Apparently, footage of the Vita version of Son of Scoregasm.
I finished an article looking at fan campaigns on Vita over the years. It's been one of my favourite things to write about really, varied topic where a lot of things have happened over the years:
I finished an article looking at fan campaigns on Vita over the years. It's been one of my favourite things to write about really, varied topic where a lot of things have happened over the years:
So only 26% is left of the pre order stock for YSVII both versions Vita and PS4 and i have no money u__u
Does anyone know what happened with Uncanny Valley at Signature Edition games? They completly removed the listing on their page:
After Slain got delayed for months, I guess they'll wait until it's all sorted out.
I hope so. I really like those little editions with a few nice goodies.
Those Akiba Beat reviews...
Knowing that this was XSEED's biggest dub effort makes the whole thing even worse.
I agree, they're actually pretty affordable in comparison.
They'll just double down on Steam releases to make up for that. Akiba's Beat PC will sell over 100k on Steam.
Those Akiba Beat reviews...
Knowing that this was XSEED's biggest dub effort makes the whole thing even worse.
Just give it...a century or so. I'm sure it'll get there.
Yeah, what I've played of Akiba's Beat is not bad, but it's just... so bland. I'm struggling to get through it.
It doesn't help that I recently finished a very enjoyable action-RPG on Vita in the form of Tales of Hearts R either. You can find my review here:
Saw that Deemo has like $100+(CAD) worth of DLC. Damn. I wanted to buy it all, but I guess I'm waiting on a sale, or one of Sony's spend x amount and get x amount back.
Not even interested on reading them, but I always feel sorry when publishers I like license a failure. Although, XSEED hasn't licensed anything I'm interested except for maybe Cold Steel in awhile.
i saw somewhere else that the dlc was free on the japanese store so i have no idea why it's so expensive over here
didn't it sell horribly in japan? i feel like xseed are trying to find the easiest way out of publishing for vita and going straight for pc now
Yeah, the bar is too high for you there, playing Akiba's beat after a game like Tales is not a good idea. It's an Acquire game and if history has taught us something, it's we should have low expectations for their game. Every Acquire game is bland but never "bad". The dev team feel very ambitious but they only do what their resources allow them to. If I were them, I'd ask more funds from my parent company GungHo for such ambitious project. They're rich as hell anyway.
i saw somewhere else that the dlc was free on the japanese store so i have no idea why it's so expensive over here
didn't it sell horribly in japan? i feel like xseed are trying to find the easiest way out of publishing for vita and going straight for pc now
Clearly, a worthy investment over something like Hero Must Die.
Which takes more effort to translate?
I feel sorry for Toybox; all their stuff is bomba, except for maybe their otome games.
I haven't played HMD, so I can't say. What I can say, though, is that a game from their parent company is probably cheaper to acquire than one from a third party that they got involved with pre-Japanese launch.
Clearly, a worthy investment over something like Hero Must Die.
Just watch NISA skip most recent NIS titles for more Touhou titles and Birthdays bombas.
We need to factor that they localized the title in FIGS too, which adds even more cost than the standard English-only translation.Clearly, a worthy investment over something like Hero Must Die.
Those Akiba Beat reviews...
Knowing that this was XSEED's biggest dub effort makes the whole thing even worse.
HeavyArm just retweeted this. Was it known 100% that it was getting physical apart from the PA pr order page?
Beaten to it!
Set out on an interdimensional mission to save Yui from the hands of Personna Babel in ACCEL WORLD VS. SWORD ART ONLINE -- available physically and digitally for the PS4 and digitally for Vita this summer 2017!
During this month, Play-Asia is giving 5% off for orders paid with PayPal. For $40 games, if you use that promo and add any $3 coupon like Gematsu, you can essentially get games with "free shipping". Not really useful for people who live in North America or Europe, but it's a nice deal for anyone who lives in other countries.
Nice plan, but that Paypal offer doesn't stack with the existing promo codes. I tried. Doesn't work.
And Blitworks (major Vita porting studio) are currently porting Starbound to XB1. Reckon we'll get that long-delayed Vita version one day?
Does anyone know what kind of combat system this has? It looks like maybe something like Odin Sphere, but talks about 'controlling 4 at once' and being 'unique'.
Nice plan, but that Paypal offer doesn't stack with the existing promo codes. I tried. Doesn't work.
Well, it should, because during checkout, they show both discounts, but you're right, because when I was redirected to the PayPal page, it showed only the code discount. In any case, I sent them a message asking about it.