It's still too early to make predictions on the Switch but imo it has the potential of being something similar to what Vita became instead of what Vita should have been.
What do i mean? Vita promised AAA console games on the go(and Sony support), instead ended being an indie+niche games machine(without sony support), we all love Vita and for that reason we sad for the wasted potential.
Switch, like Vita, is a premium console by a big manufacturer, it has many indie games coming and maybe it will get some niche japanese games too(but most of them are coming to pc and ps4) but at the moment there aren't many big third party games announced, the only huge difference with vita is that it will get constant first party support for sure.
I preferred to aim to what Vita should have been, the GPD Win isn't a premium console from a big manufacturer, it's not even a console, it's a mini notebook with integrated gamepad, and won't have first party support for obvious reason, but it's already more than what i ever dreamt of for my Vita.
In a old thread asking what games we would have wanted on a handheld i answered:
(for vita)
Open world rpgs, fallout and might & magic vi in particular
open world games
strategy games, heroes of might & magic 3, xcom and others
managerial games like (good)sim city
space sims
Chaos legion

amiga collection

Long story short i would play everything on a handheld, but let's say that i would like more "mouse oriented" games on vita.
Well some days ago i could have bought fallout 1 & 2 for 2.5 euro each, fallout 3 and vegas for 5 euro each, a collection of might & magic 1-6 for 3.50 euro, heroes of might & magic 3 complete for 3.5 euro and so on, after all this time i can finally play them on a handheld and what did i buy? NOTHING, because i wasn't sure what to buy since i don't have too much time and i have no intention to just collect games.
I would have killed for one of those games on Vita now i don't know what to choose and can afford to be picky
Oh and obviously all the indies and many niche japanese games are there too.
The GPD Win isn't perfect and has nothing in common with Vita but it's already what i wanted Vita to be.