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VG Music Appreciation: Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Found out in the middle of E3 that I'd become a full-fledged member, so been meaning to post this topic all weekend. Hoping it goes well! (and isn't too specific)

As someone that once considered becoming a composer because of the game OSTs, I have a special place for games who's music really captured my attention. They may not have always been the best games--one of my favorite game series in terms of OSTs, which I'll probably share some other week, hasn't aged particularly well at all-- but they are games where the music was a strong component of its identity.

Ace Combat is one of those series for me, though I'd say in general it matched great music with great gameplay and atmosphere. However, this post isn't about the AC Series in general, but rather it's most... divisive entry:


Mostly derided by fans for its QTE-esqe implementation of 'Dogfight Mode', lack of focus on fighter combat through the inclusions of playable helicopters/bombers/gunships, and the overall replacement of alt-world anime melodrama with real-world, CoD-like 'grittiness'; ACAH's critical failure among the fans and public, despite selling a good portion better than its predecessor, was thought by fans to have killed any chance of another AAA 'Boxed' product. With the announcement of Ace Combat 7 returning to the fictional setting of the Pre-ACAH games, it seemed as if Namco Bandai was exorcising the ghosts of ACAH and repudiating its maligned design decisions.

To be honest, I'm slightly more charitable towards ACAH; I have a fascination with how PA attempted to capture western sensibilities in aesthetics and presentation, and honestly enjoyed the (admittedly very limp) Clancy-esqe technothriller narrative. But there's no denying that a lot of the design decisions heavily disrupted the gamefeel of the campaign, and generally for the worst.

Lost in the derision of the gameplay and CoD-esqe aesthetics, tough, is another aspect; it might actually have the best OST of any Ace Combat game

"Rebirth" From Sandstorm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUI5hjh6hNw

I may be slightly biased in some regards, as ACAH was the first mainline AC to use live orchestral instruments throughout most of its tracks (Go Shiina's compositions in ACX2 for PSP got the orchestral treatment first, but his tracks only made up about a quarter of the OST). I just really think that getting the timbre of actual instruments uplifts many of the OST's tracks, in particular Keiki Kobayashi's.

That aside, however, there's just a more 'mature' feel to the score, in that there is much less filler than previous AC games. All Ace Combat games have featured standout tracks, but many--especially during the period between AC04 and AH--have had plenty of more generic tracks as well that felt like padding. AC6 was particularly egregious in that regard, as its sound design had to be based around accommodating the fact that missions would often take half an hour or more to complete, and thus had a more 'laid back' style that fit the pacing of the missions but did not create particularly memorable tracks (with several obvious exceptions). For the most part, ACAH avoids this, crafting tracks that both fit the 'feel' of the mission as well as being interesting in their own right.

And of course, there's Rio Hamamoto's tracks:

White Devil - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLqhF2wswYk

Naval Warfare - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6hpReqjTrA

What can I see, I think his Industrial style is a really great fit to Ace Combat, especially with the Aesthetics that ACAH was going for. I'm really glad he's continued to work on AC OSTs since then because the Namco Sound Team that had been working on the AC series had been pretty codified over the years. It was cool to see some fresh blood injected into it..

Shall Defend - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PseSGiek5-M

Anyways, these are just a few of the tracks I thought stood out from the OST; would love to see if there are any other fans of it out there who'd like to post their own favorites. I just think it's cool to show there's something good even in very maligned products.

Nice ot, but brother you lost me at best soundtrack in the series. I have 4,5,zero,6 and Assault horizons soundtracks and while AH is very good, I would put 5 and zero in the top ten video game soundtracks of all time! They were simply phenomenal.
Nice ot, but brother you lost me at best soundtrack in the series. I have 4,5,zero,6 and Assault horizons soundtracks and while AH is very good, I would put 5 and zero in the top ten video game soundtracks of all time! They were simply phenomenal.

5 and 6 also have a lot of filler; for every Rendezvous or Liberation of Gracemeria, there's a Blind Spot or Peaks of Selumna. Not that the great songs on those OSTs didn't stand out, I just think ACAH has a more consistent quality to it.
5 and 6 also have a lot of filler; for every Rendezvous or Liberation of Gracemeria, there's a Blind Spot or Peaks of Selumna. Not that the great songs on those OSTs didn't stand out, I just think ACAH has a more consistent quality to it.

Sure there's filler but the great tracks are plentiful and their best tracks are head and shoulders above the best in the other games. Imo obviously.


Definitely an underappreciated soundtrack - both in terms of individual pieces and how it works as a soundtrack overall, with the reduction of padding and filler tracks you mentioned. I think I preferred it to the Go Shiina-led scores overall, though they're quite good as well.
Definitely an underappreciated soundtrack - both in terms of individual pieces and how it works as a soundtrack overall, with the reduction of padding and filler tracks you mentioned. I think I preferred it to the Go Shiina-led scores overall, though they're quite good as well.

Go Shiina's tracks were generally too grand and whimsical for me; they feel very disconnected from the actual pacing or tone of the missions, which sort of makes sense as it seems like he was more or less just brought in to pen a few pieces for ACX2 and Cross Rumble without actually working with the PA/Access Games team. There are a couple exceptions though, I'm fond of Sound Embrace and Fighter's Honor. Even then I think it's a bit too 'epic' for what Ace Combat should tonally be.

At anyrate, as much as it's not actually a uh... good final boss, I like the music that plays with the final fight with Markov:

Ms. Krista Yoslav - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e04zxzEmZW8

The piece for the penultimate fight with him is pretty great too:

Decisive Battle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy8AS8U1gXE


Strap on your hooker ...
Furiously co-signing on this thread. I really love ACAH's soundtrack.

The snare drum beats driving along Shall Defend and Keep Alive are just the hypest. And yeah, White Devil and Naval Warfare are standouts.

legacyzero said:
I'd love to see an HD collection as well. Those games deserve to carry on.
It's the weirdest thing to me that Ace Combat Infinity is still PS3-only. It came out way late in the gen as the PS4 transition was happening, why in the world didn't they port it to PS4 or target it from the get-go?

The game's the best AC's ever been mechanically, and the F2P earning doesn't start being a slog until many, many hours in. And even then, there's always limited unlock event jets with great specs that aren't tough to unlock. (Of course, there's also ones that are near impossible to obtain, but you'll learn not to get hung up on 'em.)
Nice, but not even up to Unsung War or Zero's ankles.

Hey buddy. You still alive?

I'm probably going to a general Ace Combat thread in a couple weeks (Not next week though, have another series in mind). I wanted to single out ACAH in particular because I think a lot of people (Read: AC Fans) come it with a lot of preconceived notions. And obviously there are gonna be people who disagree with me, who think ACAH's sound is less charming than the tracks from the PS2 era. But to me it just has such a strong sense of 'identity' to it that makes it memorable to me.

RE: Dogfight, yeah that's a cool piece; just figured it was a little on the short side to share off. Keep Alive is pretty great too, but I had to do a coin flip between it and Shall Defend and sort of felt the energy of Shall Defend stood out more.

Some other stand-outs to me:

Launch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50LTbvgmgGU

Blue on Blue - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZemvFa5RHJo

Also Keiki's pieces for the cutscenes are pretty great too:

Fight Back - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfaP2Ki3s34

Horizon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJvfYr9VRmU

I'm saving one of my favorite tracks though, wondering if anyone else will post it.
Probably my last post here unless there's more discussion; just wanted to get this track out.

Release - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2nRsXeTTho

I think it's up there with Zero as one of my favorite final level songs in Ace Combat. It's a bit on the repetitive side, but I love how the tension ebbs and flows throughout the piece; in particular I like the variation on a very simple progression, which actually has been used throughout the Ace Combat (and is the basis for several other famous video game themes as well).
One of the very very few soundtracks I regularly listen to without ever having played any game in the series.
It's mostly because of Hamamoto. His pieces always have such a strongly characteristic sound to them.

A bit OT, but I always thought Hamamoto's track for the Tekken Blood Vengeance movie trailer sounds like a melange of parts of "Naval Warfare" and "Dogfight" with more weight put onto the strings.
Rio Hamamoto and string instruments = <3
Assault Horizon might be my all around favorite Ace soundtrack.
5 has the best tracks, 6 ony had 1 or 2 great ones, not a huge fan of 4 and Zero has a few greats.
AH's feels so consistent throughout and stuff like Rebirth is up there.

Landing a damaged F22 after all that shit while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyrve6O6IdU is playing is a pretty memorable moment of the series to me.
I recently put most of the AC OSTs on my Android, and I have to say ACAH still stands out as the most 'Listenable' Soundtrack. Like I said before there's a strong sense of identity to most of the tracks that's missing from a lot of AC5/6.
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