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Vatican top diplomat says Ireland gay marriage vote is 'defeat for humanity'

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Needs more vehement rhetoric.

It's the Vatican, but they could at least try filtering the hateful shit they say. Everyone excluding Francis is always on full tilt.


And all those Irish priests that molested young boys... that wasn't a defeat for humanity?

I hate backwards people who think like this. I agree 100% fuck em.

I went to Christian Brothers College for three years, you don't need to point out the hypocrisy of the Catholic church to me.

Almost beat the shit out of a senile old fuck named (and I shit you not) Brother Seaman who asked if I wanted to sit on his lap when we were forced to give confession. I was 14.
I'm sure the Church is seeing the way the wind's blowing and will end up conceding more and more to the growing acceptance of homosexuality. Even if it's just for pragmatic reasons and not actually fully reversing their bigotry.

Until then though, we'll have to hear more of this bullshit.


What do they not like about homosexuality? Ignoring lesbian, is it because penis doesn't go in vagina?

Someone tell them many straight people of "faith" (lol use that term loosely) practise anal sex. So it is only a problem to humanity if gay people do it?


What do they not like about homosexuality? Ignoring lesbian, is it because penis doesn't go in vagina?

Someone tell them many straight people of "faith" (lol use that term loosely) practise anal sex. So it is only a problem to humanity if gay people do it?

It's completely dogmatic and not based on any sort of reasoning that makes sense from a secular perspective.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Oh NOW they're concerned with acts of "great depravity?" Because I forgot which organization frequently dealt with its own rapists and pederasts by sending them abroad to rape foreigners.


Rich, coming from a church who's claim to fame over the last century is generating a huge number of child rapists, while attempting to cover the entire thing up when they're finally called out on it.

If gay marriage is 'a defeat for humanity', then what is enabling and defending child rape?
Rich, coming from a church who's claim to fame over the last century is generating a huge number of child rapists, while attempting to cover the entire thing up when they're finally called out on it.

If gay marriage is 'a defeat for humanity', then what is enabling and defending child rape?
Priests abusing children in our organisation? We'll cover that up and move them to a new congregation.

Marriage between two gay people who love each other? Moral outrage! Defeat for humanity!

Yeah, I think we can all be forgiven for not holding the moral authority of an organisation that covers up child abuse very highly.

All they'd need is little skulls on their hats to make it clearer who the bad guys are.


Rich, coming from a church who's claim to fame over the last century is generating a huge number of child rapists, while attempting to cover the entire thing up when they're finally called out on it.

If gay marriage is 'a defeat for humanity', then what is enabling and defending child rape?

For the Catholic hierarchy, it's sadly business as usual.

They have absolutely zero moral authority on anything, ever, for the rest of time.


"Desperate, tenacious, clinging like a grain of sand. Watching its foundation wash away (wash away). Drunk with the assertions they know they can’t defend. Confident that they might…live again."


People out here believing that the this new dude is super progressive, but he the new face of the same bullshit.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
People out here believing that the this new dude is super progressive, but he the new face of the same bullshit.

I also find it hard to believe that the second guy in the Vatican's hierarchy would say such things in a press conference if he didn't know that his boss would approve of them.


People out here believing that the this new dude is super progressive, but he the new face of the same bullshit.

The Pope hasn't said anything, and the Vatican hasn't officially said anything. That thread that was just locked had an inaccurate title.


I also find it hard to believe that the second guy in the Vatican's hierarchy would say such things in a press conference if he didn't know that his boss would approve of them.

The Pope hasn't said anything, and the Vatican hasn't officially said anything. That thread that was just locked had an inaccurate title.

Yeah this is good cop bad cop. High Ranking dude says some bullshit, but the pope can still look like super cool fun guy.


I tend to guess that a lot of Catholics have drifted away because the Church seems, at times, disproportionately obsessed with sex-based sin, ranting and dwelling on it to the point where lots of folks are turned-off.

Making things worse: now that so many people have come out, the Church is having a harder time getting its charges to stick against LGBT people. Folks can see with their own eyes that LGBT people aren't monsters or deviants, and that they live lives that are stunningly similar to those of straight folks. The same struggles, the same hopes, the same fears, the same motivations.

We cherish our families just as much as straight folks. More and more people see this and empathize, and it's hard to reconcile what they see in their daily lives with the Church's idea of a God who would say, "yep, I made you this way.. but you don't get to have a love story or a family of your own. Sorry!" *shruggyface*

The Church wouldn't even have to do a complete 180, I don't think. Just stop fucking obsessing over it. There are tons of mortal sins and abominations to choose from, and yet this one and a few others get the grand focus of the Church?

There will always be "cultural Catholics." But the Church's presence in our daily lives will dwindle if it insists on this obsession.


What do they not like about homosexuality? Ignoring lesbian, is it because penis doesn't go in vagina?

Someone tell them many straight people of "faith" (lol use that term loosely) practise anal sex. So it is only a problem to humanity if gay people do it?

It's more about there being a physical and spiritual union. Two pegs can't form a piece or something.

I think you'll never see the church abandon its stance on homosexuality, but you'll see them support a states/countries right to it. Also, this guy is speaking out of place considering the massive amount of human rights violations the Catholic Church has in Ireland.
Homosexual persons are called to chastity.

Actually, that's a common misconception, Vatican Top Diplomat. Homosexual persons are actually called to acts, nay, feats of incredible, mind-blowing homosexuality. It's asexual people / folks with low libidos that are called to chastity. Understandable how you could mix that up if you've been raised exclusively among heterosexuals your whole life, though. Happy to help educate!


The concern of the church for where people put their genitals is consistently baffling. I do not understand. I don't think I ever will.

I can't imagine a world in which my response to being told "two guys are fucking each other!" is not "who cares?"

When your ideology demands a real and tangible human rights victory be called a defeat for humanity, you must reexamine your beliefs.
Fuck the Vatican, the catholic church screwed us in Ireland in more ways than one, while covering up the abuse of our children and locking our sisters, mothers and grandmothers up in Magdalene Laundries for years.

The yes vote is the right step of direction for Ireland, I hope we can remove the church from our public schools next. I wish the government would get onto that as soon as realistically possible.

I hope De Valera is spinning in his grave, we could really use him as an alternative energy source to nuclear energy to power Ireland the right way we're going.


Actually, that's a common misconception, Vatican Top Diplomat. Homosexual persons are actually called to acts, nay, feats of incredible, mind-blowing homosexuality. It's asexual people / folks with low libidos that are called to chastity. Understandable how you could mix that up if you've been raised exclusively among heterosexuals your whole life, though. Happy to help educate!
I think he's referring to the church' stand on the subject. People often forget that the church mandate is to only have sex IN MARRIAGE and WHEN WANTING TO PROCREATE. You'd think that 99% of catholics breaking that law would soften then on homosexuality, but if course it doesn't.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I think he's referring to the church' stand on the subject. People often forget that the church mandate is to only have sex IN MARRIAGE and WHEN WANTING TO PROCREATE. You'd think that 99% of catholics breaking that law would soften then on homosexuality, but if course it doesn't.

You guys should really have a look at the church's catechism. It's highly educational and entertaining.


By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action. The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved."
I guess all the "I love this pope!" "greatest pope ever" jumped the gun a little too early. Probably the same folk that pre-order games.
I guess all the "I love this pope!" "greatest pope ever" jumped the gun a little too early. Probably the same folk that pre-order games.
Pope still hasn't said anything but please continue to spread misinformation like the others getting a hard-on that they think they can finally prove he's the hateful person they've always hated.
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