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Video shows off-duty Lansing police officer pinning down teen, threatening his life


Full story.
LANSING, Ill. -- A video has surfaced on social media that shows a white suburban police officer pinning down an African American teen and threatening his life all for trespassing.

It all started Saturday afternoon when a couple teenage boys got into a fight with another group of boys. They were able to get away only to find themselves in a totally different and unexpected fight.

"You guys are on my f---ing property!" an off-duty Lansing police officer says in the video while pinning 15-year-old Jordan Brunson to the ground with his knee, his hand on the boy's neck.

"Let me go!" Jordan says.

"No, you are on my f---ing property. I could f---ing kill you," the officer says.

Moments earlier, Jordan says he was trying to help his friend who was sitting on the officer's porch. He had been beaten up pretty bad in a fight earlier Saturday afternoon. WGN talked to Jordan at his home Monday night.

"I was examining him. I was going to go tell his grandmother," Jordan said. He then says the officer came out of nowhere and grabbed them both.

WGN reporter Erik Runge: "You never heard the officer ask what you doing there?

Jordan: "No."

Runge: "Did you ever heard the officer say get off of my property.

Jordan: "No."

Runge: "Did he ever identify himself as a cop?

Jordan: "No."
Police department statement:


What the ever loving fuck.

If someone comes into my yard scared and bleeding, I'll I dunno, like, help them? But I'm a nice little snowflake.


I can't wait to see how hard they try to put the put the teen in a bad light for whatever happened before the video, and for what could very well have been a small mistake, certainly not a mistake grave enough to be pinned to the floor by a cop who seems all too eager to kill you.


That joke of a press release pretty much says everything we need to know. They're going to do nothing. They're already painting a narrative different than the video, making it sound as though the off duty officer was the aggrieved party because he was "approached" by "suspects involved in the fight". Then they use the blanket phrase "detained ... until on duty officers arrived". Because, you know, pinning down a kid with a choke hold and threatening to kill him is just "detaining" him.

Their investigation will be a sham, they'll find the officer did nothing wrong and let the power tripping ego maniac back on the streets with his gun and license to kill, I mean badge.
Thought this was Lansing, MI at first and was wondering if I'd be able to recognize the trash officer. But it was Lansing, IL. I'd say I hope the garbage cop gets fired but ... yeah, not hopeful.


It's a telling that a cops first reaction isn't to ask what's going on when there's kids in his yard, but rather fly off the handle, rough one of the kids up, and threaten their life.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
Edit: I posted something that came off not how I liked it. So I sent it to the trash where it belongs. Apologies.


It's a telling that a cops first reaction isn't to ask what's going on when there's kids in his yard, but rather fly off the handle, rough one of the kids up, and threaten their life.
It's founded on violence as a solution.

"To protect and fucking kill you"


It's a telling that a cops first reaction isn't to ask what's going on when there's kids in his yard, but rather fly off the handle, rough one of the kids up, and threaten their life.

obviously fearing for his life because the teen is black.


Some people are absolutely nuts about people being anywhere near their property. They probably should live far away from others.

A friend of mine was living in a suburb with a roommate. They were jogging through the neighborhood and a guy had a bunch of lawn and garden supplies blocking a large part of the sidewalk. Instead of running out into traffic they went a few feet up into the guy's lawn. Those 3 seconds of perceived intrusion sent him into a rage. He started screaming at them and released his dog which chased them for another block. Neither of them are white which is maybe not a coincidence with this story.


Homeland Security Fail
Fucking thugs with badges. Piece of shit tough man threatening to murder a teenager.

And fuck his piece of shit wife too.

"You came to the wrong house, blackie."


Wait, I'm confused. Was he helping one of the injured teens that was on his porch and when that teen's friends came to check on him, he want into redzone on them? That's what the news story sounds like it saying.


Wait, I'm confused. Was he helping one of the injured teens that was on his porch and when that teen's friends came to check on him, he want into redzone on them? That's what the news story sounds like it saying.

The kid who is being pinned down is the one that was checking his injured friend on the cops porch.


Homeland Security Fail
Wait, I'm confused. Was he helping one of the injured teens that was on his porch and when that teen's friends came to check on him, he want into redzone on them? That's what the news story sounds like it saying.

The teen sat on his porch. His friend came to talk/help him. The thug sees them on his porch and flips out.

That's what it sounds like.
Fucking thugs with badges. Piece of shit tough man threatening to murder a teenager.

And fuck his piece of shit wife too.

"You came to the wrong house, blackie."

I truly wonder if there is something primally satisfying for them that they derived from this moment. Like both truly felt alive for the first long while in their insignificant lives by inflicting such violence and more over the prospect that they could probably take the boy's life and face little consequence due to the society they now know they live in. Anyone want to complain about BLM after this? Or an "unfair" perspective and opinion of law enforcement?


Neo Member
Spent the first year of my life living in Lansing, and live about 20 minutes away nowadays. Actually have a cousin in the process of moving out of that town right now.

The town has gotten worse (violence and robbery have skyrocketed there in the last decade), but that's no excuse for a cop to go rogue and start threatening a kid's life.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
That was fucking disgusting to watch.

This officer is probably going to be put on a paid vacation because he survived a 'life threatening event' or some shit.
That was fucking disgusting to watch.

This officer is probably going to be put on a paid vacation because he survived a 'life threatening event' or some shit.

He's gonna be a folk hero among his racist buddies in and out of the force and among bigoted NRA worshippers in that community for certain
Kids alive, thats all I care about at this point. I already know justice & accountability doesn't exist.

Feel the same. I do hope that couple, even sans legal consequences, gets a chance to feel the same terror and violence they so eagerly handed out to Jordan.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
so.....you can pin someone down because they were on your property.....shit wheres my neighbor....


What makes it worse is the woman sounds like a member of the Texas chainsaw massacre family. "You came to the wrong house" lol shut up bish.


If that cop is using the Castle Doctrine as a base for being able to kill them for being on his property then he is not only a scumbag, but a moron as well. At no point do I see this cops life being placed in danger.

Hope everything happens to him, but know nothing will.
All of it?

If the institution would like to change, it's free to. It's free to do better and expect more of the profession. Instead, incidents like these are continually labeled as one off instances of a bad apple rather than a pattern that spoils bunch after bunch. "Good cops" keep their mouths shut or report to superiors who keep their own mouths shut and advise the underling to do the same. Research into incidents like this go ignored rather than diligently reported to create the illusion of an institution with zero problems. In all, law enforcement is seen as oppressive because when it oppresses, it goes unaddressed. No one talks about it, it's rushed to sweep under the rug, and it's bolstered by a mainstream citizenry that is eager to paint it as flawless and buries its collective head in the sand at the mention that it might not be.


Damn, a cop should absolutely know better. I wouldn't put it past a citizen to be that jumpy about someone they don't know being on their property, but not a cop.
Damn, a cop should absolutely know better. I wouldn't put it past a citizen to be that jumpy about someone they don't know being on their property, but not a cop.

They do know better but guys like this throw their weight and power around because they know that the exception is punishment for your actions and the rule is if you wear the badge, you're allowed to act as you want


Homeland Security Fail
A well earned vacation for the hero.

“At my direction, the officer involved in the incident has been placed on immediate administrative leave,” Mayor Patricia Eidam said in a statement issued after the meeting.

She has also ordered that “the investigation be turned over to an outside governmental agency” to “ensure the investigation remains independent and avoids any appearance of impropriety,” Eidam said.

Police had been called about 3:45 p.m. to reports of a fight involving a number of juveniles at 192nd and Oakwood. After the brawl, a white teen had come into the off-duty officer’s yard bleeding from the face, police said.

The boy said he “was involved in a fight in which he was beaten up by several male black juveniles,” according to police.

Another teen, a 15-year-old black boy, then came into the yard, police said. The boy’s family said he was there trying to help his friend, who had been injured.

Both boys “attempted to leave” but the officer told them to wait for police. When they refused, the officer “physically detained” the black boy, police said, while the other filmed the incident with his cellphone.
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