When I worked there the receptionist was the hot girl. She probably had a better job than anyone else in there besides the manager.
One amusing detail from my experience was that on day 1 they get you to make up a list of everyone you know that you might be able to pitch their product to. Well I ran out of names real fast, so I just started making shit up. I don't know why the hell I thought this was a good idea, because I was just left with some huge list of fake names and numbers to try and get my sales base started. Calling people that you only vaguely know (friends of parents, parents of friends, etc) and begging for an appointment is well....."humbling" might be a generous way to put it.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
You're laughing at the wrong thing, though I think my original statement might have been misleading. You get $12.50 per appointment, no matter what....even if they don't buy a thing. If you sell more than $125 in merchandise then you get 10% of the final sale price.
Himuro did mis the fact that it's probably impossible to do more than 4 appointments per day, unless you are either very lucky and a master of scheduling. Even if you get lucky and make 5 appointments that's only like $62 in a day. It's more like $8.30 an hour once you consider that the presentation takes about 60 minutes, but there's going to be at least 30 minutes of travel time to and from your appointments. So you can either stick with this rough job that has you working a ton of unpaid hours (there's all kinds of meetings and phone reports)....or you can make about the same in a crappy retail or manual labor job.
You really really have to sell the knives to make Cutco worth all the time and effort, but best of luck to Himuro. It might really be your thing -- my sister's roommate made a boatload with that company.
The commute alone, if you go by the average cost of driving (86 cents a mile), will put you upside down.
Well you can write off gas costs on your taxes, but I'm not sure how it would work with the general cost of wear and tear on the car. They hire people as "contractors" so you have to work out your own taxes and will never get any kind of health insurance.....on the upside that at least means you get paid under the table.