Alright I need to ask: If I buy a digital game of a game I already have on a retail cart will the save transfer over?
The same problem that plagued Zelda Spirit Tracks now plagues Gravity Rush: Its in a game case that is completely buried who knows where in this house.
So despite not really being able to afford it I am now considering downloading the damn game just to be able to play a game I already own FFS. Already tore the house up when I wanted to replay Spirit Tracks for the Zelda marathon I had leading up till BOTW and its simply not here.(And yes I know if I buy it digitally the game case will somehow show up the next day damnit.)
GR is $13.49 I think on the US PSN. Is that the standard price now so I won't need to be in a hurry to get it at that price? And does it go on sale often? I know it was once on sale for less than a dollar but that time is not now. >_<
i really want to finish Platinuming it, buy and do the DLC, and finally, replay the game to remember the story details before I start GR2 which I already own since the first one should be here!
I can't believe I can't play a game I own this is ridiculous. Its not my fault that the case vanished with all the moves. I guess Corpse Party Blood Drive is also in it since I just found out its also missing. Yippee! I don't know where else to look. Theres so many hard to get to places it could be. T_T