His 5 points...
1. I agree
2. I agree, and they do have them in all 50 states already mandated by the federal government called the NICS system when you purchase from any licensed Class 3/NFA dealer. Trade shows in some states are different with private owner to owner sales, which may need to be looked at more and adjusted accordingly.
3. I agree
4. I agree to an extent.
5. Assault weapons, that will depend on which definiton. If they go by the original US Army, then sure, they have been banned since the 60's already. If they go by the loose defintion they keep ammending about a scary black gun that does the same as the non scary wooden one, then one has pause to raise an eyebrow.
Most people who purchase legally, are law abiding citizens who had the proper background checks when purchasing from the gun shop. The very same background checks as hired body guards. And there has been language used by him and his peers beyond those 5 points that give people pause. Slippy slopes and all that stuff people worry about. Not saying I am worried about it, because in the long run I am not, but I can see concern where once that is obtained, they will move on to even more. Give an inch, people tend to take the whole mile.
This is a good response. And as you can see, you and Hogg are mostly on the same page
Concerning 'assault weapons' this is obviously a point that requires further clarification, but it seems you at least understand that there is a legitimate concern on some levels. Perhaps if both sides were willing to discuss this, rather than insisting on not giving an inch, we could actually sketch out what should or shouldn't be allowed from assault weapons.
I understand the slippery slope, but at a certain point, after enough people are needlessly massacred, maybe it makes sense to start trying some of the above. You can always dig in when people start taking the mile, rather than starting when they just try to take the inch (an inch you mostly agree with). What I see from your prior posts is that you are happy to hold the mile over peoples heads to defend that inch. Otherwise, why would you denigrate Hogg? Call him out when he oversteps the bounds he's set; no need to harangue him for trying to meet half way
Get over yourself on this shit right here. Just because I do not believe everyone has a kosher virtue in the cause, does not warrant for your emotional temper tantrum on a personal level.
Not emotional at all. You are the one appealing to emotion by insisting "they" hate "YOU" and "I". "YOU", "I" and "them" are all part of the same society, and (ideally) you are all looking for what's best for everyone. It's this level of discourse that has put America on the path of no return. I merely re-purposed what you posted. I advise you stop pushing this rhetoric if you value the country, as your side may win in the end but the country has a long way to fall before getting there
and I must admit, my reply was a little harsh, as you actually replied to my post with a reasonable response and actually answered the question instead of deflecting to a bizarre conspiracy. I don't see that happen much here, so I appreciate it. case in point:
We don't support Hogg's plan because A) He's a fucking high-schooler, B) Is a hopeless idealist and C) Doesn't realize that all the gun controls in the world won't stop people from shooting up schools.
And seriously Hogg...more "research into gun violence?" Like we haven't figured it out yet?
but back to you
, as you are not them, and you are an enigma, a good follow up question would be how do you think we could promote the points that you and Hogg agree on to move forward in congress?
Also, do you think it's fair to belittle Hogg for hiring security that follows his own prescription for future legislation?
And do you think it's reasonable that Hogg may fear for his life while demonstrating?