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Virtua Fighter Quest delayed to 2005?


Is anybody even looking forward to this game? I remember I saw some screens of it awhile back and it just looked retarded. From what I gathered, you were some little kid that trained with the VF characters?

Unless they overhauled this game and I didn't know about it?
Is anybody even looking forward to this game?

I am, I wasn't expecting Shenmue with VF characters so i'm fine. But there are Shenmue areas in the game if that makes any of those people happy. :p The game looks like alot of fun even though there's been very mixed impressions of it, some love it others hate.


Hmmm...I just checked out the E3 preview over at IGN. It seems to sound a little better than what I remembered it as. They said there were controls like Resident Evil and problimatic camera angels. Hopefully the delays are going to improve these issues.

It actually looks like it could be a decent game.

I also noticed that Altered Beast and SPIKEOUT are being made...sweet.
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