Honestly man imho, it's not what you're saying but it's the way you're saying it. Yes I basically agree with your point, in principle, about the 'updates for single player games' but it's hard to agree with your argument as a whole because you sound completely unhinged. Anyways man just thought I'd mention that for once in my life.
I am not unhinged, but became mad.
I didn't expect such aggressively intrusive and confident stupidity from people.
I wrote a message and one person immediately popped up: "Stop using shortcuts if you don't want updates in Steam."
The person is talking absolute nonsense, but he is sure that he is giving me fair advice.
Shortcuts do not affect anything. I immediately wrote in my first message that if you do not launch it with shortcuts, but through Steam, then the Play button changes to Update. The person does not read, talks absolute nonsense, but is sure that I need to be taught stupid advice.
Then the second one immediately popped up:
"Your Internet is bad! You are to blame, not Steam! Steam is not a place for people with bad Internet"
I have normal Internet.
Then the third one pops up and talks some more nonsense, convincing me that I am wrong with the help of absolutely delirious arguments.
Sorry, I'm absolutely right to be mad. I don't know what it is, whether I've encountered mass stupidity, or I'm being trolled, or some bots have been mass-drilling my words in defense of Steam, but it's a completely healthy reaction - to get mad when people are talking absolute, utter nonsense in a patronizing manner towards my words.