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VGC: Astrobot trailer receive 99% likes, while Concord trailer only gets 18%


Remember when Hermen Hulst pushed for the closure of Team Asobi?

Nop, cuz as far as i know it never happened.

When they closed Japan Studio they turned Team Asobi into a studio. Some staff from Japan Studio, moved to Team Asobi new studio as well.
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Concord is born to fail and AstroBot to succeed.

Cat Wow GIF by JustViral
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I'd honestly love to know what happens inside these studios when they see these reactions.
Are they like "oh well whatever i'm getting paid regardless" or do they get genuinely deflated that no one likes their piece of shit no one asked for.
Its like theres zero awareness of what happening in the industry and whats the market is doing. Everyone dreams of CoD and Fortnite money.
This should have been a 4-player co-op PvE game, with a tacked-on PvP area mode.

Making this a PvP-exclusive hero shooter basically renders it DoA on PS. Maybe it can make some gains on PC, but not with the folks here on Neogaf.


And Marathon might be reworked into a hero shooter

I miss the days when it was a big deal in games to have customisable characters and loadouts where you'd make your very own hero for competitive or co-op play, on top of a relatively blank slate.

I don't get the appeal of a pre-existing character in a multiplayer title, being handed to you pretty much fully formed and with rigid customisation and even loadouts/gameplay possibilities.

Meanwhile, there are story games that have gone the other way in direct contention with narrative quality.


People don't like this shite not sure why they can't wrap their head around it after multiple failures.

This will fail so hard one of sonys biggest failures after that shit car game arena shooter.

Did t this take 5 years to make 5 years I just can't imagine what takes so long in these games. There's no cinematic in game I imagine that's all outsourced out of engine.

Come up with some cookie clutter abilities maps and characters they could probably shit this out in a year in UE 5.

Codes 208

One’s a charming 3D platformer with a history of good games that people have been clamoring for a sequel for years now.

The other is a overwatch clone nobody asked for.
i thought GaaS games or shooter games tend to sell more on steam but i could be wrong
Could be an attempt to pull in both pc and xbox gamers. But as a pc player myself all i can say is lol it looks so meh


Gold Member
Sony must have some big aspirations for these two “heroes” since they were apart of the iconic characters montage along with Kratos, Ratchet, and Ellie.


The black woman is part of there big push to get people on board.


Preorder (which means it's not free 2 play, there charging for this) and get an exclusive black woman varient.

This is the character they believe will help them sell preorders.
Currently the worst genre in gaming.
People make fun of MOBA but its way better than this trash.

I'd play League of Legends every day over trying one of these for 1 hour.

Let's not go that far. As much as this genre and trend sucks, I'd still play all 3 of these games before touching any MOBA. Trash genre, trash business model, trash community.


I'd honestly love to know what happens inside these studios when they see these reactions.
Are they like "oh well whatever i'm getting paid regardless" or do they get genuinely deflated that no one likes their piece of shit no one asked for.

Sometimes they'll ask PR for damage control or magically ask for a solution. The solution is obvious but they won't accept it. Lower grunt probably don't care as much and crack on for the paycheck. I'd probably just crack on for the pay unless I were in a senior, impactful position.


The more you think about this the worse it gets..

'People, are actually using their life minutes to make Concord. Some of them probably think it's the coolest shit, too'

Just think about that. This game will utterly bomb, it's costing money, time, energy.. and some of them think it looks great

Doesn't that depress you?

It doesn't me either.


You know what, after i totally failed with my predictions about Helldivers 2, i can't get myself to shit on Concord yet. For all we know it will be another 10kk+ seller.
So glad about the Astro Bot love though.


ChatGPT 0.1
Astro bot looks incredible reminds me of sort of fun gameplay we’re use to, concord doesn’t have a proper flow to it, gameplay starts to relate to unreal tournament but its characters are really playing to overwatch.


You know what, after i totally failed with my predictions about Helldivers 2, i can't get myself to shit on Concord yet. For all we know it will be another 10kk+ seller.
So glad about the Astro Bot love though.
Helldivers never had a negative reception, not even saying such negative reception. There just wasn't that much hype about it, because first game wasn't that big.
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