Maxwell House
border said:To call it a scam is very unfair. There's really nothing deceptive or fraudulent about it. It is better described as "a really shitty job with a high turnover rate"....which is why they are always hiring.
It's like any other sales job -- if you are very good at it and you get the right leads/contacts, you can make a ton of money. If you are not very good at it you are wasting your time and will feel more and more humiliated with each sales pitch. It's a pyramid system, so if you work your way up the line you can make crazy money by doing hardly anything. As a grunt you really have to work your ass off, but managers make comission just on the sales of their underlings.
Cutco confuses the hell out of me. It's like they are stuck in some kind of time warp. They refuse to sell their product over the internet or through catalogs or through TV mail-order. Probably 20-30% of each sale goes towards commission for the managing sales rep his underlings....they could be making a real killing if they would just set up a website. Yet they don't...
The reason they don't sell over the web is because no one would buy their knives.
The only reason they get sales is because of the sales people selling them. Friends, family, etc feel bad and buy these shitty overpriced knives. Web ordering would get zero sales.