Or you know, there's like 6% of us, and many of us are new immigrants or children of immigrants.
Maybe after we have a few generations of support, maybe after we form a stronger community of Panasian Americans (as opposed to being Chinese, or Korean, or Indian), maybe after another twenty or thirty years.
The problem isn't that other minorities aren't fighting for us, the problem is that it's under the guise of "diversity for people of color." If you wanna be like, oh except you people, and act like it's because "we" don't stand up and fight, then that's where people are going to ask questions.
Oscarsowhite isn't a problem, but when it's framed like that it's about minorities versus hegemony/white. Don't be surprised when other minorities think that you mean to include them, then. Don't be surprised when other minorities get heated because y'all choose to use the opportunity to mock other people of color. It'd be a lot less dogwhistling (to them) is you just went ahead and said Oscarnotblackenough, because that's what can it sounds like when someone says "we need more diversity for nonwhites but also who cares about browns and yellows they should fight for themselves." I'm not saying that's what it is, I'm saying that is often how it is perceived by nonblack minorities. Which, in turn, leads to resentment.
How many of you that say these things actually are in touch with Asian American communities in the US? *Regular* Asian Americans, not the ones that are already interested in social rights? Whether or not you care, there's definitely an existing current of "other minorities don't give a shit about us and will be racist towards us," with the conclusion that "all this euqality stuff is just about them, not others." It looks hypocritical as hell when people want understanding from one group but don't seem to care about giving that same understanding to the other. There's all sorts of justification for this, too, but regardless of whether or not you truly believe it, it just looks like the same kind of oppression and racism, though just from another group.
Sorry about the tangent, but I see the sentiment so much, even from progressives, so I'd like to address it where it comes up. There's a lot of "but why don't they just <do x>" without considering those people's perspectives.