Then Church Doctrine needs to change and they recognize that but want to remain true to their love of Jesus. Not everyone feels that religion has to be the epitome of intolerance. Frankly I support these nuns in their endeavors to not follow certain teachings that ostracize and vilify others. If Christ's words were about love, just what the fuck is the point of christianity in so many places?
The Church teaches love. The Church doesn't hate homosexuals, mothers who get abortions, or women.
The Church teaches that God loves a gay man the exact same as a straight man. However, the Church teaches, and has ALWAYS taught, that the sacrament of marriage can only be between a man and a woman. That doesn't mean they hate homosexuals and are intolerant of homosexuals. What they are against is the sexual act outside of marriage, and since they don't recognize the right of two men/two women to get married, any sexual act between those couples is considered a sin. That sin is THE EXACT SAME as if a male/female couple were to have sexual relations outside of marriage. It is THE EXACT SAME as a guy looking at some porn and masturbating. All of those actions are mortal sins. Guess what else are considered mortal sins...wishing evil on your parents, lust, excessive gambling, perjury, missing Mass on a Holy Day, and committing any mortal sin with the idea that you can just go to confession after and be forgiven. All mortal sins are equal. It's not that the homosexual sexual act is the sin, it's the sexual act outside of marriage that is a sin. But because marriage is only between a man and woman in they eyes of the Church, then the homosexual act will always be a sin.
The Church doesn't hate women just because they won't let women be priests or get abortions. The Church believes that life begins at conception, and abortion is basically murder. Pro-choice people might argue that it's the woman's right to do with her body as she chooses. The Church responds, the woman has that right, until her body is shared with another being. At that point she has a responsibility to the child. The huge gap between the two sides that just can't be crossed is that both sides fundamentally disagree on when life begins. The Church doesn't hate women who get abortions either, they condemn the SIN of abortion. And yes, getting an abortion is a mortal sin. But it, just like the rest of the mortal sins, may be forgiven.
Out of curiosity, have you ever read what the Church ACTUALLY teaches and believes, and the Church's reasons behind those teaching and beliefs?
On female ordination
On abortion and contraception.
On homosexual relations/marriage
You can support the nuns all you like. But that doesn't change the fact that they are CATHOLIC nuns, who took VOWS to follow and teach CATHOLIC doctrine, not just on social justice but on theology as well.
Just because most people don't believe in sin anymore, doesn't mean that those who do believe in sin should be condemned (the irony). Just because the Church doesn't conform to the "Left's" (for lack of a better word) **current** position on sexual ethics does not make the Church intrinsically evil, spiteful, or the epitome of intolerance.
If these nuns feel as though the Church needs to change on matters of doctrine and they cannot continue to maintain their vows to the Church as it is now but want to "remain true to their love of Jesus", then they can become Episcopalians.
Or they ignore that doctrine has changed in the past so the idea that it can't is hilarious as hell.
There's a difference within the Church between
Discipline and
Doctrine. Discipline can change, Doctrine cannot. What changes were you referring to?