Don't really get banning the books at this point. Show is well beyond em for the most part.
It's explained in the OP...
Don't really get banning the books at this point. Show is well beyond em for the most part.
I think HBO is showering him with plenty of money.I can't even imagine the amount of money Martin has lost by releasing one book during the show's run. It's truly an amazing feat of failure and misplaced priorities. In fact speaking of misplaced priorities I can't help but wonder if Martin increasing the amount of projects he's juggling has anything to do with him trying to make up the money he has lost by not releasing Winds. Cash advances based on meeting deadlines, for instance.
Hey guys. How's your year been?
What did you read instead of a new GRRM book?
Assassin's Fate by Robin Hobb over here.
Littlefinger should die like that scene in The Lion King when the hyenas kill Scar. He pisses off one character too many.
This has to be the season where all the two-bit bad guys bite it to make way for the true villain of the show.
Hey guys. How's your year been?
What did you read instead of a new GRRM book?
Assassin's Fate by Robin Hobb over here.
I've pretty much ignored all the buildup and news for the new season. Can't believe it's only a week away.
I want to see Cersei get stomped.
Outside of school requirements, nothing really. Reread The Children of Hurin randomly. Purchased The Blade Itself but never got around to reading it.
I wish they would give this guy a speaking part. He could be like the Caesar of whitewalkers.
I think Littlefinger should find himself increasingly out of his element. The walls will close in around him.
I think he's cool but D&D basically confirmed he won't be getting a single speaking line either this or next season. :\
Can't wait for us to finally focus on the most boring villain in the series.
Hey guys. How's your year been?
What did you read instead of a new GRRM book?
Assassin's Fate by Robin Hobb over here.
Ty Franck as Drizz Lannister
I think Littlefinger should find himself increasingly out of his element. The walls will close in around him.
I think he's cool but D&D basically confirmed he won't be getting a single speaking line either this or next season. :\
The first death this season will be the characters either closest to the whitewalkers or closest to King's Landing.
They need some time to set up some deaths (that was a joke), while others are rather more straightforward.
Oddly enough I don't think any named character will die in the first episode.
Did you try to sneak that in as a joke?
I could barely finish the first book, it was the most painful read I've had.Hey guys. How's your year been?
What did you read instead of a new GRRM book?
Assassin's Fate by Robin Hobb over here.
I wonder if they'll bother with Howland Reed.
Cersei is the big bad. The whitewalkers are like the storm in a disaster movie and Cersei is like that guy who won't listen to the scientists.
Sansa will need some Vale Lords when the time to backstab Petyr comes. She hasn't married Robin in the show has she?I'm wondering if they'll bother with Yohn Royce and Robin Arryn. It seems like Littlefinger just owns the Vale anyway.
If they have Meera return home, they can just say he exists and move on.
Psh. Look at this villainous ass outfit
Now look at this villainous ass outfit
Cersei's about to get a shard of dragonglass right in the ticker and become a literal ice queen.
BTW if anybody needs a refresher, the superfans at The Ringer put out recap pods for every episode so far released (!!).
They are real knowledgeable on the show and the books and the ancillary stuff. At least worth grabbing a least a couple pods for key eps here and there.
I can't even imagine the amount of money Martin has lost by releasing one book during the show's run. It's truly an amazing feat of failure and misplaced priorities. In fact speaking of misplaced priorities I can't help but wonder if Martin increasing the amount of projects he's juggling has anything to do with him trying to make up the money he has lost by not releasing Winds. Cash advances based on meeting deadlines, for instance.
First time we saw them together iircHas Varys ever interacted with Dany or was him awkwardly standing behind her post-teleportation in the finale the first time we saw them together?
Yeah, this has been great. Jason and Mallory are really knowledgeable and they have a lot of fun with it (Jason's terrible impressions are amazing).BTW if anybody needs a refresher, the superfans at The Ringer put out recap pods for every episode so far released (!!).
They are real knowledgeable on the show and the books and the ancillary stuff. At least worth grabbing a least a couple pods for key eps here and there.
That's not how book contracts work, and certainly not for authors who can guarantee millions of dollars in sales. GRRM is not hurting for money. I think he's just trying to enjoy the accolades that success has brought him (which includes getting lesser projects under contract), besides being a slow writer with a debilitating writing method.
Money is no issue now for him, but it must suck to get your work spoiled on the TV show, because this is what is going to happen, at least certain very important plot points of the saga. This has already happened, see: "hold the door".
If sansa follows this guy and betrays her family I'm going to riot.
Money is no issue now for him, but it must suck to get your work spoiled on the TV show, because this is what is going to happen, at least certain very important plot points of the saga. This has already happened, see: "hold the door".
Money is no issue now for him, but it must suck to get your work spoiled on the TV show, because this is what is going to happen, at least certain very important plot points of the saga. This has already happened, see: "hold the door".
Lol. He's done it twice already. He killed Jon Arryn to force Ned to leave Winterfell.
And chances are, he probably spread the rumor about Raeghar "kidnapping" Lyanna when Brandon Stark is about to marry the love of Peter's life - Ned's future wife, Catlyn.
Its very much his fault though, GRRM has let the fame/money consume him whereas other "celebrity" authors like Rowling and Stephen King remain steadfast have avoided that fate. Its his own legacy that's being tarnished, he will always be that author who let the material world overcome his artistic sensibilities, and if he actually doesn't finish the books? That would be truly ironic for a guy that obsesses over legacy and pines for his works to be the next entry into the fantasy literary canon like Tolkein.
He could have gotten them out quicker if he gave more of a shit. He's one of the slowest writers in recorded history and types just with his index fingers IIRC, on ancient technology.
He spent a couple of years doing constant appearances and press shit for the show as well. TWoW just hasn't been a priority for him until the last few years.
He has no one to blame but himself and his own atrocious work habits at this point.
Are you guys getting a positive, negative, or mixed vibe about the promotional material they've shown so far?
Do you think this season looks better or worse than season 6?