own). What does this have to do with Uncharted 4? Well... because I can relate to Nathan in a way. Sure I'm not some adventurer, but my days of being more adventurous and daring is a bit more subdued since I have to worry about my family and life is not just about myself anymore. So not only am I returning to the world of Uncharted in video game format but so is Nate in a way. They showcase how Nates daily life is typical, while even throwing in nostalgia for those old adventure days (you will understand when you play)... which in turn had me reminiscence about the previous games and my life experiences also. So when Nate gets thrown into this new adventure, back to this crazy life style, and here as the player I do too... I'm totally relating to it in a way I never expected. It's not to say my life is boring or dull now that I'm married and have a kid, not at all, it's fantastic. Yet via the PS4 and Uncharted 4, I'm taken back to those moments when I was younger, braver, bolder, and revisiting those same feelings just as Nathan is in this game and older, different then before. He has changed, has different priorities, but he craves and wants to return and in playing this game, in a way, I've returned to the lifestyle as well. It's hard to explain but I hope I ended up giving you a glimpse into the thought process I have for this.

I could go on and on about how much I love this game, how much they have improved, the excitement, the adrenaline, and more... but I had to bring this up since It just resonates with me so much on a personal level and my life, that's something I never expected from Uncharted 4. Just another reason I love video games and how they an sometimes strike a cord with players and their life experiences in just the right way.

Great post and impressions dude. I think I might also be able to relate, now that I too am married and more settled, and have also in a way like yourself, grown up with Nate.
Someone complained about a lack of pictures do people really want pictures in this thread and if so what kind of pictures?

I think pictures from the PSX area would be great. I'd like to see the improvements made thus far. Also the E3 area or Madagascar. Anything else is really spoilers.
The options for pictures allow filters, removal of characters, etc. If I take and post any will be from the areas already demo'd.
Yes please thank you. Please turn off sharpness from 25% and take pngs! Very much appreciated. Also slasher is the cinematic from the first teaser still in the game? The one where it shows a close up of drake on the ground? Thanks
Another thing- it took him 18 hours and he only found 60/109 treasures, meaning he was probably exploring but not very throughly, so if you will search for any nook and cranny it will probably take you even longer

The funny thing is I also found 55% of the collectibles in TLOU according to the game counter in my 16 hour 20 minute playthrough and I thought I was exploring every nook and cranny religiously. Little did I know how well hidden alot of the firefly pendants were.


The funny thing is I also found 55% of the collectibles in TLOU according to the game counter in my 16 hour 20 minute playthrough and I thought I was exploring every nook and cranny religiously. Little did I know how well hidden alot of the firefly pendants were.

Yea you might be right, maybe he did explore thoroughly but they were hidden extremely well.
Anyway it's a meaty game, around TLOU's length it seems.
That all sounds awful, naughty dog need to realise that games are made to be played, all that matters is gameplay not shitty story. The game better but gameplay as the focus rather than story, make it like TLOU where there's a mediocre little story to keep one going but great gameplay and level design.

Duckmann needs to stick to movies or books if he wants to write stories, a game directed by Straley alone, a dude that understands good gameplay would be so damn good. UC4 sounding very story driven which just ain't right. Regretting the deluxe edition big time with the games feedback so far.

Doesn't like when "shitty stories" are incorporated into games.....Pre-orders Deluxe Edition of Uncharted 4. Four. FOUR. FOOOOOOUUUUURRRRR!
That all sounds awful, naughty dog need to realise that games are made to be played, all that matters is gameplay not shitty story. The game better but gameplay as the focus rather than story, make it like TLOU where there's a mediocre little story to keep one going but great gameplay and level design.

Duckmann needs to stick to movies or books if he wants to write stories, a game directed by Straley alone, a dude that understands good gameplay would be so damn good. UC4 sounding very story driven which just ain't right. Regretting the deluxe edition big time with the games feedback so far.

This is the most absurd comment I've read on Gaf from the moment i became a member!


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Holy shit, I called the ending. Sorta...


Lol people act as if UC2 is some impossible game to overpass. It's been six years people. I love UC2 to death, I beat it at least 5 times on PS3 and once on PS4 and I think UC4 looks like it can easily surpass it.

Not impossible, but UC3 was a huge let down in comparison

it's understandable if ppl still think that UC2 can't be topped.
Someone complained about a lack of pictures do people really want pictures in this thread and if so what kind of pictures?

If you can, take a gameplay pic of Nate's face very close with light at a 45 degree angle causing slight shadow on one side of his face and a bit under his chin similar, to this maybe closer without body:
from one of the three areas demo so it won't be a spoiler locale.

Thank you.
15+ hours sounds totally nuts. Hell, I would have been happy with 12, looking back on the 7-9 hour runtime of past UCs. I know TLOU was pretty long, but that was a considerably slower paced game. ND seems to be going above and beyond with UC4. Like holy shit.


15+ hours sounds totally nuts. Hell, I would have been happy with 12. I know TLOU was pretty long, but that was a considerably slower paced game. ND seems to be going above and beyond with UC4. Like holy shit.

I think there are slower paced parts in U4, the scale is much bigger, it's no longer a corridor with things happen every single moment on the way like in previous games, environment are much bigger, exploration is much more meaningful, obviously the pace will sometimes be slower.


I think there are slower paced parts in U4, the scale is much bigger, it's no longer a corridor with things happen every single moment on the way like in previous games, environment are much bigger, exploration is much more meaningful, obviously the pace will sometimes be slower.

All that plus there are more Chapters than any of the other Uncharted game's as well. I feel like this game is going to take me 20+ hours easy. Hell The Last of Us took me closer to 25 hours the first time!
Foxes on reddit (spoiler free impressions dude)

"I've finished the game at 18 hours. Took my time and enjoyed the experience!"

The game will definitely last as long for me. Talked to the guy in private, we share the same play style. He completed The Last of Us in about the same amount of time. Interesting thing is that he only has collected 60 treasures out of 109.

I feel like the game will last about 13/15 hours for most people who dare to venture a bit.

I think there are slower paced parts in U4, the scale is much bigger, it's no longer a corridor with things happen every single moment on the way like in previous games, environment are much bigger, exploration is much more meaningful, obviously the pace will sometimes be slower.

Slealth also extends the game's length as it slows the gameplay.
I think there are slower paced parts in U4, the scale is much bigger, it's no longer a corridor with things happen every single moment on the way like in previous games, environment are much bigger, exploration is much more meaningful, obviously the pace will sometimes be slower.

Sure, but the pace of combat still seems way faster in UC. TLOU has the double whammy of slower, exploration-focused sections and very methodical combat. It sounds like UC4 is ramping up the number of exploration sections, but combat looks to very much remain a rip-roaring affair.

Just happy to see longer campaigns in general from ND. TLOU lasted me about 14 hours on my first playthrough, which I was thrilled with. I just expected less from UC4 given that it's typically been a breezier, lighter, faster-paced game. Super happy to be wrong.
Not impossible, but UC3 was a huge let down in comparison

it's understandable if ppl still think that UC2 can't be topped.

We also have prior experience with these games. Uncharted 2 was that perfect sequel, the sequel that builds on the original in every way and sets the
standard for that kind of game. Video game history is filled with part 2s which are never topped. Nothing can replicate the feeling of playing a game like uncharted 2 for the first time. U4 at least has very different gameplay changes which can lead to a new experince but any game that was just a new uncharted would never be able to match that magic.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
yeah hopefully you didnt post about it in some thread in the past or some poor soul with photographic memory is spoiled :(

Hah, someone actually disputed me on it. But I know why, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Still, such good feels all around.
Sure, but the pace of combat still seems way faster in UC. TLOU has the double whammy of slower, exploration-focused sections and very methodical combat. It sounds like UC4 is ramping up the number of exploration sections, but combat looks to very much remain a rip-roaring affair.

Just happy to see longer campaigns in general from ND. TLOU lasted me about 14 hours on my first playthrough, which I was thrilled with. I just expected less from UC4 given that it's typically been a breezier, lighter, faster-paced game. Super happy to be wrong.

just think, in two weeks we can stop arguing about UC2 vs UC3 for best UC game as we've been stuck doing for years. We can just focus on UC4 for the rest of time.

We can finally put Papercuts' "here why UC3 is actually not good" essay to rest


really don't get the huge uc2 boner. the end game was awful(all uncharted end games are bad)


shipwreck levels in UC3 are the best chapters in Uncharted

UC2 in 2009 was(still is ) a great game. Solid gunplay, perfect pacing, amazing level design , great set pieces, well written characters ... But yeah end game was not good.


just think, in two weeks we can stop arguing about UC2 vs UC3 for best UC game as we've been stuck doing for years. We can just focus on UC4 for the rest of time.

We can finally put Papercuts' "here why UC3 is actually not good" essay to rest

People actually arguing on U2 vs U3? thought there is a consensus on this subject...
People actually arguing on U2 vs U3? thought there is a consensus on this subject...

there are still outliers out there. But in two weeks it won't matter. We can just say "Best Uncharted game? 4. I mean, duh. Best combat design, visuals, level design, storytelling, puzzles, traversal, exploration, set pieces, sound design...completely different league from the other 3 tbh"
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