Hi guys! Thanks a LOT for the lovely feedback; I have already responded to all of you with feedback (refer to the below answers) and I also updated the thread. I mainly removed 150 titles from the "previously released games" and left around a 100 of them for would-be Vita owners (or even current Vita owners) who want a handy screenshot guide of some of the more recently released Vita games. I removed some of the "cancelled" games as well as some of the older Japanese games which likely have no chance of being localized.
Much love and feel free to send me feedback anytime
Amazingly extensive OP as ever!
Here's to continued life!
Glad you liked it purseowner
Thread reads like viral marketing.
Some good games there in any case.
Just a Vita fan at heart who felt the platform had a far bigger library, quantitatively and qualitatively, than its given credit for so I wanted to help highlight these titles.
Nice job, OP. I'm sure that took some time to put together. I have to say it isn't 100% clear on what is coming and what is already out though, particularly in the JP release section.
That said, of all that stuff there's about a dozen games in there that are right up my alley:
Cross Reverie
Valkyria Revolutions
Fallen Legion
Night Cry
Heart Forth Alicia
I think realistically only 2/3 of that list will actually see release on Vita, but one can hope!
Hi moofers

Thanks for the kind words. I heavily modified the list to make it more relevant to recent releases; feel free to share any further feedback if you had any ;D
Great new 2017 thread!
Some of these games we haven't had an update on in a long time, I think Project Phoenix is in development hell for a start. I'm looking forward to Liege but after 18 months without a peep from them I wonder whether it's still even being made.
So many games I'm looking forward to though, 2017 looks like a good year for the Vita.
Welcome aboard redcrayon

I updated the list, should you have any feedback, do let me know bud ;D
Amazing job with previous thread Thank You for Your work Fady.
And it's amazing we are still getting so many Vita games
You are absolutely most welcome michaelius

Enjoy the thread and have a lovely new year ahead!
Poncho and Drive Drive Drive still coming?
Also Tales from the borderlands isn't happening imo. No more telltale stuff.
You make a good point Grim, I doubt Telltale is looking at the system and it's been ages anyway since they made any updates. I'll have the Telltale titles removed for now.
Thanks for the kind words Vic! The thread will be regularly updated, please enjoy
Glad you did it again...there's a bunch of stuff on the coming soon list that's already out though, like Steins; Gate 0.
Thank you for the kind words LiveFromKyoto and for your kind feedback

Long live the Vita. Great job OP.
Thank you very much for the kind words A Huge Battleship! Much more to come
Happy new year vitacats! Let's keep rocking
Opening the first page on mobile is always a joy lol
I can imagine haha, I removed a lot of the old stuff out to make it easier to navigate ;D
Great work once more Fady

! Lets have a great 2017 for the Vita

Nice to see you here buddy

Thanks for the kind words and hope you enjoy the upcoming updates and the thread bro
So I see this has been updated with what looks like every release ever for Vita. Why? Isn't this supposed to be 2017 thread? It's long as hell!
Good point Moofers - your feedback alone inspired me to trim plenty of old stuff out. Should you have any other feedback, feel free to let me know. Enjoy ^^
Subscribed, thanks a lot for your hard work Fady, lots of great games to look forward to.
You are most welcome bud! Nice to see you here, enjoy
Probably my most posted in thread last year
Can't wait to see what this year brings. Plenty of new additions I'm sure, hopefully not quite as many removes as 2016
Always nice to see you here Kresnik, here's hoping for a very solid year!
Telltale Minecraft and Game of Thrones aren't happening at this point.
I expect that as well, I had them removed.
I love Fady's work here, but I do think it needs some trimming. There's still a few games on here with no updates for ages (i.e. Betty Boop Bop); stuff that clearly isn't coming anymore but hasn't been confirmed (Tales from the Borderlands) or stuff that's all but officially cancelled (DriveDriveDrive is a "maybe in the future" from the dev).
Thanks for the kind words Kresnik, and right you are! I trimmed off around 150 games from the "recently" released games and around 30-50 or so from the Japanese list. Removed Betty Boop and the Telltale games as well.
Man, not only are there a lot of 2016 games in there, there's also plenty of 2015 ones like Dancing All Night.
I removed around 150 of them, I hope the list better now
Yeah the OP could reduce a lot of bloat by getting rid of really old games.
I removed plenty, if you guys feel I need to cut it down more just let me know ;D
I just remembered Bloodstained was delayed to 2018, so you might want to take it off the list.
It is indeed, but the thread is for upcoming games, 2017 edition rather than upcoming games in 2017.
P4DAN is under:
they aren't counted in the 200+ games(i guess), i'm not really fond of that category filled with pre-2017 games but i won't complain.
Before someone complains about this or that error, some mistakes at the beginning are inevitable, i want to see anyone here compiling a 200+ games list without errors, give it some time and FadyK will fix all the eventual errors.
Heyyyy 2+2=5

I hope with a 150 of those taken off it'll be a lot more convenient to skim through. Should you have any other feedback please let me know ^^
Here's an example.
Imagination is the Only Escape
- Luc Bernard is a single developer who notoriously announced a gaggle of WiiWare exclusive games in 2007-2008 before releasing any and basically none of them panning out. He briefly gained notoriety for claiming he'd make a game about the holocaust. Imagination is the Only Escape.
- In 2008 he releases Eternity's Child, this time on Steam instead of WiiWare because ????. In the 9 years it's been out it has been one of the lowest reviewing games on Steam and has sold a total of 10,000 copies.
- Around 2012 he announces, again, Imagination is the Only Escape, and runs an IndieGoGo asking for a few hundred thousand dollars. He gets something like $5000, maybe 2-3% of what he asks for. The game is not announced for Vita.
- A year later he posts the screenshot Fady K uses in the OP, which depicts... well, actually, not the holocaust, rather the german occupation of France, but let's not let the apparently lack of historical research get in the way of things.
- Around the same time he posts that the game is coming to Vita.
- 2014, 2015, 2016 go by with no updates.
- In November, 2016, yet another Luc Bernard team announces Plague Road, a Roguelike for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Vita. They try to raise about $25,000 and get about $50,000. They show off at PSX and have a partnership with Limited Run Games. I'm not going to say whether or not I think Plague Road will get finished and released, but does this suggest that Imagination is the Only Escape (a 2008 title revived in 2012) is under active development and actually going to release on Vita?
Reading over your post Stump, and I'm having serious doubts this will get released. I'll have it removed for now, thanks ^^
You might also want to note "Only in Japan" games that have/will have Asian English releases, like DOAX3 and Super Robot Wars V.
Good point, I'll shift up SRWV to the English side alongside DOAX3.
Awesome thread as always, Vita made up most of my game time last year, I've now just about passed 300 physical releases and who knows how many digital titles and I won't be slowing down anytime soon!
Always nice to see you in these threads, Shadowman16
I'm going to be "that person"
Released Games (which I admit, I personally think should contain games that get released this year rather than games that have ever been released) you list Space Hulk Ascension.
This is a separate game from Space Hulk, and only came out for the PS4 not the Vita.
Japan Only Games (which I also think should probably only contain games due this year) you list Gundam Breaker 3, SD Gundam G Generation Genesis, Dead or Alive Extreme 3, and Deemo which have English Asian releases.
You also list Super Robot Wars V which has had an Asian-English release confirmed.
You also have stuff like Gundam Conquest V, Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Fortress, World End Eclipse, and Judas Code where the servers have been shut down.
Upcoming Games you list Minutes, which came out in February 2015.
You also list Airship Q. The Japanese release has an English patch, and the English version has released on PC - if it was going to come out as an actual English Vita Version I think it probably would have.
Also in Upcoming Games you list a load of stuff that isn't going to happen. I can give you a list of stuff that I believe hasn't had any updates since 2014 if you want, as that's a few years back now, but I'm not listing that here. I'm just going to list the ones that I believe have slightly more
concrete reasons for not happening than a lack of even remotely recent updates.
Baboon - It came out in January 2015 (in Europe) and July 2015 (in Japan). If it was going to come out in the US it would have by now.
C-Wars - Reviews of the steam version say it's been abandoned.
Death Ray Manta - I'd say it hadn't been heard from since 2013 but that would be a lie because an entire 2 years after it was announced it still
didn't necessarily know what it's going to be. Over at
bagfullofwrong the original Death Ray Manta and the android version are free but unsupported downloads, so I can't imagine a Vita one is being worked on.
Kura - I can't even find what this is. That might not be a good reason to think it isn't happening, but surely if it was I'd be able to find
something :x
LOUD on Planet X - Said on facebook that "the port to Vita is indefinitely delayed at this time"
Paneuropa - I think this was meant to be a PSMobile title before that went kaput. I don't think it was ever meant to be a full vita title.
Play Kiseki untitled game - I'm not sure what it is and I can't find any reference to it in anything other than these threads atm.
Project Phoenix - It's never going to happen. Okay, okay, it's "
delayed until 2018" ... but seriously, it's never going to happen. And even if it is, 2018 is next year
SilverQuest: Gaiden (what you have listed as "Miniflake") - The PC version has been in Early Access since December 2014 and steam reviews suggest it's been abandoned.
Skeleton Rider - It came out in July 2014 (In Europe). The lack of US release
might be due to this claim that the game rips someone else off. Anyway, it's been two years. It ain't coming.
Super Forget-Me-Not - Okay, so his old blog is gone. The new one (that started in November) doesn't mention SFMN but it's not listed under games, and
before it was gone it said "this is taking forever. i'm still keen but haven't really worked on it for ages..."
(I made note of it back in August but seemingly didn't make note of the actual date he wrote it, if it ever said)
Vacant Sky Awakening - There was always some weird
engine trouble. The PC Version has 3 Acts available for
preorder and dated 2 years ago. It's not looking promising.
Hey there Ephidel - thanks a lot for being that person, your feedback has been most helpful! And I mean VERY helpful. Cleaned up much of the upcoming games list thanks to you! I did keep Project Phoenix cause this is the 2017 edition of an upcoming games for Vita thread rather than upcoming games for the vita in 2017 only. Thanks a LOT for your lovely feedback.
Incredible post of upcoming games. Great work on OP. I can see myself getting a good number of them if they are in English/easy to understand.
Thank you very, very much for the kind words jjasso21! I cleaned up the list a lot and will regularly update the thread with news of upcoming games as i'm sure many of the awesome Vita fans in this thread will too
Well after reading that very long OP in full, I totally forgot about NightCry, I definitely think that isn't coming now, not heard a thing about it in what seems like ages. Also, I really doubt any of the Telltale stuff is coming now since they seem to have abandoned the platform altogether.
I agree with you about the telltale stuff, though the nightcry devs told me to stay tuned for the Vita version of the game, here's hoping...
Also, Fady, I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that Electronic Super Joy is no longer coming to Vita. I can't find confirmation of that, though (I think I saw that news in a BlueMaxima update video)
Thanks dangerblade - i'll take your word for it ;D It has been removed.
Thank you Fady for the new thread and a happy new year.
Hopefully not the last year for the Vita.
You are most welcome boingball

Happy new to you too! Enjpy the thread and stay tuned for more updates
Subbed- Thank you for the work on an awesome OP
fyi in coming soon you have Slain:Back from Hell. It's been out for like a month- it's cross buy, too!
You are most welcome Stainless

Thanks for the kind words and the feedback, enjoy the thread ^_^
Wow, great thread!
Vita delivered... big time. It has more games than most populair consoles like SEGA Genesis, N64, NES etc..
Thanks Ruud, enjoy
Great thread. Looking forwards to a lot of these games.
Enjoy BomberMouse
So i guess Vita's version of bloodstained is far away from being a reality. Closing Vita's life with a nice castlevania clone could be great but it is not meant t be.
Man everytime i see your new updates i see a new game i never saw before so thanks for that!
Thank you so very much incpdo, always nice to see you around the Vita threads friend

I cleaned up the list so hopefully the new list is far more accurate ;D
Thanks Fady K, great work as always.
You are most welcome nampad, humbled by the kind words
Subscribed. Great OP as always.
But like others already mentioned, the list is full of games that already released. So shouldn't they be removed from a list of upcoming games?
Thanks for the kind words yaffi; trimmed the list a lot more, let me know if you guys have any other feedback ;D
<3 <3 <3