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Velvet Sundown |OT| Spies vs Jerks

Welcome the Information Age. We live in a world where the whims of men and women are manipulated not through force, or reason, or love; naught but cold hard fact can stem the tides of conflict. The extremes that people will go to in order to acquire the information they seek is unimaginable. Down that path you will find deceit, betrayal and masquerade. Sometimes, you may even find them all come together, thickening the air with paranoia and conspiracy...

Welcome to Balbonia. A small state in the Caribbean, its waters are currently host to a private yacht, occupied by a number of guests from all across the world. Photographers, preachers, playboys and more, these guests are all high-class, and they're all in the eye of a storm of corporate espionage. The oil company Balboil, and their competitor Explon, are locked in a deadly feud, one which puts the lives of employees on both sides should information fall into the wrong side. With employees from each side hiding in plain sight on the yacht, and both innocent and dangerous third parties also present, tensions are high and the clock is ticking...

Welcome to Velvet Sundown.


Price: Free! (with premium options for expanded scenarios)
Developer/Publisher: Tribe Studios
Platforms: PC and Mac (Steam page)
Genre: ...errrrrr
Players: 4+, online only

I assume I'm not the only one who's really looking forward to Chris Hecker's Spy Party, but if you can't wait until 2044 to play that game, you might like to check this out. Velvet Sundown is a free game released on Steam in the last week, and it sort of works as a weird mix between a MMO role-playing server, LA Noire, the aforementioned Spy Party, and Microsoft Sam. If that sounds like a hot fucking mess, then you'd be right to think that, but it's surprisingly compelling beyond that.

When you enter a game, your player character is selected at random from a selection of about 10 or so avatars. You can walk around the yacht and interact with other players; joining conversations brings up a basic IM-type chat mode, which can accommodate multiple players. As well as talking, the characters each have a fixed "interaction" they can perform with other characters - Malik the new age preacher can bless people with his aura, Linda the celebrity photographer can snap pics of people... However, these interactions are more of a mask for the real objective.

Each player is given an allegiance, usually for one of the two energy companies, Balboil and Explon. The characters working as agents have the goal of acquiring pieces of data to scupper their rivals' plans and protect their own schemes. However, you have no idea who is working for who on the surface, so you'll need to determine the allegiance of your fellow passengers through subtle interrogation and persuasion. Some players will be neutral third-parties, looking to avert potential disaster - others will be looking to make an easy buck, gathering the data and selling it off for personal gain. (These players usually carry a taser. Be careful.)

Rounds have a ~25 minute time limit, so you've got to work fast to determine who's on "your side", who is working for the enemy, who is a threat and who might be willing to co-operate. These might not be exactly what you'd expect - those you'd call enemies may be willing to work together in secret, and those you can trust may not be so committed to the cause... Oh, and the game uses voice tech similar to Tomodachi Life, so just because someone isn't in your conversation doesn't mean they can't hear you. Stay vigilant!


It's a weirdly enticing game. For all the janky animations, some of the frankly bizarre flavour text (try toasting with someone sometime) and the current lack of variety in terms of scenarios, the basic concept of forming partnerships and trying to persuade players into giving you what you need is super compelling. What's more, people actually play it pretty much on-point. There's very little dicking about or people asking to cyber or anything you might expect - people are definitely in there giving the game a proper shot, playing their roles (without being too into it - "I put on my robe and wizard hat" this is not) and genuinely not screwing around too much. At least, that's my experience with it.

It definitely suffers from a lack of variety - the boat is the only level, at least for free users. The game has a paid subscription model which will give you access to more scenarios, but I'm unclear on what actually changes in these so far. I assume Tribe will be adding more scenarios as they go, but who knows! Graphically it's slightly bunk too, but I'm not entirely sure that matters too much. It'll definitely run on almost any machine.

It's interesting to play a game so utterly reliant on freeform human interaction that doesn't feel restricted, embraces anonymity (Steam usernames are hidden until the end of the game) and that people are actually taking seriously. It's possibly the world's first competitive talk-'em-up. It's far from perfect but it's definitely worth a go.


Launch trailer
Giant Bomb Premium Stream (Quick Look up on Monday)
There's like a million Let's Play videos on YouTube, of course


Excuse the cheesy banner. Literally everything about this game's presentation feels like a bad 80s soap opera/porno so I felt it was appropriate. And yes, I know it's spelt "senator"!
Loving the sub-title. From what I saw of this on the Giant Bomb Premium stream, it is a very unorthodox game, mainly because the only way of winning is through actual deception, although how successful a game is (based on the rules set out by the developers) depends on the kind of people you're playing with it seems.

I need to see this take a few more steps before I bite down on whether I'm into it or not, but I'm very curious, that's for sure.


I've been playing the game for about four hours straight today. A pretty unique game, and I actually like it. People have been surprisingly civil so far too, not nearly as much internet garbage as I'd expected.
The text to speech servers are down. ;( The game isn't as much fun without the crazy computer accents.

Crap, that's server based? When I was playing it earlier it was going just fine. Bummer.

It's definitely a key component of the experience. You can totally eavesdrop on people when it's on, and that's sort of vital when everyone isn't just fucking around.

Sounds like they may have more load than they were anticipating. Who knows.


The text to speech servers are down. ;( The game isn't as much fun without the crazy computer accents.

Yeah, that's true. They apparently had some trouble with the tech only picking up parts of what you wrote, but sounds like they're working on it at least.


I played a couple of games of this last night, its a shame that you mostly run into AFK'ers and people that don't take it 'seriously'.

I was trying to be in character and was just laughing to myself the whole time. Really entertaining.


Yeah, seeing Vinny play this really piqued my interest. Seems like there are some neat ideas here, for sure.

Could we potentially get a GAF game going or is it all random matchmaking?


Crap, that's server based? When I was playing it earlier it was going just fine. Bummer.

It's definitely a key component of the experience. You can totally eavesdrop on people when it's on, and that's sort of vital when everyone isn't just fucking around.

Sounds like they may have more load than they were anticipating. Who knows.

It's been going up an down. Fortunately they're aware and are keeping track of it on the steam forums.
Yeah, seeing Vinny play this really piqued my interest. Seems like there are some neat ideas here, for sure.

Could we potentially get a GAF game going or is it all random matchmaking?

Think it's random matchmaking only. Being able to go in with friends would probably be super unfair. :p

It's been going up an down. Fortunately they're aware and are keeping track of it on the steam forums.

That's good to hear. It works incredibly well, with proper enunciation a lot of the time which is bananas, so in that sense I'm hardly surprised it's fiddly.


I have had a few amazing experiences in this game so far.

In my favorite I was a bailbol agent. I quickly found out Shauna was also a bailboil agent. We split up. I convinced Boyle that i was actually an agent for the other side, and he gave me his CID first. SO i knew he was bad news. Then I paid Malik $100,000 for information, and he gave me both data disks.

We blew up the oil rig, and after that, it turned to chaos as I ran around the ship screaming "hail bailboil" among other madness.

I think this is a game everyone should experience. It is definitely a unique take on multiplayer
I have had a few amazing experiences in this game so far.

In my favorite I was a bailbol agent. I quickly found out Shauna was also a bailboil agent. We split up. I convinced Boyle that i was actually an agent for the other side, and he gave me his CID first. SO i new he was bad news. Then I paid Malik $100,000 for information, and he gave me both data disks.

We blew up the oil rig, and after that, it turned to chaos as I ran around the ship screaming "hail bailboil" among other madness.

I think this is a game everyone should experience. It is definitely a unique take on multiplayer

That's amazing. :lol

Plans devolving into utter chaos is definitely a recurring theme in this game. My last game had me as the third-party, Alex, and I ended up with a CID. I was luring players over to the front of the ship to have honest chats with them away from eavesdroppers, which worked well for a time, until I called over Boyle, who I was told didn't have a CID. I was going to sell him mine. Obviously I didn't think this through, because he tasered me in the balls, and stole my CID and a whole load of data. In the end he made off with a ton of cash and won.

It was pretty fucking dumb.


Heh, just won my first game. I was the barkeeper and one of the agents and my contact approached me quickly and gave me the data. Then the other agent zapped that out of me a few minutes later, only for my guy (which I paid) to get that stuff back in the last few seconds after I dropped a subtle hint about who stole it from me.

I don't like that the taser is so broken, though. Also, people tend to crowd other players which breaks the immersion. Wish people would use the whole ship.

Breaking character is dumb btw.


The past few games I've been in everyone just runs around asking everyone for data. That's not the point! New scenario tomorrow, hopefully it'll get better then.
The past few games I've been in everyone just runs around asking everyone for data. That's not the point! New scenario tomorrow, hopefully it'll get better then.

That's not far off my tactic of just badgering people to accept my scan until they caved, to be fair

and hell yes, I'm ready for a new scenario
I just played and manage to get a few passports; before the last person I talked to ended up throwing expletives at me in upper case. However, the game was quite compelling and bizarre. Reminded me of something like perhaps Swery would make.
People should totally try this game out or at least watch the Quick Look tomorrow. It's so bizarre and fun, especially when people are staying in character.

My best experience was a round where I convinced Boyle, who claimed to be a teetotaller and family man, to marry me and adopt a child together. Only then Alex showed up to give Boyle back a thong. Before long I had unraveled the horrible truth behind the drunken escapades of Alex, Shauna, and Boyle the night before, which resulted in my angrily tasing Boyle repeatedly while Malik looked on in horror.

I think I lost in the end? Shauna never did get her thong back.
Watching Vinny play it made me think of the time I was dragged along to a LARP (live action role playing) session. Aside from being virtual, the (lack of) mechanics and focus on achieving goals through wandering around and striking up conversations seemed very similar.
The Shauna I just played with was unbearable. Skank and Bitch were uttered almost every sentence. Funny how I ended up with the confidential disks and the info and was just trying to get passports.

People like that ruin it but it was still fun trying to convince people to give me their passports.


Watching Vinny play it made me think of the time I was dragged along to a LARP (live action role playing) session. Aside from being virtual, the (lack of) mechanics and focus on achieving goals through wandering around and striking up conversations seemed very similar.
I am so intrigued by laprping. Part of me really wants to try it, but I don't think I have it in me to commit to role playing quite so enthusiastically. After watching Monster Camp I had a hard time imagining myself in a similar setting with similar people.


Just played my first game. The guy with the information(?) was AFK. So no one could accomplish anything. But I sure saved the shit out of whales, got some illegal drugs, and framed Dunla as working for the company instead of me.

This is so damn interesting. Though I'm guess I'm not really sure on how it actually works. Is there just like an item somewhere on someone that the spies on either side need to get? I'm probably already thinking too much on mechanics.


I'm enjoying this game more than I expected. Streaming a bit of it a few days ago but would love to play it with GAF.


A Tale of Father and Sons as mary is kind of boring, they ask you to act crazy and make people miserable for way too long of the game. I wound up pissing off everyone else long before the game was over and had to just spin in place in front of people talking
New scenario is definitely weird. I was Alex and my only goal was to "Make it rain." I seduced Mary but just like in the Quick Look I don't know if you can actually have sex with anyone and I wasn't about to start cybering with people just for the fun of it. So I got high until it ended. My sidebar got filled with stuff but they all seemed like roleplaying suggestions and not actual goals.

I will say that with text-to-speech down conversations can happen a whole lot faster though.
I played Ingmar in the latest scenario and had to keep an eye on Alex. By the end of it he asked me to dispose of Mary and, just to turn the tables, with one minute left, I tasered him a few times for a good laugh. The scenario yesterday was better.


I really wish my friends weren't lame; I can only convince 2 of them to try this. Also, that's really disappointing about the voices...


Had a fun round as Alex for my first game, even with speech switched off. Lost a bunch of the charm but conversations actually flowed. Threw my iPhone in the ocean because of my father and tried to throw a sweet party but Mary confiscated all my stuff. Also drank a lot of Vodka with Boyle and Ingmar. I want to play more Velvet Sundown, really tempted to buy and get those voices in.


I have no idea what happened in the game I played. It doesn't help that the voices got turned off and I didn't know about it till after the game was over (I assumed it was a bug).

I was Linda, a reporter, so I just tried to talk to people about things (I was given actions to discuss something about drugs and that Ingmar was suspicious) so I could write an article about anything I could learn. Except everyone just seemed to dump all their story items/actions on me, immediately, while not actually telling me anything about them so I just "knew" that Ingmar was a criminal and that Alex's dad was one as well, and also more details about the drugs as well as two unrelated stories, but had absolutely no idea what to do with any of that or why the other character was telling me it. This also clogged the left side of the screen with like 10 things I was apparently interested in but had no details on how to actually progress in a way that the game would recognize, especially as the tooltips for ones near the top would go off of the screen. At one point Ingmar tried to start an orgy, and plans for a night club were shared. I took pictures of several people since that was apparently a thing I was supposed to do, and lied when Ingmar wanted his back and told him I gave it to Mary. Mary then gave me a ring and tried to seduce me after revealing that she had the drugs, except it seemed like after telling you to go to the cabin the seduction actions stopped working. She then gave me the drugs, drank vodka with me, and tasered me twice. The game ended during the second taser and I got absolutely no results screen before the post-game chat showed up, so I have no idea whether I did the right thing or not regarding any of the stories I was supposed to be reporting on.

This scenario, or at least the role I had, seems really badly thought out in terms of the game recognizing that you know something being tied to using actions in a game that depends a lot on what people say. The obvious issue is people just straight up telling you things but the game not acknowledging it unless they use some specific action to do it, but I was hit with the weird opposite where people used the specific actions while not actually giving me any context to them through the chat. And then there were issues like how I supposedly I "knew" enough about Alex that I should tell him that I was going to do a story on him, but there was no action for that so it wasn't clear whether I had to do that through something else or if it wasn't tied to mechanics at all and is something I should have just said for the sake of acting in-character. Actions and goals would vanish with 0 acknowledgement of why that was happening. Finally, given that I had a number of different stories to pursue as a reporter by the end it was weird to 1. not get any way to select what I wanted to focus on and research beyond the action that let me talk about drugs, and 2. not even tell me if I failed to do anything.

This about sums it up.
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