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Toxic Gamer Amelia is the best thing in HololiveEN for me. Though I cringe with everyone pointing out her hiccups now and then.

I think the advantage with vtubers is that it's much easier to have a persona, which makes for distinct and noticeable traits in the streamer. Then the streamer adds their own personality, skills and quirks to the persona, making for a really interesting watch and with distinct personalities that go off each other.
Generally your average streamer don't go to that extra distance and often lack these overall clear personality trait that the audience can recognize. With the anime avatars it can often even work greatly with contrast, which is a thing that makes things refreshing as well. These character archetypes they follow, with the additional human aspects that at the same time subvert the archetypes, makes for a very distinct style.
Like who can't laugh at dragon Coco going "muthafuckers and their shitty japanese" lambasting the english viewers for "sorrymasen", "eatadakimasu" and other bastardizations of japanese+english, all in good fun. A lot of successful big streamers use archetypes to their personas, because the audience generally like them, bringing interesting conflicts or funny situations.
If I'd have any criticism it would be that the audience can become a bit too white knight-y, often not understanding what's part of the persona or just overreacting. Which is not good either, as it just creates a toxic environment the other way around.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Amazon, YouTube and other “social” platforms keep monetizing loneliness in innovative ways.

My brother is into some of this bullshit. I try to get him out of his room to live a little, I let him drive my car, suggest he takes out the drone, pay for whatever he needs, but nope, he’d rather watch YouTube for hours on his free time.

I have also wasted a lot of my youth unnecessarily in front of screens, so I can’t judge, but the time he spends watching this shit doesn’t seem healthy.
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Toxic Gamer Amelia is the best thing in HololiveEN for me. Though I cringe with everyone pointing out her hiccups now and then.

I think the advantage with vtubers is that it's much easier to have a persona, which makes for distinct and noticeable traits in the streamer. Then the streamer adds their own personality, skills and quirks to the persona, making for a really interesting watch and with distinct personalities that go off each other.
Generally your average streamer don't go to that extra distance and often lack these overall clear personality trait that the audience can recognize. With the anime avatars it can often even work greatly with contrast, which is a thing that makes things refreshing as well. These character archetypes they follow, with the additional human aspects that at the same time subvert the archetypes, makes for a very distinct style.
Like who can't laugh at dragon Coco going "muthafuckers and their shitty japanese" lambasting the english viewers for "sorrymasen", "eatadakimasu" and other bastardizations of japanese+english, all in good fun. A lot of successful big streamers use archetypes to their personas, because the audience generally like them, bringing interesting conflicts or funny situations.
If I'd have any criticism it would be that the audience can become a bit too white knight-y, often not understanding what's part of the persona or just overreacting. Which is not good either, as it just creates a toxic environment the other way around.

yeah I like the personas much more than I wanted to. I think if someone like Etika had a vtuber puppet to hide behind he might still be alive today

i don't see this as any different than many talking head gamer streamers out there on youtube but they are using a tech from Japan and Hololive was smart to launch an english version. But very idol type management structure working the talents here.

For those people talking shit about the fans who follow vtubers is it really more or less lame than being a Ninja or Doctor Disrespect fan? I don't really think so.

I do think her toxic gamer trait and rage is very different from the others in EN but also a huge shift in her normal nature
I guess knowing who is voicing these digital puppets would ruin the illusion for the lonely dudes who follow them

but some of the voices sound so familiar

I am pretty sure I heard Mori Calli's voice somewhere before

Some of them might be previous streamers or people who've had experience in voice acting. I believe someone on reddit recognized either Gura or Mori, can't remember which one exactly, though I think it was Gura. I think she was a streamer.

I think they've found a good group of actors, as well as having good artists behind the designs. Each character have distinct personalities and each of the actors add a lot of other aspects, including parts of themselves, which are not part of the trope/archetype. Mori is a tomboy-ish at times tsundere reaper who's into rap. I wish the whole superchat war thing didn't take over her stream, because I've definitely not tuned in to her a lot due to gaming taking the backseat a while. Kiara I found a bit annoying at first, but I think she's grown on me and she's one of the people using a lot of japanese, making for a nice way of practicing my understanding of japanese. Playing SM64 is an easy way to get my attention anyways. Gura was just adorable and wholesome, which stands out in regards to a lot of what you see on Twitch, and luckily outside of the meme "she's legal", what little I've seen of her chat, it's been surprisingly wholesome as well. Being an accomplished rhythm game player also adds more to her, and adds more to her than just the playing dumb part of the persona. Ina and her drawing is also very interesting, as it allows for another group of people who are interested in art to participate as well.
Groups like these could work without digital avatars as well, but I think keeping a distance is easier, especially between your private life and your work life. More so it puts a lot of stress off the streamer and makes how you look like irl irrelevant.
I think the most important part has been the actors, as you can't just put any person behind a digital avatar and it'll work. A lot of practice, good management, talent and the whole group set up in a similar to idols/boybands make it work out. The avatars make for a lot of ridiculous moments due to the simple rigging of the 2d models as well.
The way they handle collabs have been great as well and good collabs are really interesting to watch. Surgeon Simulator 2 with Ina, Gura and Amelia was hilarious and only matched by some of the Among Us streams.

I don't think a lot of people would have it ruined knowing who they are, just that it would make it harder, that's all. Most people know they're not what their avatar looks like and that they are partially playing a persona. Interesting is that the actors themselves bring a lot to the personas, as shown by a lot of actors on the JP side having developed their character a bit differently from how they started.
Heck, I don't know how many lonely dudes actually follow them. I'm married with children, and I watch a few of the archived streams with my daughter, who thankfully doesn't understand english as they can talk about not child-friendly stuff at times.

yeah I like the personas much more than I wanted to.

Personas generally work because humans are often more boring, more complicated and/or more annoying than we often want. If you're being yourself it can often end up being really hard for an audience to follow and keep a sort of excitement. A lot of streamers have been successful with a persona, as a persona usually finds a segment of a population it appeals to easily. Like Asmongold for example, who's done very well because of his persona and his ability to engage his audience. That's pretty much what the vtubers do as well, though they often are more obvious and less aggressive in that respect.
The fantastical aspect also ads to something a normal person couldn't do. People love being able to have a lore and a sense of a shared fantastical world. I think that also works to vtubers advantage, with a lot of them working off of concepts.

Also, R.I.P Etika. Getting that distance from yourself and streaming might be good for your mental health. I don't know if it would've helped him and I'm unsure to what degree he had a persona on stream, as that's always hard to know for sure. I think the vtuber avenue is mostly for people seeking getting into streaming without getting too much attention at themselves. Or for those who've not done as well streaming and transitioning to a gimmick or a fictional persona in order to become more interesting. Etika certainly did well in terms of streaming and was interesting as he was, so I don't know if he'd ever would've gone the digital avatar route.
An interesting thing would be to see someone people know try as a vtuber and whether that transition can happen or if the vtuber only works due to you not knowing the actual person, and that transitioning over to a partial persona is very hard then.
Some of them might be previous streamers or people who've had experience in voice acting. I believe someone on reddit recognized either Gura or Mori, can't remember which one exactly, though I think it was Gura. I think she was a streamer.

I think they've found a good group of actors, as well as having good artists behind the designs. Each character have distinct personalities and each of the actors add a lot of other aspects, including parts of themselves, which are not part of the trope/archetype. Mori is a tomboy-ish at times tsundere reaper who's into rap. I wish the whole superchat war thing didn't take over her stream, because I've definitely not tuned in to her a lot due to gaming taking the backseat a while. Kiara I found a bit annoying at first, but I think she's grown on me and she's one of the people using a lot of japanese, making for a nice way of practicing my understanding of japanese. Playing SM64 is an easy way to get my attention anyways. Gura was just adorable and wholesome, which stands out in regards to a lot of what you see on Twitch, and luckily outside of the meme "she's legal", what little I've seen of her chat, it's been surprisingly wholesome as well. Being an accomplished rhythm game player also adds more to her, and adds more to her than just the playing dumb part of the persona. Ina and her drawing is also very interesting, as it allows for another group of people who are interested in art to participate as well.
Groups like these could work without digital avatars as well, but I think keeping a distance is easier, especially between your private life and your work life. More so it puts a lot of stress off the streamer and makes how you look like irl irrelevant.
I think the most important part has been the actors, as you can't just put any person behind a digital avatar and it'll work. A lot of practice, good management, talent and the whole group set up in a similar to idols/boybands make it work out. The avatars make for a lot of ridiculous moments due to the simple rigging of the 2d models as well.
The way they handle collabs have been great as well and good collabs are really interesting to watch. Surgeon Simulator 2 with Ina, Gura and Amelia was hilarious and only matched by some of the Among Us streams.

I don't think a lot of people would have it ruined knowing who they are, just that it would make it harder, that's all. Most people know they're not what their avatar looks like and that they are partially playing a persona. Interesting is that the actors themselves bring a lot to the personas, as shown by a lot of actors on the JP side having developed their character a bit differently from how they started.
Heck, I don't know how many lonely dudes actually follow them. I'm married with children, and I watch a few of the archived streams with my daughter, who thankfully doesn't understand english as they can talk about not child-friendly stuff at times.

Personas generally work because humans are often more boring, more complicated and/or more annoying than we often want. If you're being yourself it can often end up being really hard for an audience to follow and keep a sort of excitement. A lot of streamers have been successful with a persona, as a persona usually finds a segment of a population it appeals to easily. Like Asmongold for example, who's done very well because of his persona and his ability to engage his audience. That's pretty much what the vtubers do as well, though they often are more obvious and less aggressive in that respect.
The fantastical aspect also ads to something a normal person couldn't do. People love being able to have a lore and a sense of a shared fantastical world. I think that also works to vtubers advantage, with a lot of them working off of concepts.

Also, R.I.P Etika. Getting that distance from yourself and streaming might be good for your mental health. I don't know if it would've helped him and I'm unsure to what degree he had a persona on stream, as that's always hard to know for sure. I think the vtuber avenue is mostly for people seeking getting into streaming without getting too much attention at themselves. Or for those who've not done as well streaming and transitioning to a gimmick or a fictional persona in order to become more interesting. Etika certainly did well in terms of streaming and was interesting as he was, so I don't know if he'd ever would've gone the digital avatar route.
An interesting thing would be to see someone people know try as a vtuber and whether that transition can happen or if the vtuber only works due to you not knowing the actual person, and that transitioning over to a partial persona is very hard then.

I find the business behind this very interesting. I was reading up on Hololive and found that they did retire one vtuber because she owed some money to a guy and after she would not talk to him anymore he exposed who she was IRL and Hololive had to fire her.

They had one vtuber reach $1 million dollars from SuperChats so I guess exposing a talent is a serious issue for management.

I really think I heard Mori before something keeps telling me she was Xenoblade 2 or just a similar voice very close to Mythra but that would not make sense these Vtubers have a heavy steaming schedule to keep so I doubt any VA would get into this job because you would not have time for any other gig.
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So I caught a bit of these Eng hololive vtubers and Gura is the only that seems to have any real appeal. She's committed to the bit without it coming off as overly staged like the rest and she actually seems pretty talented. I can't imagine sitting through a whole stream but in short clip form she kind of works.
I have a question: Who is Yagoo?

I take it he is the pimp... I mean boss

So I caught a bit of these Eng hololive vtubers and Gura is the only that seems to have any real appeal. She's committed to the bit without it coming off as overly staged like the rest and she actually seems pretty talented. I can't imagine sitting through a whole stream but in short clip form she kind of works.

this is why I mostly follow 10 minute clips of the streams

Gura landed on a great concept and it really works for her and it catches people faster than the other vtubers on Hololive EN
but as a crew I think they all work well together. I don't see the others as stage as they seem less commited than Shark girl

What the other vtubers are into is harder to spot and requires more watch time than Gura, Gura is a meme machine. She is by far my favorite.
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Gold Member

I have a question: Who is Yagoo?

I take it he is the pimp... I mean boss

He is the Boss of Hololive. His Idea was that Hololive would be an Idol Group like AKB48.

That's why they also have Music Videos and even had a concert

But these girls are always very non-idol like and that's why everyone always makes fun of Yagoo :D

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Even Xbox is shrimping.

VOMS (Pikamee, the blonde onion, also speaks fluent English)

Tomoshika is referencing Jojo without knowing what they're saying.

I've been in the vtuber hole for almost 3 years now and the only thing I've grown to hate is the community. This started with Hololive becoming more popular in the western community... for some fucking reason they've started to treat the vtubers like holy grails. They've turned into some sort of rabid Kpop fanbase immediately attacking anyone who does something that is "against the rules", rules that never applied before. This is especially bad in the English Hololive community.

It's incredibly annoying and took a lot of my enjoyment out of it. The gatekeeping is also super embarrassing... talking about the people behind the avatars has become something completely forbidden.
This is especially weird when it's stuff that is well known, like Shirogane Noel has two more channels. One YouTube channel with SFW ASMR and an eroi Niconico channel. Who wouldn't want to watch Matsuri's IRL Apex streams?

Anyway, highlight clips is where it's at. Nobody has time to follow more than one vtuber anyway, especially not when they start doing marathon streams like Korone's 12 hour Doom stream.
Even Xbox is shrimping.

VOMS (Pikamee, the blonde onion, also speaks fluent English)

Tomoshika is referencing Jojo without knowing what they're saying.

I've been in the vtuber hole for almost 3 years now and the only thing I've grown to hate is the community. This started with Hololive becoming more popular in the western community... for some fucking reason they've started to treat the vtubers like holy grails. They've turned into some sort of rabid Kpop fanbase immediately attacking anyone who does something that is "against the rules", rules that never applied before. This is especially bad in the English Hololive community.

It's incredibly annoying and took a lot of my enjoyment out of it. The gatekeeping is also super embarrassing... talking about the people behind the avatars has become something completely forbidden.
This is especially weird when it's stuff that is well known, like Shirogane Noel has two more channels. One YouTube channel with SFW ASMR and an eroi Niconico channel. Who wouldn't want to watch Matsuri's IRL Apex streams?

Anyway, highlight clips is where it's at. Nobody has time to follow more than one vtuber anyway, especially not when they start doing marathon streams like Korone's 12 hour Doom stream.

Xbox is going to become a membershrimp

I watch Pikamee sometimes, her english is not bad at all. Just her design art style is so far removed from any Hololive vtuber design. Is she an alien?

I have not invested 3 years of watch, I've seen Pikamee before long while ago and others but never really clicked what that shit was until this thread.
But I am not engaging the community at all I just go to youtube and watch. I have not left a SuperChat yet but if I ever donate to a vtuber it would be to the members of Hololive EN

I don't really think you can stop anything from becoming a fad or jumping the SHAAARK!

Dr. Claus

Even Xbox is shrimping.

VOMS (Pikamee, the blonde onion, also speaks fluent English)

Tomoshika is referencing Jojo without knowing what they're saying.

I've been in the vtuber hole for almost 3 years now and the only thing I've grown to hate is the community. This started with Hololive becoming more popular in the western community... for some fucking reason they've started to treat the vtubers like holy grails. They've turned into some sort of rabid Kpop fanbase immediately attacking anyone who does something that is "against the rules", rules that never applied before. This is especially bad in the English Hololive community.

It's incredibly annoying and took a lot of my enjoyment out of it. The gatekeeping is also super embarrassing... talking about the people behind the avatars has become something completely forbidden.
This is especially weird when it's stuff that is well known, like Shirogane Noel has two more channels. One YouTube channel with SFW ASMR and an eroi Niconico channel. Who wouldn't want to watch Matsuri's IRL Apex streams?

Anyway, highlight clips is where it's at. Nobody has time to follow more than one vtuber anyway, especially not when they start doing marathon streams like Korone's 12 hour Doom stream.

As with most things, avoid going to any dedicated fangroup/discord/site/chat. They are almost always full of dumbasses who take things waaaay to seriously. Just enjoy the show.

OT: I find that these Vtubers are a lot more interesting than the dime a dozen titstreamers or Ninja-types. They are clearly actors, but they can play a role well enough to give me a laugh or ten during a stream and I get a very good idea of what kind of character they are from a brief clip. Good background noise too.

Also the character designs are pretty damn cool. I like Amano Pikamee and Gawr Gura especially.

LMAO so sensitive

Yeah, pretty ridiculous, but China's gonna China as long as we let them. Worst thing is the chinese nationalists getting involved in it, trying to force the firing of Coco.
There's a good reason why China is a bigger threat than Russia nowadays. Russia mostly focuses on its own geopolitical sphere, taking any threats there seriously (with one big exception, their adventure in Syria, which is disconcerning, but we'll have to see how meddling in ME is gonna end up for them), stepping on the sovereignity of those nations within it.
China however wants to take that step to be all encompassing, and unlike Russia, they have the economic means to actually influence things far beyond their border. Their large population and growing middle class makes them even further interesting for international companies who want to expand. For Hololive China definitely has a lot of potential in terms of money (especially with the large amount of single males) as well as having marketed themselves with HololiveCN. So I see why they'd have to suspend them for three weeks. However, it's the constant attempt by chinese nationalists to influence everything outside of China and force harsher punishments for Coco that's the biggest thing regarding this for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, pretty ridiculous, but China's gonna China as long as we let them. Worst thing is the chinese nationalists getting involved in it, trying to force the firing of Coco.
There's a good reason why China is a bigger threat than Russia nowadays. Russia mostly focuses on its own geopolitical sphere, taking any threats there seriously (with one big exception, their adventure in Syria, which is disconcerning, but we'll have to see how meddling in ME is gonna end up for them), stepping on the sovereignity of those nations within it.
China however wants to take that step to be all encompassing, and unlike Russia, they have the economic means to actually influence things far beyond their border. Their large population and growing middle class makes them even further interesting for international companies who want to expand. For Hololive China definitely has a lot of potential in terms of money (especially with the large amount of single males) as well as having marketed themselves with HololiveCN. So I see why they'd have to suspend them for three weeks. However, it's the constant attempt by chinese nationalists to influence everything outside of China and force harsher punishments for Coco that's the biggest thing regarding this for me.
Eh, the fact people are taking this seriously is what is funny and yeah it literally shows how easily offended people can be. But then again even in the states we have similar shit.


The only reason I know about Vtubers is because I'm subscribed to a meme lord who befriended a vtuber/vcamgirl.

Haven't watched one myself, though I probably wouldn't be opposed to giving it a shot. I like watching people play a character so it seems interesting.


Unconfirmed Member
The only reason I know about Vtubers is because I'm subscribed to a meme lord who befriended a vtuber/vcamgirl.

Haven't watched one myself, though I probably wouldn't be opposed to giving it a shot. I like watching people play a character so it seems interesting.


Is this projection? We know you watch anime and read manga and that you like japanese games. Who knows, maybe you're an incel as well, as I've heard someone say that's all we gaffers are. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Am I supposed to like every idea that comes out of Japan ?
Did I hurt your feelings with my opinion ? Sorry you are so fragile.
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