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United States Castigates Israel Over Settlement Plan

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WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Wednesday castigated the Israeli government for approving plans to create a new Jewish settlement on the West Bank, three weeks after it signed a lucrative military aid package with the United States and a week after President Obama traveled to Jerusalem for the funeral of Shimon Peres.

In an uncommonly harsh statement, the State Department “strongly condemned” the move, saying it violated Israel’s pledge not to construct new settlements and ran counter to the long-term security interests Israel was seeking to protect with the military deal.

“It is disheartening that while Israel and the world mourned the passing of President Shimon Peres, and leaders from the U.S. and other nations prepared to honor one of the great champions of peace, plans were advanced that would seriously undermine the prospects for a two-state solution that he so passionately supported,” the State Department’s deputy spokesman, Mark Toner, said in the four-paragraph statement.

The timing of the approval especially infuriated the White House, American officials said, because it came after Mr. Obama met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations. Mr. Netanyahu, they said, gave the president no advance warning, even though Mr. Obama expressed deep concerns about Israel’s continuing settlement construction. The officials declined to speak for attribution owing to the sensitivity of the issue.

The administration statement also rekindled speculation that Mr. Obama might lay down guidelines for a proposed peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians before he leaves office, either in a speech or, less likely, by backing a resolution at the United Nations Security Council.

“The administration has been escalating its rhetoric in opposition to West Bank settlement activity for more than a year,” said Martin S. Indyk, who served as Mr. Obama’s special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. “The government of Israel doesn’t seem to be listening.”

Mr. Obama, officials said, has kept his own counsel about whether to thrust himself back into the peace process. After two failed attempts to broker an agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians, the president is leery of getting involved in another hopeless effort, aides say. He would also likely consult with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, were she to win the election to make sure his move did not complicate her plans.

It feels like Obama is the only leader we're ever going to get who has the will to actually stand up towards Israel (however little it may actually be). Too bad it will all go down the drain once he leaves office as Hilary doesn't seem to be to keen on stopping them.

This is also one of the main reasons why I am opposed to US aid for Israel. Ignoring the fact that Israel is a developed country and thus shouldn't need it, I would be more accepting of it, if it actually gave us leverage to stop them from being fucking awful. But it seems like we're stuck in a perpetual cycle where we give them money and they still do whatever the hell they want to.
Didn't just this year we break a record on military aid sent there? I get that Obama's statement is tangential to that but words are so, so cheap when it comes to our mideast policy.
Israel don't care. Will continue to build walls around important spots and resources so the Two State Solution is a joke when they can claim everything good is on their side.
Didn't we just give them like $3 billion dollars?

How the hell is this supposed to work? "Hey guys here's $3 billion but don't be naughty okay?"


They always "strongly condemn" Israel for their settlements. Words don't mean anything when they aren't backed by actions. The US continues to give Isreal billions of dollars in military aid and block any resolutions at the UN condemning Israeli policies.
Israel's Response:
"Sorry Obama, we can't hear you under this blanket of billions of dollars you just gave us"

"Please strongly condemn us again though, daddy needs another air force"
We have been givig them military aid since forever it was one of bargining chips obama had. I think this action basically them saying fuck you the republicans are going to run the house and Reps next year.


Didn't we just give them like $3 billion dollars?

How the hell is this supposed to work? "Hey guys here's $3 billion but don't be naughty okay?"

Correction. We've been giving them 3 billion a year. Since _______. This year went up to 4 iirc because they need more defense from little girls, and then yeah the 38 billion package for defense against said children and stationary homes.

I believe that's an additional 38 on top of the yearly 3billion. But I could be wrong.

We also agreed to cut off Palestinian aid if they try Israel in the international criminal court.

Strongly condemn my cucking ass.


Correction. We've been giving them 3 billion a year. Since _______. This year went up to 4 iirc because they need more defense from little girls, and then yeah the 38 billion package for defense against said children and stationary homes.

I believe that's an additional 38 on top of the yearly 3billion. But I could be wrong.

We also agreed to cut off Palestinian aid if they try Israel in the international criminal court.

Strongly condemn my cucking ass.

This thread is very anti israel so im gonna brace for impact here...

But that comment about little girls is bs.

While i dont condone how israel treats the palestinians... to imply that their defense budget is not needed when they are out and out despised by all their other neighbors is disingenuous


The Autumn Wind
I can't wait until we have a president that's willing to take the hit to cut off these assholes. Nothing but an anchor around our necks. Someone remind me what benefits we get in this relationship besides the rest of the Middle East hating us?


Can the US send us in the uk aid too?

Our neighbours hate us too and we're first world so I believe we meet the criteria.


This thread is very anti israel so im gonna brace for impact here...

But that comment about little girls is bs.

While i dont condone how israel treats the palestinians... to imply that their defense budget is not needed when they are out and out despised by all their other neighbors is disingenuous

We're not Anti-Israel, were anti settlement.

Israel should stop being a little shit then.


Maybe our financial aid to Israel should be dependent on them not breaking international law.


I can't wait until we have a president that's willing to take the hit to cut off these assholes. Nothing but an anchor around our necks. Someone remind me what benefits we get in this relationship besides the rest of the Middle East hating us?

Politicians that get elected. No one is willing to cut off Israel out of fear of being labeled as anti-Semitic.
I can't wait until we have a president that's willing to take the hit to cut off these assholes. Nothing but an anchor around our necks. Someone remind me what benefits we get in this relationship besides the rest of the Middle East hating us?

Israel lobby is very strong in the US, it's essentially political suicide to not do what they want. You'd be labeled a racist anti-semite. You could argue that having a secure allied base in such a conflicted area is of great benefit as well.
As if

we all know the US's charades

strongly condemn and then give them more money while vetoing the rest of the world from doing shit in the UN


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Strongly condemned = $4 billion a year

Other countries wish they got condemned like that.


This happens every year, but they'll still veto any consequences in the UN.

No one cares to hear condemnations anymore. Either jump in with both feet or let the world take action. You can't be an enabler then pretend to care about human rights.


You guys do understand the Obama Administration = Executive Branch aka not the branch of government that approved the aid?

AIPAC sends tends of thousands of people to lobby congress each and every year, and their number one priority is always the aid package.
I fear we'll see even less response once Hillary is in office.

The most I've heard her say is that settlements are "unhelpful", and her supporters kept language opposing settlements out of the Democratic Party platform.
As if

we all know the US's charades

strongly condemn and then give them more money while vetoing the rest of the world from doing shit in the UN
Refusing Israel money will turn Obama administration scandalous. The Congress (both R's and D's) will unite to override his veto on sending money to Israel. He is forced to take the medicine. What we need is a partner in Israel. Netanyahu isn't one.


This thread is very anti israel so im gonna brace for impact here...

But that comment about little girls is bs.

While i dont condone how israel treats the palestinians... to imply that their defense budget is not needed when they are out and out despised by all their other neighbors is disingenuous

But the stationary homes is ok.

Israel doesn't need my tax money. My country needs my hard earned money.

Israel has nukes, no matter how many people despise Israel, Israel has nukes. Paid for by the usa of course. Wanting Israel to fend for themselves is fine, because they have nukes.

I'm anti any free loading nation that insults our president. Israel needs to fund its apartheid themselves. We don't need to contribute to it.

Israel is condemned by the UN hourly. That's not anti israel. It's anti Israels disgusting actions.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Is this one of those cases where the US warns Israel but immediately proceed to continue licking its ass and ask for more of its delicious poop?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The government of Israel will just wait it out, because they know they have the advantage anyway. Then Hillary will just sign off on everything they want while ignoring Palestine and everything else like she said she would multiple times.

Its gonna be worse than now, i can tell you that.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Is this one of those cases where the US warns Israel but immediately proceed to continue licking its ass and ask for more of its delicious poop?

I mean, I'm not quite sure I would phrase it exactly like that...but basically...yes. We'll wag our finger for a little bit but that's about it.
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