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VICE Media on the brink of collapse, reports say


Gold Member

$100 million: This is how much Vice Media missed its revenue target by in 2022, according to a report from The Wrap.



They had some pretty good stuff for the Ukraine war.

I dunno I think they were trying. The garbage articles probably made them money so they could fund the actual on location reporting.


I remember the Donkey fuckers, that was the stuff of legend, also the incels vid. Since then they went way into identity politics and never had a reason to go there again.


Jelly Belly
Weren’t they the ones that had this evidence on Andrew Tate? Guy must having a good time
They used to have serious reporting like this when they were at their best. Shame what's happened to them when they started to report nonsensical things.



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Vice never stopped with the quality investigative journalism. They did branch out into other playful cultural-focused stuff which never seemed to fit well alongside their serious journalistic endeavors, and was a pointless (IMO) drain on resources.

Can't believe they turned down Disney. That would have secured their future for some time. Hopefully they can secure a buyer and go back to focusing on the stuff that once had them valued at over $5bn.

If Vice shutters their doors there's still ProPublica, PBS, and all of their usual partners for investigative journalism. But I'll miss the younger, shrewder, more irreverent angle Vice brought to the field.
Vice never stopped with the quality investigative journalism. They did branch out into other playful cultural-focused stuff which never seemed to fit well alongside their serious journalistic endeavors, and was a pointless (IMO) drain on resources.
Unfortunately most people, including some here, don’t consider this. They only saw the stuff they didn’t like and are happy the entire business will be gone as a result.

It’s an odd world today where everyone is judged by their worst moments.


not tag worthy
Will be sad for the people trying to earn a living by just doing their job. Camera crews editors etc.

TV seems to be going through a bad patch all the Covid stuff is catching up. While the rest of the world had all this during the pandemic TV rode it out. But now the captive audience has gone. Ratings have gone down I guess.
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I haven't been as interested since Shane Smith apparently took a back seat, but I still enjoyed their stuff occasionally. One Star Reviews is/was great, probably because a new episode was rare enough that the gimmick never wore off.
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