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Video Card died, what should I get?

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My crappy Power Color Radeon 9700 (non pro) that was giving me the shits for 6 months died today; figured it out after it died...

basically I can only afford

9600XT 256MB

along with a new motherboard that will provide onboard lan, USB2 (which I don't have) SATA support, and a few other niceties that my current mobo doesn't have.

or a 9800 PRO without the motherboard.

I'll get the 9600XT i think if it's performance is comparable, just as good as the old 9700... but the small amount of research I've done shows that the 9600XT fares poorly (at higher resolutions)... even against the old 9500 PRO...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
If you're a gamer, by all means get a 9800 Pro. The 9600 doesn't even compare to your old card.


Ok then. Yeah I was swinging towards the 9800 pro solution... it would irk me if I had to pay extra money for a downgrade...

Tho I still wish it was my mobo and CPU that died and not my video card :(


madara said:
Hmm, wait it out if you can, pro so needs to drop in price.

9800PRO IS about to drop in price. ATI has already announced X800 based boards to counter the nVidia 6600 insurgency. I intend to wait for both ATIs and nVidia's $200 offerings to hit the shelf before I buy something new.

Pick up something from best buy and return it when the better stuff hits the shelf.
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