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Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Stage Pics!

Here are some that were never posted:













Still holding up really well graphically.


Solidsnakex, can you replace the pics you posted with the pics of the stages in the link I posted, please?














They're the same but it looks like you'll be able to fight on them at different times of the day. Jackie and Vanessa's stages were previously only stages that were fought on at night.


I'm hoping Goh geets a good beef up like Jeffry did in Evo. I really liked his character, but his moveset needed some work.

*is excited*


I hope that we can fight at different times of the day; this would give the stages a whole new atmosphere an look while fighting.

I really hope Sega/Sammy decides to bring this game over to the U.S.

Does anyone know if Final Tuned will have any new characters in the game, or is this just a possibility for VF5?


Kudie said:
Especially with Xbox Live support. But that will probably not happen.

I'll take a PSP port of VF4FT over a xbox port any day. A PSP port makes the most sense.
Uh, no it doesn't.

Yah it does. They'll basically have the fighting market all to themself on the PSP since right now the only other fighter scheduled for it is Darkstalkers which won't pose any competition for a VF. With the Xbox it'd have to compete with DoA which will have online and put it over VF. There's already been 2 versions of it on the PS2, so the PSP is the obvious choice for it.


SolidSnakex said:
Yah it does. They'll basically have the fighting market all to themself on the PSP since right now the only other fighter scheduled for it is Darkstalkers which won't pose any competition for a VF. With the Xbox it'd have to compete with DoA which will have online and put it over VF. There's already been 2 versions of it on the PS2, so the PSP is the obvious choice for it.

No it doesn't. It'd be bad from a home gaming standpoint since competition gameplay would be much tougher to achieve, the PSP's userbase is not for certain, and its take on Naomi 2 ports is not certain.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I would also like to see it on XBOX...

The box would be able to duplicate the visuals almost perfectly. You'd get 480p, full textures, geometry, and effects without a problem. The biggest problems with the PS2 version were reduced textures and lower resolution.


Unconfirmed Member
Kudie said:
Does anyone know if Final Tuned will have any new characters in the game, or is this just a possibility for VF5?
Considering Final Tuned is out already, I don't think there are any new characters.
No it doesn't. It'd be bad from a home gaming standpoint since competition gameplay would be much tougher to achieve, the PSP's userbase is not for certain, and its take on Naomi 2 ports is not certain.

What would it mess up with home gaming? There's alread been 2 versions of the game on home systems. By putting it on consoles it'd give it a completely new market, plus some of its old for the people who want to be able to take VF4 with them. It makes more sense than any other system at this moment just because of that.


SolidSnakex said:
What would it mess up with home gaming? There's alread been 2 versions of the game on home systems. By putting it on consoles it'd give it a completely new market, plus some of its old for the people who want to be able to take VF4 with them. It makes more sense than any other system at this moment just because of that.

No it doesn't, again. Competition in the home market would be disrupted due to the need of another expensive PSP and game. If anything making it online for Xbox Live and PS2 and such would give it a new market with less risks; plus the VF fanbase is on PS2, not PSP.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
No it doesn't, again. Competition in the home market would be disrupted due to the need of another expensive PSP and game. If anything making it online for Xbox Live and PS2 and such would give it a new market with less risks; plus the VF fanbase is on PS2, not PSP.

PSP would basically be a different market for it, though. Seriously players sure as hell wouldn't be playing on PSP. However, it would still be fun on the go!
"Competition in the home market would be disrupted due to the need of another expensive PSP and game"

So you're saying the PSP shouldn't get any big name games because it'd have to force people to go out and buy a PSP to play them?

"If anything making it online for Xbox Live and PS2 and such would give it a new market with less risks;"

It'd still basically be selling to the same market even if they did that. You might get some new ones, but putting it on the PSP would get more people interested in it than doing an online version on consoles. Neither would end up selling more than the original VF4, but a PSP version could outsell Evo fairly easily in all markets.


SolidSnakex said:
[1]So you're saying the PSP shouldn't get any big name games because it'd have to force people to go out and buy a PSP to play them?

[2]It'd still basically be selling to the same market even if they did that. You might get some new ones, but putting it on the PSP would get more people interested in it than doing an online version on consoles. Neither would end up selling more than the original VF4, but a PSP version could outsell Evo fairly easily in all markets.

[1]No, I'm saying that the PSP shouldn't be a dominant choice for a game this big.

[2]At least there's a market to sell it to. What if PSP bombs (and don't ignore the considerable) chances, then your theory goes out the window. If PSP succeeds, VF4FT still wouldn't do that good because of the small userbase and difficult competition gaming as noted above.

It just doesn't make sense.


dark10x said:
PSP would basically be a different market for it, though. Seriously players sure as hell wouldn't be playing on PSP. However, it would still be fun on the go!

Right, there's no denying that. But PSP shouldn't be an "obvious choice" here...
"[1]No, I'm saying that the PSP shouldn't be a dominant choice for a game this big."

Final Tuned isn't even that big, atleast in terms of consumer buying (it'll be the biggest arcade). This is mainly due to it being the 3rd home release of the game. If this was the first time VF4 had ever been released on a home system I could see your point, with this being it's 3rd release, I don't really get it.

"[2]At least there's a market to sell it to. What if PSP bombs (and don't ignore the considerable) chances, then your theory goes out the window. If PSP succeeds, VF4FT still wouldn't do that good because of the small userbase and difficult competition gaming as noted above."

What if it's a success? It's not like Sega would be expecting huge sales from it anyway. Evo has sold at most 300k worldwide (probably under that). If they released it on a console they couldn't be expecting anymore than 200k for it. I don't see the PSP having any problem putting up 200k worldwide even if the entire system were to bomb. Releasing it to a completely new market is the smart thing to do with the 3rd different version of a game. You're just going to get less and less sales if you continue trying to sell it to the same market.


SolidSnakex said:
[1]Final Tuned isn't even that big, atleast in terms of consumer buying (it'll be the biggest arcade). This is mainly due to it being the 3rd home release of the game. If this was the first time VF4 had ever been released on a home system I could see your point, with this being it's 3rd release, I don't really get it.

[2]What if it's a success? It's not like Sega would be expecting huge sales from it anyway. Evo has sold at most 300k worldwide (probably under that). If they released it on a console they couldn't be expecting anymore than 200k for it. I don't see the PSP having any problem putting up 200k worldwide even if the entire system were to bomb.

So, basically, you're summarizing: "it'll bomb anyway, so let it bomb while alienating the main PS2 fanbase and make it hard for competiton so it bombs worse than it can."

I guess then you'd be right then.
No i'm saying it's almost surely going to underperform on a console because it's being sold to the same market. If they were to release it on the PSP that'd atleast give it a chance to work into a new market while still pulling some of their old market with them. I'd say the good outweighs the bad in this case. Sure there's a chance that it won't do well on the PSP, there's also a much better case it's not going to do well on consoles.


SolidSnakex said:
No i'm saying it's almost surely going to underperform on a console because it's being sold to the same market. If they were to release it on the PSP that'd atleast give it a chance to work into a new market while still pulling some of their old market with them. I'd say the good outweighs the bad in this case. Sure there's a chance that it won't do well on the PSP, there's also a much better case it's not going to do well on consoles.

It might as well underperform where it has the biggest chances of success - trying best to combat underperformance is better than experimenting.
Evo dropped off VF4's sales by close to 1 million units, despite the $20 sales tag. They've sold all they can to this market. That's my point, the market there is gone till VF5, what's the point in trying to force it?


SolidSnakex said:
Evo dropped off VF4's sales by close to 1 million units, despite the $20 sales tag. They've sold all they can to this market. That's my point, the market there is gone till VF5, what's the point in trying to force it?

Xbox Live? Although in Japan you'd have a point. PS2 and Xbox would make a lot of sense.


VF4 Final Tuned on PSP? Boy, that one's a bit out of left-field.

On top of all the reasons CVX gave, how's about another one: the game's graphics would have to be dropped down a few notches to run on PSP.

Painful to read.

" the game's graphics would have to be dropped down a few notches to run on PSP."

It had to be on the PS2 also and most didn't mind that. If GT4 can run on the PSP perfectly, I don't see why we couldn't get a PS2 level VF4 port out of FT.


SolidSnakex said:
" the game's graphics would have to be dropped down a few notches to run on PSP."

It had to be on the PS2 also and most didn't mind that. If GT4 can run on the PSP perfectly, I don't see why we couldn't get a PS2 level VF4 port out of FT.

I bet ya a dollar GT4 won't run on the PSP perfectly.



force push the doodoo rock
Yeah FT on psp would be shit.

no one in japan would buy it. why play vf on the go? there are machines EVERYWHERE. AM2 isnt gonna make it for psp or xbox because theres no market for it in japon. If they even release this version at home itl be on ps2 and thats it.


Unconfirmed Member
sp0rsk said:
Yeah FT on psp would be shit.

no one in japan would buy it. why play vf on the go? there are machines EVERYWHERE. AM2 isnt gonna make it for psp or xbox because theres no market for it in japon. If they even release this version at home itl be on ps2 and thats it.
This answer is correct. Pointless debate over.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
sp0rsk said:
Yeah FT on psp would be shit.

no one in japan would buy it. why play vf on the go? there are machines EVERYWHERE. AM2 isnt gonna make it for psp or xbox because theres no market for it in japon. If they even release this version at home itl be on ps2 and thats it.

Yeah, that's pretty much that. Wishful thinking is nice, but there is absolutely NO REASON for it to be on any other platform besides PS2.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Your not going to see an online Virtua Fighter game at home for a long time to come, any VF player knows that even the smallest amount of slowdown could ruin the game. Lots of the more complicated moves in VF are timed down to the frame, slowdown would ruin that. Thats just how I see it though...


Grizzlyjin said:
Your not going to see an online Virtua Fighter game at home for a long time to come, any VF player knows that even the smallest amount of slowdown could ruin the game. Lots of the more complicated moves in VF are timed down to the frame, slowdown would ruin that. Thats just how I see it though...

I remember reading comments from people that Suzuki said that they did some test to see if they could get VF4 to work online and the results were unsatisfactory with current connections. It'll be interesting to see how DOA:U fares.


force push the doodoo rock
ge-man said:
I remember reading comments from people that Suzuki said that they did some test to see if they could get VF4 to work online and the results were unsatisfactory with current connections. It'll be interesting to see how DOA:U fares.

who cares about how doa:u fares? no precision is needed in doa. its totally different.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ge-man said:
I remember reading comments from people that Suzuki said that they did some test to see if they could get VF4 to work online and the results were unsatisfactory with current connections. It'll be interesting to see how DOA:U fares.

I'm very skeptical about all of the 3D fighters, from Dead or Alive: Ultimate to Mortal Kombat: Deception. If they can pull it off, I will be very surprised. But I still wouldn't see it happening with Virtua Fighter.

Personally I think the Kumite and Quest Modes are so good in VF4 and VF4: Evo, that I don't really care about online. They've already been able to simulate the playing styles of some of the best people you could possibly run across online.


Grizzlyjin said:
I'm very skeptical about all of the 3D fighters, from Dead or Alive: Ultimate to Mortal Kombat: Deception. If they can pull it off, I will be very surprised. But I still wouldn't see it happening with Virtua Fighter.

Personally I think the Kumite and Quest Modes are so good in VF4 and VF4: Evo, that I don't really care about online. They've already been able to simulate the playing styles of some of the best people you could possibly run across online.

I definately agree with that. I wish Soul Calibur 2 had a quest mode as deep and satisfying as VF4.
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