Basically, if you're an arrogant dick who feels his/her contributions to "art" in any form give them the ability to null other people's opinions and then is respectively debated on the matter, in an intelligent manner no less (a rarity on this damn forum), only to go running away, you get served.
Actually nix all that. I may have come across as arrogant or forceful, but unless all I have been taught and learned is bullshit, I stand by my point 100%. If my being in the industry makes me seem that way, then so be it, but I speak from real world experience. As I've clearly stated previously, I'm MORE than happy to be proven wrong, and concede so, by someone more knowledgable who can do so with some legal weight, rather than with the personal and nostalgic bitterness of a fan. When that happens feel free to hit the caps lock button and type witty comments until you turn blue.
As for you getting personal with me... well, who's arrogant, eh? Don't mix issues and presume to know about me and what I do.