One of my professors, we collectively as a class got the student union, dean involved because he assigned a shared essay assignment in which 4 people would work together to do their own essays, meaning we do our own and they cannot be identical but we discuss the subject matter as a group, we then submit 4 essays, he picks only one of the 4 and all of us get whatever mark that paper gets. I coule get A- or more on my essays with my eyes closed, and 2 of the other 3 weren't even willing to meet up. But this guy wanted to go for some insane community based school work, not focus on grades so much. But in a world where GPA means everything, people have scholarships, post graduate and jobs depending on grades, I wasn't leaving it upto chance he picked the girl who did the C+ paper. I ended up with like 92% on my essay, 2 of the other 3 barely got 70%, the other got like 85%.
Nothing I hated more in university than some Professors who wanted to 'change' the world type. I am okay with being exposed to new things, but nothing unfair like that.