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Unreal Championship 2 Hype


Team Xbox Preview

This time, UC2 is a brand new game designed from the ground up to take advantage of the advanced Xbox hardware; from its graphics and surround sound features to its built-in multiplayer capabilities.

As we mentioned earlier, Epic Games has incorporated fighting elements into UC2, one being finishing moves. After you have paralyzed an enemy, you can perform a finishing move to add salt to the wound. Your satisfaction does come at a price due to the fact that you’re vulnerable to attach while performing a finishing move.

Both companies have promised guest appearances from the Mortal Kombat universe but declined to comment on which characters will make their Unreal debut.

So now that you brought a knife to a gunfight, how can you defend yourself from a character armed to the teeth with guns? Epic found a way to make things easier for gamers


Best Looking Xbox Game Ever

That’s a bold statement, isn’t it? Before you even ask the question, we give you the answer. Yes, Unreal Championship 2 looks better than Halo 2, Doom 3, and The Chronicles of Riddick. After E3 we had the chance to see every game out there and now we can tell you that Unreal Championship 2 is hands-down the best looking game on the Xbox.

How is that possible? How can they perform this magic? For the sequel, Epic Games is using a brand new edition of the Unreal Engine; the UE 2X. This highly optimized version of the UE 2.5 engine has been exclusively designed to take advantage of the Xbox hardware. This engine pushes three times the polygons of the first Unreal Championship game and incorporates an advanced shader system...





Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I can't be bothered downloading the trailer, but from those screens it doesn't even look better than Halo 2's multiplayer, let alone single.

In fact, that second screen looks...how can I put this...poo.


I actually liked the first one, as a cheap online console shooter. Looked good, played well. Not as much as the PC ver. of course, but it did very well for what it was.

Anyway. I'm interested at least. Looks insane judging by the trailers, blah, I sucked at Unreal enough as is!

Hopefully in this one, my Mic will actually work and not drop off in conversations with Folken/Brandon F and Phantom/Rodriguez. Goddamn MadCatz piece of shit.


Offline Players: N/A
System Link: 2-8
Online Multiplayer
Downloadable Content
Online Scoreboards
Live Aware Enabled
HDTV 480p Support
Dolby 5.1 Surround
Xbox Exclusive


UC was terrible but this looks very good, nice to see they are doing something different then just porting UT2004. :)


They so killed UC. It was awful. From the greatness of the 1st UT UC was a dumbed down graphical abomination. It's great that they have taken this in a new direction and now that Atari is gone from the equation at least this game has a chance.


It looks and sounds great to me *shrug*. This and Halo 2 probably top my Xbox wanted list, at the moment at least. When is it coming out?


Why was UC so bad? I think it lacked some of the intricate design, and cohesion that made UT the best. But I don't think it was terrible.

I didn't dig it when it first came out. It was framerate hell, and I lagged constantly, plus the auto aim enable was wonky, at least I think?

When they patched it though, I turned around and dropped 20 bucks on it, and had quite a bit of fun. Solid framerate, not much lag, server auto aim disabling, etc.

Races were interesting. Map design was solid, espically the CTF ones. Weapons were fairly balanced, and there were some more interesting modes than the typical FPS.

I think the PC version was certainly a fair darn bit better, and would by far get my reccomendation if asked. (Unlike Wolfenstein, me Rodriguez and Brandon F lived on that game for awhile, still the best XBL game) But I guess I just don't see why it's "bad" so to speak. Not amazing, but very solid, IMO.


Alex said:
(Unlike Wolfenstein, me Rodriguez and Brandon F lived on that game for awhile, still the best XBL game) But I guess I just don't see why it's "bad" so to speak. Not amazing, but very solid, IMO.

I still live on RTCW. :D

I thought UC was decent. I'm definitely looking forward to UC2.


Alex said:
Why was UC so bad? I think it lacked some of the intricate design, and cohesion that made UT the best. But I don't think it was terrible.

I didn't dig it when it first came out. It was framerate hell, and I lagged constantly, plus the auto aim enable was wonky, at least I think?

When they patched it though, I turned around and dropped 20 bucks on it, and had quite a bit of fun. Solid framerate, not much lag, server auto aim disabling, etc.

Races were interesting. Map design was solid, espically the CTF ones. Weapons were fairly balanced, and there were some more interesting modes than the typical FPS.

I think the PC version was certainly a fair darn bit better, and would by far get my reccomendation if asked. (Unlike Wolfenstein, me Rodriguez and Brandon F lived on that game for awhile, still the best XBL game) But I guess I just don't see why it's "bad" so to speak. Not amazing, but very solid, IMO.

Though you had a team it certainly didn't feel like it. They stripped out the command structure that made UT great.


Still? Jeez. I'd pick it up again, but you'd probably smoke my ass now. Part of RTCW fun was that I was way better than everyone else on it for a little while.

I'm never going to forget that one village match (the snowy village place, I forget the name). Where I tossed one grenade, and killed an entire team of six. Comedic gold.

I was crazy good with RTCW grenades espically on that map with the turret you had to destroy. So easy to run up that back hall, pre-cook one, and bank it off the wall into three or four unsuspecting, camping morons. Too bad I suck with Halo ones, bah.

Edit: Jeez @ the UC2 controls. This sounds a hell of a lot more interesting than I thought.


Alex said:
Still? Jeez. I'd pick it up again, but you'd probably smoke my ass now. Part of RTCW fun was that I was way better than everyone else on it for a little while.

I'm never going to forget that one village match (the snowy village place, I forget the name). Where I tossed one grenade, and killed an entire team of six. Comedic gold.

I was crazy good with RTCW grenades espically on that map with the turret you had to destroy. So easy to run up that back hall, pre-cook one, and bank it off the wall into three or four unsuspecting, camping morons. Too bad I suck with Halo ones, bah.

Yeah, I remember the days when you had the amazing stats. Everytime I saw you in spectator mode, you were always lobbing grenades. I didn't start relying on grenades until my 150-160th hour. Now I love using that shit.

Funniest thing I've seen recently was on Beach Invasion. I was sitting in the vents when an Allied solider came in. I killed him, but right behind him was a medic. He revived him, I killed him again. Medic revived him, I killed him again. Then I started crawling toward them and killed them both. I was cracking up.


Haha. Beach Invasion: home of classic moments.

RTCW had such sweet ass maps.

Argh, I'm thinking about picking it up again. I wonder if Brandon still has it...?


Rodriguez said:
I still live on RTCW. :D

I thought UC was decent. I'm definitely looking forward to UC2.

Speaking of that wolfenturd.. I was playing it the other day and didn't see you online.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I've still got RTCW, would consider getting time in if you guys want. Though I worry about the community now, can't imagine the lobbies filled with level-headed folk after all this time, or filled at all...

Oh and UC rocked! The patch really did upgrade the game nicely, the speed was manageable without getting cocky, and unlike UT2k4, the 'nades on the assault rifle were MUCH more enjoyable to use in combat. My fav gun to use in the game actually, had a blast blowing the hell out of people in mid-air with a well aimed grenade toss or setting traps down corridors, something that is nigh impossible given how nerfed the gun is in 2k4. My largest nitpick really, otherwise 2k4 really is an amazing game.

Also I really dug the unique properties of each race and character, robots were jump-crazy, Fat people slow and more heavilly armored. The egyptians I think had better adrenaline potential...etc. Plus every character had specific proficiencies with each gun type(hold more ammo, faster shot rate, more power). Really sweet concept that never felt too imbalanced given the huge variances in health and armor stats to compensate.

UC2 looks great also.


No mention on the framerate...UC ran at 60 fps (a good 60% of the time) with the update that turned off AA. If this does run at 60, I'll have no reservations calling it the best looking Xbox game.


aerofx said:
Speaking of that wolfenturd.. I was playing it the other day and didn't see you online.

Don't be lying to me. I didn't see any stats posted for you. Also, quit being a cheap bitch and go get RS3BA.

Brandon F said:
Though I worry about the community now, can't imagine the lobbies filled with level-headed folk after all this time, or filled at all...

Still quite a big community for the game. I have no problems finding 12-16 player rooms. Whether or not you find a good game depends on the time, though. During the day and late in the evening should be clear now (stupid kids back in school).

BTW, what exactly did the UC patch fix? I remember buying UC at launch, playing it for about 3 weeks and having no problems at all.
I like the original UC and still play it on XBL to this day. Many were complaining just because the PC version looks much better (and it should). But this is a solid title that stands well on it's own. There were a few snaggles but it was one of the FIRST XBL games, and it stillgolds up well today. This game can be had for less than $20 and is worth it for one game mode......BOMBING RUN!!! Nuff said........anybody want to play, send me an invite.......

I've seen the E3 footage of UC2 and the game looks fantastic (I wouldn't say the BEST graphics on the XBox but it damn sure is top tier). And the gameplay looks like it'll be incredibly addictive and fun. I'm actuallylglad it's pushed back until Feb 2005, one less thing I'll have to buy this season.

Looks like they're steering clear of 'Farenheit 11/9", which is a very smart move! ;)
i need to play UC more often, i re-bought it and my disc was scratched and it would fucking skip all the time and fuck shit up on my game..but i had some great times playing UC late at night on xbox live... it can be a blast sometimes..

UC2 looks tits, but i think it will get lost in the Halo 2 fever.. they should defiantely wait to release this.. but then its up against conker, which looks amazing too.


being watched
Anyone got the links to those movies that were posted earlier in the year? Four of 'em for each style of character I think. They looked a shitload of fun, especially the 3rd person view running along walls Matrix style.
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